CliqueClack TV

V – New recruits for the fifth column?

This week's 'V' saw things become quite dire for the resistance on Earth, but it seems like there might be some powerful reinforcements on the way.

- Season 1, Episode 8 - "We Can't Win"

This week’s V kept up the string of fast paced sci-fi fun. It looks like things are going bad for the fifth column — it was probably daunting enough to have an entire race of super powerful, technologically advanced aliens after you, but now they have humans deciding to fight them as well. Hopefully the crew will be able to bleed some information (perhaps literally) from their prisoner.

It wasn’t all bad for the fifth column, though. It looks like they might be getting some new recruits. It’s hard to tell what direction Chad is going to go in. It certainly appears that he does not fully trust Anna. In fact, I think it’s just the opposite. At the same time, though, I think he does have a huge ego that she is helping to fuel. Will he be willing to risk all his fame in order to join the resistance? I think in the end he will, but right now I could still see him choosing what is best for him, even if it means selling out the rest of his race.

The other possible recruit came as a big surprise to me, but perhaps it shouldn’t have. As Lisa and Tyler’s relationship was consummated in this episode, it was clear that the infatuation was not just one sided. Sure, Lisa was instructed to get Tyler to fall in love with her, but I don’t think she or Anna expected Lisa to have feelings for the human. Because of these feelings, Lisa failed the empathy test that Joshua was administering to all the Visitors. I was glad to see Joshua play things a bit closely to the vest in this situation. He lied for Lisa, but instead of revealing himself as a member of the fifth column, he instead told her that she owed him a favor that he would cash in later. Will Lisa end up becoming a full fledged member of the rebellion? I can’t imagine. I would think a lot would have to happen for her to change sides, but it is not outside the realm of possibility.

It’s been fun watching Anna’s cold calculations and this episode continued the trend. She certainly has Chad wrapped around her finger, even if he is suspicious of her. I think it’s interesting that someone who seems to have near limitless control over her own people has such political savvy. Clearly, her “bliss” keeps the other Visitors under her thrall, so I wouldn’t think that political gamesmanship was a skill that she would have needed or excelled at in the past. Than again, I’m probably thinking too hard. This is fun, escapist entertainment, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows | V |

3 Responses to “V – New recruits for the fifth column?”

April 21, 2010 at 10:35 PM

The actress that plays Lisa was also on Riverworld, (Have not watched the whole thing yet). She seems much better suited with Tahmoh Penikett as he is older, tougher and is capable of shaving.

I think Chad would just love to get the story that reveals the V secrets.

Joshua was smart to just ask for a favor in return for his silence.

April 22, 2010 at 12:36 PM

Still enjoying V, not a trainwreck like Flashforward which I watch out of morbid fascination at just how bad it could get. But even in V, there are some lapses in logic, and a preference for action / adventure over intelligent discussion.

April 22, 2010 at 6:38 PM

Laura Vandervoort (Lisa) is probably most notable for her short-lived role as Kal-El’s cousin (aka Supergirl) on “Smallville.”

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