CliqueClack TV

Is House addicted to Cuddy or freaked out by Man Milk?

I absolutely love everything there is about the sensitive, flawed ass of a man otherwise known as Gregory House. Davis Shore sure can craft a character.

- Season 6, Episode 19 - "The Choice"

“There’s got to be a better way to call off a wedding … a Tweet, for example.” – House

I could write about how compelling and controversial and sad the case of the week was (or how Freudian the mute groom was). Or, I could spout on about how amazing it is that the writers of House can keep producing such innovative and entertaining material after six seasons. But in this post, I choose to write about how awesome the character of Gregory House is.

We’ve seen him evolve over the six seasons, but he hasn’t lost himself or changed in any way that’s unauthentic. That’s a major accomplishment that not many TV shows can do (though I’ll posit that Supernatural does it the best). He’s been through therapy, but he’s still an ass (though I think we’re getting to the heart of the ass this season, which I love). He’s seen his share of heartache, but he’s still funny:

  • We rarely get to see House with a patient at the beginning of his hospital stay, and stabbing the groom with the needle and faking the faint was hysterical. And House was right — the groom was a faker of the worst kind … his whole life was one big fraud.
  • “Sodomy — one of the top ten household accidents.” – House
  • “Dr. Liberace’s He-Man Quackery camp”
  • kissmyasthma99
  • House’s patent manipulation — I still contend — is of the selfless kind. I loved seeing him and Taub trading lies, but deep down, he was trying to save Taub’s marriage and he did get Taub to make the right choice, temporarily at least.
  • Any Christopher Walken reference is a good Christopher Walken reference.
  • I need more of House singing karaoke. Now please.
  • The dude put Man Milk in his coffee just to freak out his team … that’s what I’m talking about.

Once an addict, always an addict: I totally thought he was going for the Vicodin at the end of the episode — c’mon, you thought it too — but it looks like waking up the morning after in the neighbor kid’s bed was a little foreshadowing that House’s addictive personality (or is it escapist?) is now glomming on to the booze. I feel a little like the cat that caught the mouse, because I recently wrote that I didn’t think House’s pain was from his love lost with Lydia — it’s Cuddy all the way, and I think tonight’s episode proved that. I love being right:

“I just want us to be friends.” – Cuddy
“Funny. That’s the last thing I want us to be.” – House

Are you completely in love with the complex character of Gregory House, or is it just me?

Photo Credit: Michael Yarish/FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | House | TV Shows |

9 Responses to “Is House addicted to Cuddy or freaked out by Man Milk?”

May 3, 2010 at 10:51 PM

Sadly, I’ve removed house from my TiVo (also removed The Mentalist – can’t take the totally miscast Robin Tunney but that’s another post)

House has gotten repetitive and boring, I know when “huddy” go for the bedroom/desk/elevator/autopsy table the cheers will be deafening but really, enough is enough. The cases are boring, the same stories he does, she won’t, thirtee, fourteen whatever teen.

Hugh Laurie is a great actor, it’s time to let him do House they way they did in the first few seasons.

May 4, 2010 at 12:49 PM

If I let myself go there, I would also completely hate Robin Tunney. I just love the rest of the cast so much that I barely notice how horrible she is! ;-)

May 3, 2010 at 11:14 PM

I agree that we’re finally seeing the heart of the ass. Last season the writers built House’s bad attitude up and up until I was ready to bail on the show because his annoying tendencies were reaching critical mass. But just when I thought it was too much along comes rehab. For me it was a cathartic moment when the layers of his psyche were finally peeled back to reveal the true heart of the character. House is realizing that he can trust and that he can show some fragility, even if it’s just tiny hints, but it is a very natural process and one I’ve found to be immensely entertaining.

I would love to see regular moments of sessions with Andre Braugher’s character. Laurie and Braugher together was always fascinating and having more of that to further explore the frightened mind of Dr. Gregory House would be awesome.

Great article, Debbie and I agree 1000% (yes, that many zeroes) with everything you said! House did, and still does to some degree, repeat the same formula over and over, but this season is really steering a lot of focus in the direction of “diagnosing the doctor” and it’s a wonderful sight to behold.

May 4, 2010 at 12:50 PM

Thanks Lenny! I totally agree about Andre Braugher and the previews for next week have me very excited!

May 3, 2010 at 11:34 PM

I loved this episode, one of the best of the season. It was fun, funny, serious, sick and 13 was actually…… good… in this episode!

“I’m as straight as the rest of you!”
*13 looks around*

May 4, 2010 at 12:51 PM

I agree … I liked 13’s role in this episode, and Florian, I too loved the shaking hand nuance.

May 4, 2010 at 6:02 AM

The last scene between House and Cuddy made me shake. That was intense and heartbreaking.

May 4, 2010 at 12:28 PM

Great post!

I agree, that House is finally shutting down some of his defenses and this benefits an already great character even further.

But in the end it´s the little touches, that make this show awesome. I especially liked the sad little look House gave 13, when he noticed her shaking hand at the lesbian bar – Hugh Laurie is a fantastic actor!

August 16, 2010 at 12:30 AM


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