CliqueClack TV

Methinks that Dennis Rodman protests too little

We are about to wrap on Vh1's 'Sober House?' Dude, these people are not ready to infiltrate the real world! And I'm not ready to let them go.

So far on Vh1’s series Sober House, I have been intrigued by resident Dennis Rodman. I remember when he used to play for my hometown Detroit boys.

I remember when he wore a wedding dress. I’ve seen all sides of this lovely badboy. But through the last year, with his appearances on Celebrity Rehab, and now on Sober House, Dennis has been rather silent. Usually, when he does speak, the producers have had to give him subtitles, which usually makes me laugh because I’m so grateful.

In this episode we are on Day 18. We’re nearing the end now folks, and now Dennis is opening up a bit. At this point, I have to tell you that I can spot a scary Mother from ten paces. When Dr. Drew pointed out to Dennis that it might help him to reconnect with Mom after 7 years, a little bad warning bell sounded inside my noggin. There’s a reason people “de-friend” family members, especially Moms. Plus, Dennis had a look on his face like he just ate a bad piece of pork. Ew.

So, his Mom (Shirley) enters. She runs to Dennis to hug him, and he holds her like … a bad piece of pork. Rut roh. Shirley says, “You haven’t changed.” Dennis points out that “Yeah, I’m still tall.”

Dr. Drew delves in baby. He gets to what he believes is the heart of the matter: That Dennis has been taken advantage of, monetarily, by way too many people. I lurved Shirley’s response to this. She looked at Dennis and said, “You always thought I wanted your money, but you were the one who promised to take care of me.” *cue scary music* Read here for the reason Dennis might not trust his Mom a’tall.

Dennis cannot look at his Mom through this meeting. He throws out a bunch of “Whatevers.” If you’re a chick reading this, then you know what a guy means when he says “Whatever.”

It basically means F@#K You.

Dr. Drew really wants these two back together, which I didn’t really understand. Aren’t toxic people bad for someone who is trying to change? Anyway … Dennis buckles under the pressure, and agrees to let Shirley meet his kids, ages eight and seven. Here’s Grandma! At one point, Shirley asks Dennis’ son if he has ever heard anything about his Grandma. With a deer in headlights look he answers, “Um … yeah.” Not!

As we leave Dennis, the other folks at Sober House are having a BBQ with friends and family. Seth Binzer‘s friend, a porn star (Lawd this show has a lot of porn stars), comes to the festivities obviously gonzo on drugs. Head of house Jennifer Gimenez tests her for drugs. Um, yeah, she’s on them. So the Sober House crew sets about an on-scene intervention. Never mind that the whole cast is watching. Never mind that this is jeopardizing their sobriety! They are helping a stranger who needs them!

Everyone gets mad, except for Seth. He decides the drama is too much, and goes nite nite. Even though he brought the chick in to begin with. Anyway….

Surprise! At the end, we find the stranger porn star resists rehab. Some other stuff happened too. But  I know you need to pretend you’re working and not reading websites, so I’ll close for now.

And I’ll hold out a good thought for people with scary Moms everywhere.

Photo Credit: VH1

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Methinks that Dennis Rodman protests too little”

April 23, 2010 at 11:00 AM

Don’t forget his turn on The Celebrity Apprentice last season! :)

April 23, 2010 at 4:57 PM

Rodman’s father’s name is Philander? Too special.

April 23, 2010 at 6:13 PM

“She runs to Dennis to hug him, and he holds her like … a bad piece of pork.”

I think I have a new catch phrase. Thank you.

April 24, 2010 at 2:01 PM

GL, that is hysterical! And Ruprecht, you have my permission–nay it is your duty, to throw that phrase around.
Thanks for reading everyone!

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