CliqueClack TV

Comedy Central: You bastards!

Lots of people are wondering what the hell happened to last night's episode of 'South Park.' Was it censored due to pressure or just a creative decision? We asked Comedy Central for a formal statement on the matter.

Here’s the official word from Comedy Central’s SVP of Corporate Communications, Stave Albani, in answer to my questions regarding the censored South Park episode, “201”:

Where was the decision made to censor last night’s episode of ‘South Park’? Was it a creative decision or a network decision, and was it at all based on sensitivity toward some viewers? — NO COMMENT

Is it at all possible to get a copy of the uncensored version of the episode for commentary purposes? If not, is it possible to get a transcript of what was censored during the final speech by Kyle at the end of the episode? — NO

Will an uncensored version of the episode ever become available, either online or via DVD? — NO COMMENT

I’m still not convinced Comedy Central caved and instead think it’s more likely a publicity stunt. What do you think?

UPDATE (via Hollywood Reporter): Parker and Stone comment on South Park censorship:

In the 14 years we’ve been doing South Park we have never done a show that we couldn’t stand behind. We delivered our version of the show to Comedy Central and they made a determination to alter the episode. It wasn’t some meta-joke on our part. Comedy Central added the bleeps. In fact, Kyle’s customary final speech was about intimidation and fear. It didn’t mention Muhammad at all but it got bleeped too. We’ll be back next week with a whole new show about something completely different and we’ll see what happens to it.

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Categories: | Clack | Features | General | South Park | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Comedy Central: You bastards!”

April 22, 2010 at 3:17 PM

If comedy central truly censored the episode. I could see the original cut somehow magically end up on the internet. “Oh no, it somehow got leaked!” I wonder what Matt and Trey have to say about the whole thing, if they care at all.

April 22, 2010 at 3:17 PM

*grabs chair … pops popcorn … gets comfortable for the fireworks show that’s about to begin*

April 22, 2010 at 5:23 PM

If I were them I would leak the episode to everyone I could. What is CC going to do? Fire the creative team?

April 22, 2010 at 5:49 PM

a) I don’t buy it
b) I don’t really care because I think the “meta joke” worked. I loved the episode and I feel the show needed it. Just like Brian on “Family Guy” needed to pray and made fun of.

If Parker & Stone were really about censoring and not caving they’d walk away in protest from this. If they really were, they’d tackle the 7 dirty words, of which (quote Jon Stewart) “we only got piss back since the ’70s”

I don’t really get it though. 3.3 mill viewers – I would consider that good enough numbers for a stunt.

Who knows. I’m just about as aggrevated about it as I’m about the Gizmodo thing. It’s a bit *shrugs* to me…

April 22, 2010 at 6:28 PM

“be made fun of”

“if they were really against censoring and not about caving”

“3.3 mill viewers – I consider that good enough numbers to make a show that doesn’t need to push boundaries and just have tons of inside jokes”

My brain’s totally fried at the moment.

I think it’s great that you asked Comedy Central about this and got replies. You know, journalism the way it’s supposed to be. You didn’t just quote another website and added your own thoughts, your own thoughts were what you put in the mail to Comedy Central. And I like that this website isn’t infested with short funny videos (except where needed, namely webisode clack and SNL reviews)

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