CliqueClack TV

American Idol – Idol gives back

A night of giving and a night of indulgence.

- Season 9, Episode 33 - "Idol Gives Back"

Just a few thoughts on American Idol and its 2010 Idol Gives Back edition:

The President and The First Lady gave some inspirational words at the start of the program. My only problem was this: I hate slouching. Couldn’t The First Lady at least have sat up while she recorded their message? I mean, kids are watching … y’know?

If only Morgan Freeman and Justin Bieber were doing their thing together…. *sigh*

Was the group number sung live for a change? I really couldn’t tell. It looked as if Crystal Bowersox was singing … and it all seemed real … but….

I don’t know what the Idol Powers That Be were thinking with those two bozos and the volunteer help schtick. That has to go down as the loudest hollow thud of the evening. Scratch that — of the entire month on television across the board.

The Black Eyed Peas: I never did understand what the attraction was. And if the performance during this program was supposed to be a convincing request to attend their shows or purchase their product, it didn’t work. I kept wishing for some handy rocks so I could have “rocked their bodies.”

The George Lopez bit was mildly amusing. Mild in that catsup is a “good substitute” for hot sauce. You get the picture.

Nipple talk and silicone and implants abounded. All part of the Idol Gives Back “theme?” Comments writers? Producers? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller…???

Jeff Beck and Joss Stone commit “I Put A Spell On You.” Jeff — good; Joss — I’ll pass.

I have to admit: The Annie Lennox segment got me weepy. Idol did its job on that front.

Teflon Tim Urban: Nice knowing you. Mop-top notwithstanding, it was finally your time. His leaving should give many of us the inspiration we were so badly craving from the previous night’s show.

For me … if you’re doing a show about giving back to people … nations … the downtrodden … the poor … it’s a little more convincing if the subjects aren’t wearing BlueTooth earpieces. My friend cv, Joe Clark Jr., and I did not approve.

Second to lastly, a quotation from a good friend of mine, Baseball Janey: “In the words of ‘The Cowell':  I found the whole thing a little self-indulgent. Which is why I watched baseball….”

And … I just don’t know what to think of this segment. How ’bout you?

Photo Credit: FOX

7 Responses to “American Idol – Idol gives back”

April 22, 2010 at 4:50 PM

Queen Latifah needs to stop screaming at me. I will speak slowly Queen, or Latife or whatever. The. Microphone. Is. There. To. Amplify. Your Voice.

April 22, 2010 at 4:55 PM

I used to think it was a nice idea, until I read this:

“Save the Children has a working relationship with what it calls “prominent international organizations.” Several of these groups are actively pro-abortion, including Better World Fund, Center for Reproductive Rights, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Population Action International, and the U.S. Committee for UNICEF.” (Source: Christian Newswire)

April 22, 2010 at 5:24 PM

So screw the children that are alive in order to maybe help some theoretically children?

April 22, 2010 at 6:12 PM


Oreo, don’t be silly. You can probably guess how I feel about ALL children. Born and unborn.

April 22, 2010 at 6:02 PM

Oh, I agree with you on the Annie Lennox segment. She was brilliant and genuine. And that child’s progress is remarkable.

I really love Mary J. Blige. I liked the “all star band” and watching Randy get his groove on with the bass.

I was embarrassed for Queen Latifa when she introduced Sir Elton. That was just too far over the top.

Overall the show moved too slow and I was quite bored. The two stooges were NOT funny but the celebrity impersonators were a nice touch.

April 22, 2010 at 7:38 PM

Well, that was 2 plus hours of my life I’ll never get back. Indulgent is the perfect word. I swear I don’t know why they just didn’t let the kids stay in their rooms and text the results to them….. except for the Opening number *which was really good* and sporatic results, they didn’t even get any camera time. Like I’d rather look at Wanda Sykes than Casey James? I don’t think so. The whole thing almost bored me to tears except for a few touching parts…… which had nothing to do with any so called famous person.

I could have sworn I saw a thought bubble over Obama’s head expressing “How can I get my hands on this dough?”

At least Fergie held her water……. I was almost afraid to watch her for fear she wouldn’t.

Ya nailed it, Uncle……. !

April 22, 2010 at 7:56 PM

….. the call bank went over like a turd in a punch bowl….. wait a minute. I’d prefer a turd in a punch bowl. Doesn’t IDOL have a hook? This whole thing last night has me worrying about the FINALE…. *sigh*

Thanks for the Mary J. link….. I didn’t watch it last night. I wandered around alot. I wished I’d wandered around more. As for what I think about it? I’m blank. Was Alicia loaded last night? I live sort of a sheltered life and I don’t always recognize loaded but that was my first impression. She was so bad I hope for her sake she was.

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