CliqueClack TV

Lost in Lost – Calling all theories

With 'Lost' on a break this week, I figured it was a good time for a bonus column in order to throw out a theory I've been working on -- and hopefully hear about yours.

Just because Lost is a repeat this week doesn’t mean that we need to skip an opportunity to talk more about the final season. All signs are pointing to the series entering the home stretch next week (though I have felt that way before), so I figured that now was a good time to get all of our theories in before the show comes back next week.

There is one idea that I’ve been tossing around in my head that I thought might be worth sharing. Throughout the final season we have been introduced to the sideways world, presumably an alternate reality that was created when Juliet sacrificed her life and detonated Jughead at the end of last season. In “Happily Ever After” it was confirmed that there is a connection between the sideways universe and the island world. The exact nature of that connection is still a little fuzzy, as are Desmond’s intentions for showing everyone the truth about the timelines.

The second focus of the season has been the background of the smoke monster, who is entrapped on the island. He used to be a man, he’s been on the island for a long time, and he’s pissed. Clearly, these two aspects of the story are going to have to come together before everything is said and done, and I have a theory as to how.

Desmond seems to be bringing the two timelines back together. I think that by enlightening all the passengers of flight 815 about the truth of the two timelines, they are going to merge back together into a single reality. How is this going to tie into Smokey’s story? I think that the smoke monster is going to have to be taken care of once and for all, and in order to destroy him, there would clearly have to be a tremendous event of some sort. I’m theorizing that, if a huge explosion caused the two timelines to diverge, when they come back together it will result in another catastrophic explosion, ending the smoke monster in the process. A blast isn’t going to correct the timelines, instead an explosion will occur because of the correction of the timelines.

It’s not completely thought out, and it certainly doesn’t tie together all the other loose ends on the show, but it’s something. Other questions remain: What happens to all the other characters? If the timelines combine, would the result be a timeline that incorporates aspects of both, or would one win out? Will the island remain after the blast? If so, who will be the new Jacob? And what will s/he be doing if there is no more Smokey? I don’t have all the answers. In fact, the chances are pretty good that I don’t have any of the answers, but it’s still fun to discuss.

So there is my crazy idea, sound off in the comments and let me know what yours is!

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | Columns | General | Lost | TV Shows |

14 Responses to “Lost in Lost – Calling all theories”

April 28, 2010 at 10:55 AM

Bob: Is there evidence that the Man in Black was ever an actual human man? I’m not too sold on the idea that Jacob ever was either. I know he was “killed,” but I think they are both representations of something, rather than actually being something.

April 28, 2010 at 10:57 AM

The only evidence we have is his word, so take that for what it is.

I’m leaning toward believing that they were both men at some point (perhaps even the adam and eve skeletons in the cave — unless we know one of them is female. Do we?)

April 28, 2010 at 1:00 PM

If they were both human at one point and Adam & Eve are their remains, what turned them into the mystical enemies they are today? I don’t know if they have enough time to answer that kind of question at this point even. Are they brothers who were thrown on opposite sides by God and the devil?

I have a feeling they have been in their mystical form forever. MIB is a con man/smoke cloud who tricked and deceived one of the deceased into believing his con. Jacob helped the other. In the end the couple murdered each other. I like this one just because it sets up Sawyer as MIB’s replacement. Nothing against Sawyer, it would just be an interesting twist.

April 28, 2010 at 11:09 AM

I’m not sure… I don’t think so, though. I mean, it’s not like Temperance Brennan was on Oceanic 815.

April 28, 2010 at 1:26 PM

I think Smokey is a kind of a anti holy spirit, spirit (never flesh). Twisted and evil (thanks Obiwan). That’s what makes it dangerous if it gets off the Island. The island seems more of the spiritual realm to me as well.

I wonder how the candidate says yes to becoming a Jacob figure (Guardian etc.) ?

April 30, 2010 at 10:50 AM

I knew it! I knew it! I knew it…

The makers of ‘Lost’ got to clever for themselves…

There apparently is no way the makers of ‘Lost’ are going to be able to explain things…they’re taking a ‘cop out’…

“‘The Sopranos’ ending only worked on ‘The Sopranos,'” LOST co-creator-showrunner Damon Lindelof tells The Hollywood Reporter. “The series finale has to fit the show. We’re trying to end lost in a way that feels ‘Lost’-ian and fair and will generate a tremendous amount of theorizing. We’re going to be as definitive as we can be and say this is our ending, but there’s no way to end the show where the fans aren’t going to say, ‘What did they mean by this?’ Which is why we’re not going to explain it.”


April 30, 2010 at 10:56 AM

I’m withholding judgement until I see the finale, but I’m sure you’re not the only one freaking out about that quote.

April 30, 2010 at 11:00 AM


When all is said and done, I am sure that it’ll be ‘fitting’ but just not provide the black and white closure that people want.

I ultimately feel that it may resemble something like the Battlestar finale that gave closure, but had a heap of open elements for the viewer’s personal interpretation…

I just hope they don’t have too many balls in the air, and got a little too clever for themselves…

April 30, 2010 at 11:03 AM

Seeing as how much I hated the BSG finale, I’m hoping that’s not the case. ;)

That was a case of writers who were admittedly making the story up as they went along and getting themselves into some trouble. I will never forgive them for explaining 2/3 of the cylon mythology through one long and convoluted monologue.

April 30, 2010 at 11:26 AM

I guess I’m a little gun-shy as early on, people hypothesized that the ‘survivors’ of flight Oceanic 816 were actually dead and on the island in Purgatory.

To which, the show creators said they were not.

Was it not confirmed a few weeks ago, that indeed, they are dead and this island is neither ‘here’ nor ‘there’?

So, I’m hoping they tried the misdirection to keep the secrets of future episodes in tact, and not as a story bandaid…

April 30, 2010 at 11:29 AM

No, they’re not dead. Richard claimed they were all in hell, but that was based on his past and lies by the smoke monster.

Michael, who is actually dead, does appear to be in some sort of purgatory, unable to move on from the island because of the crimes he commited there, but the rest of the characters we see are alive… except Locke… and maybe Sayid…

April 30, 2010 at 11:33 AM

Hmm…got me there…

I guess we’ll see then, eh?

April 30, 2010 at 11:35 AM

By the way, we haven’t seen Julia in the flash-sideways yet, have we?

I may have missed it, but I’m thinking that she’s the mystery ex-wife of Jack’s that we haven’t seen yet…

April 30, 2010 at 11:37 AM

No, we haven’t seen her yet, but Elizabeth Mitchell has confirmed that she will be back on Lost before the end of series.

I think you probably have it right.

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