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Army Wives – What happened to Michael no longer being post commander?

Everyone's hitting Michael up for favors as season four of 'Army Wives' begins to settle back into the show's familiar routine.

- Season 4, Episode 2 - "Scars & Stripes"

I realize that it’s mainly my lack of familiarity with the Army that leaves me this confused, but nevertheless I do have a question regarding Michael’s job on Army Wives. After he returned from his NATO posting in Brussels, Michael was named Division Commander of the 23rd, which presumably includes Fort Marshall, in addition to numerous other bases. Which would leave me to believe that he’s no longer post commander at Fort Marshall (in fact, that job belongs to the single General who passed on moving into their house). So why in the world does he have to deal with all the nonsense that came across his desk last night?

I understand why it was Michael who got Roland on a flight to Germany to see Joan. Although I don’t understand why we’re getting the full balloon deflation right away this season. Joan’s injured, possibly KIA. Then she’s alive but can’t see. Now she can see. And all in under two episodes. Is there a perception in the writers’ room that we can’t handle life-or-death drama?

Because there does seem to be the strong belief that we’re big fans of teary-eye drama. Like the kind we were meant to feel when Joan’s letter was the voice-over at the end of last night’s episode. I think it was a disgrace that the nurse gave Joan information that she absolutely had no right to have, and it’s insulting to Joan’s own code of conduct that she’d push to have that protocol broken for her. This is a show that I’d imagine would put in-character moments above tissue ones. I guess not. I think Joan and Roland should be ashamed of themselves.

Then there was Claudia Joy and Roxy, coming to beg Michael to lift the Army patronization ban on the Hump Bar. I have to say that if this “Lenore Baker take 2″ story is really all that’s in store for Claudia Joy this season…. What’s enjoyable about Roxy is that she’s more of an independent person than any of the other wives. We see them all in different stages of finding themselves, but I’ve always enjoyed the opportunity to see Roxy stand on her own two feet.

Where it’s such a struggle for some (Denise), Roxy started out tough as nails, so for her it takes little effort. Her plots can get too hokey at times, and they often include lots of gratuitous skin (Roxy’s Angels?), but when Roxy has a good one going she can be fun to watch. When she’s off, however, it’s painful. I think it’s too soon to call what her business picking up and preparing for a baby will bring. But hopefully it means no more pizza delivery for Trevor.

I think it was Denise who was the most egregious favor-seeker of the night. Asking first Roland, and then Michael, to grant Jeremy a medical discharge? Really? And does that make sense given her own history with Frank (he looks great, doesn’t he?) serving in uniform all these years? I understand that it must be different being “the mother of,” as opposed to “the wife of,” and I’m not even going to get into whether or not Jeremy deserves Denise’s love after what he did to her (Does Jeremy deserve Denise’s love after what he did to her?). I’m talking about Denise’s understanding not of the Army’s protocols, but of a soldier’s mindset. Michael was 100% right to ask her if she knew what Jeremy wanted. It made perfect sense that it was his wish to return to his unit (although he had been at home, and not with his unit, for a lot of season three, so I’m not sure what that was about). Would Denise really want him to feel otherwise?

Poor Michael. Last night was not an easy one for him. But I’ll tell you one thing: I’ll take Brian McNamara any way I can get him. He’s that good an actor.

As for Pamela … I did not vote for her to get a night off. Doesn’t she deserve something special after being the only one not to pester Michael with a personal favor request?

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Photo Credit: Lifetime

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