CliqueClack TV

Webisode Clack – Full Nelson

'Full Nelson' takes us inside the world of professional wrestling. With the help of a crazy cast of characters, in the ring and out, Jake Nelson is struggling to keep the Nelson Alliance of Wrestling afloat.

If you’ve spent any amount of time counting yourself as a fan of professional wrestling, Full Nelson will be right up your alley. And if you aren’t a wrestling fan, let me just tell you that it’s a genre of entertainment that operates at such extremes that it is ripe for parody. Essentially, you can do anything. Because chances are, something even crazier has already been done by a real wrestling organization. That freedom offers a great jumping off point for the show.

In a nutshell, Jake Nelson (Adam Paul) has inherited the Nelson Alliance of Wrestling from his father, who started it 40 years earlier. They’ve been running shows every weekend in Fresno the whole time … except for that brief period when the building had to become a roller-rink. You know, tax thing, bills to pay. Otherwise, though, all wrestling. But this isn’t the glitzy world of the WWE, or in this case, the International Wrestling Federation. Jake’s got problems.

As we join the story, his rainmaker, King Cole (R.A. Mihailoff), has dropped dead in the ring, and Jake is now struggling with getting the next card together while everyone is telling him that he needs to take care of the King’s son, Dylan (Derek Carter). Jake’s version of what to do involves the phrase, “Contracts are for movie stars and fat guys with cigars.” The brains of the outfit, his pre-teen daughter Alexis (Danielle Soibelman), is more cautious. She tells her dad, “You better hope Dylan doesn’t know employment law.”

And that gets to what I really dig about the show. The setting is great, but the characters really sell it. Jake is so frazzled, but still a believer, and it makes you want to root for him. Alexis, as the wise beyond her years youngster, will win you over instantly. And Shelley (Lisa Donovan), as the voice of reason at the NAW, is perfect in turning up the heat on Jake. They also gain some points for casting Ric Pearl as the evil head of the IWF. Seriously, check out Ric’s story. There’s more to come on the casting front as well. The teaser for the series lets slip that Carlos Bernard will also be joining the fun. Most will also recognize Eric Allan Kramer, as Erik “The Vinking”, as well.

It’s good stuff. Fun characters and lots of good gags. The bit featuring The Rock is a particular favorite. Two of seven episodes are available now at KoldCast, with the third scheduled to be released any time now. You can also keep up with the show on facebook and twitter. Here’s episode one to get you started.

Photo Credit: Full Nelson

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