CliqueClack TV

Lost in Lost – How are you feeling?

With a week off to contemplate the season to date, I have one question: How is everyone feeling about 'Lost' so far in the final season?

First the bad news: if you weren’t already aware, there is no new episode of Lost this week. I would like to swear and curse publicly at ABC in this space, but I am going to take the high road. It’s only one week, and then before we know it the show is going to be over for good. Instead, I’m going to take this extra week to take a deep breath and reflect on the final season and how we have come to the current point in the show.

As a part of that evaluation, I feel that I have to stop and ask everyone: how are you feeling about things so far? Believe it or not, I talk to a lot of Lost fans about the show. It seems to me that there are some mixed feelings out there right now. I know that some people are getting impatient, some are very concerned that the ending will not live up to expectations, and others are just sitting back and letting the show play out.

Myself, I am finding it harder and harder to theorize and postulate at this point. With the end so near, it almost seems silly to bother, in my opinion. I’m at the point where I just want the rest of the story. I want to experience it all and bask in the glory of these final few episodes. Of course, I’m sure I won’t be able to hold back from asking all those big questions that we all have. It doesn’t help that last week’s episode, “The Last Recruit” was almost completely set up. It certainly didn’t leave us with a whole lot to discuss for two weeks.

In general, I’m keeping the faith. After following faithfully for over five and a half seasons, I’m not about to start doubting the show or the writers with only a handful of episodes left. The flashsideways seem to have fans and haters, and I count myself among the former. I thought they were a great storytelling technique even before we learned that there is more to the sideways world than we first realized. There have been answers doled out through the season, and more intrigue about the nature of the island and its inhabitants. I am holding out hope, and I really do still have confidence, that the ending of this show is going to be amazing.

How are you feeling about Lost?

Photo Credit: ABC

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3 Responses to “Lost in Lost – How are you feeling?”

April 26, 2010 at 3:09 PM

If I were Fox News I’d call it a winner but since I’m not I voted “Too close to call”.

But “Survivor” has a heck of a season so this way or the other I have a show about Survivors every week that doesn’t disappoint this way or the other ;-)

April 26, 2010 at 8:42 PM

I’m satisfied for the most part with the season. I’m just nervous about how they can possibly end the show. Then again this may just be the meh that the last episode was putting an off taste in my mouth. The rest of the season needs to be pay off, not set up like “Last Recruit.”

April 27, 2010 at 1:14 AM

I’m loving every minute of it. After the first couple episodes of the season, I said that Lost was making a strong push for My Favorite Show of All Time, and nothing has made me change my mind yet. The best parts of this season were the premiere, the Ben Linus episode, and the Richard’s episode, but the excitement of seeing where this is all going looms large in my enjoyment of the season (and the show) as a whole. I love seeing how it all comes together.

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