CliqueClack TV

Rockstar: INXS – CliqueClack Flashback

In the summer of 2005 CBS took their shot at getting a piece of the Idol sweepstakes. Rockstar: INXS never managed to capture the attention of the masses the way that Idol did, but it did serve up a boatload of great music.

In the summer of 2005, yet another Idol-inspired show made its debut, giving an eclectic collection of singers a shot at becoming the front-person for INXS. Rockstar: INXS never measured up to the lofty successes of Idol where ratings and media attention were concerned. But if we’re just looking at what was up on the screen, I’d argue that it was a much better show. If you didn’t see it, the format was mostly what you would expect. Contestants would perform and the audience would vote for their favorites. Where it differed from Idol was that those in the bottom would get a last shot to impress the band on results night, and then INXS would decide who to send home.

But that’s just the format that kept the competition moving along. What made the show great was the music. Every week brought another fantastic collection of cover songs. Some followed the original faithfully, while others went down an entirely different path. You never knew just what you were going to get, but it was a safe bet that three or four of the performances would be outstanding. The fact that the casting process was able to dig up a handful of really talented performers was key. But the real secret to the show, and what I think set it head and shoulders above Idol, was The House Band. The contestants performed on stage with the band. It gave the show so much more energy and authenticity compared to watching a lone singer on Idol.

Ultimately, the show was a success too. The ratings weren’t groundbreaking, but were solid enough for a summer show. And the eventual winner, J.D. Fortune, recorded a new album, Switch, with the band . The first single from the album, “Pretty Vegas,” was written by Fortune during the show and became a radio hit. Fortune also toured with the band through most of 2009 before they all parted ways under disputed circumstances. He was either fired, or his contract ended and wasn’t renewed.

The best part though, and maybe why I’m still so fond of the show, is that Fortune was actually #4 on my list from the show. He was good, and “Pretty Vegas” is a great song, but I had him edged out by Suzie McNeil, Marty Casey, and my pick to win it, Jordis Unga. Granted, I’ve always preferred female vocalists, but it goes to show just how much talent they had on the show.

I suppose we have to talk about the aftermath as well. I don’t think it was anything wrong with the concept that killed the Rockstar franchise. If you can manage to get a talented group of contestants, a couple hours of great music each week is a pretty easy sell in the summer. What killed the show was the band Supernova. Season two had its own standout performers, but I don’t think anyone ever believed that Supernova was in it for anything more than the TV show. Had they been able to bring in a prominent band that actually needed a singer, it could have worked again.

That’s just depressing though, so let’s close by taking a look at my five favorite Rockstar: INXS performances. It was actually difficult to narrow it down to just five. If you head over to YouTube and search for Rockstar INXS you’ll find a bunch more. Starting with #1…

#1 Jordis Unga – “Imagine”

#2 Marty Casey – “Trees”

#3 Suzie McNeil – “Bohemian Rhapsody”

#4 J.D. Fortune – “Pretty Vegas”

#5 Jordis Unga – “The Man Who Sold The World”

Photo Credit: CBS

10 Responses to “Rockstar: INXS – CliqueClack Flashback”

April 15, 2010 at 3:43 PM

I loved Marty Casey. The guy not only had some chops, but he was unique and had a presence. I remember his take on Britney Spears “Oops, I Did It Again”. Marvelous. I was on board his train when he did that. Matter’n fact, I prefer that over his “Trees”.

I was glued to the set each week when this originally aired. And that was (… really … ???) 6 years ago … ?!?!? **Cripes … !!!**

Thanks for the memories, Brett. I’m off to look for his “Oops”, thanks to you …..

April 15, 2010 at 4:03 PM

Careful Michael, Rockstar videos on the internet are a wormhole. Before you know it, three hours will have disappeared. The Marty Casey Britney cover is very good. I also like his versions of “Creep” and “Wish You Were Here” a lot. My favorite is still “Trees” though. It just has such a catchy tune.

April 16, 2010 at 4:29 PM

A story for you Brett. I saw the new INXS with J.D. at a small outdoor concert in Michigan. He came out in a t-shirt with the MOST offensive slogan on it, that some of the women booed. He slugged down bottles of wine and smoked through the whole thing. Wouldn’t have been that bad, had it not been a family festival. Kids were everywhere!
Great show though.

April 16, 2010 at 4:42 PM

That’s not surprising given some of the stories surrounding his dismissal from the band.

Also, are you from Michigan? Do you know that you have the #2 softball team in the country? The only thing better than that would be if you lived where I do, with the #1 team in the country. :P

April 16, 2010 at 5:22 PM

The next day, the local paper reported that officials of the festival said they will never be invited here again. *sigh*
And yes, I am from Michigan. And no, I did not know that.

April 16, 2010 at 5:43 PM

Never invited again? It really must have been the MOST offensive slogan.

April 21, 2010 at 6:34 PM

Oh man, what a great show that was. So much good music and some really unique talent – too bad they couldn’t find a way to perpetuate this grown-up’s version of American Idol. As to Sweet Suzie McNeil’s “Bohemian Rhapsody”, Dave Navarro said it best during the judge’s review : “Now that’s something you don’t see on network TV every day!” Amen … but too bad!

May 7, 2010 at 9:54 PM

The Lovehammers have released a new album since the MCLH one. They have reverted to just calling themselves Lovehammers. “Heavy Crown” was released after Marty’s one-year stint with Tracii Guns’ L.A. Guns. Check out the band’s official site for more info ( You can get the album several places.

If only INXS and the RS people had known what they were starting. Hundreds of new Hammerheads were gained due to that show. I live in Arkansas, but I’ve met Hammerheads from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, and pretty much all of the fifty states.

The band is also doing a project to support the troops through its store – – by sending “Shoeboxes of Lovehammers Love” overseas. The first single off of the album is titled “Guns”, and it is a tribute to the American soldier. They will be headlining a rock stage at Summerfest in Milwaukee this summer.

Peace and keep “spreading the LOVE”.

May 7, 2010 at 9:56 PM

P.S. Jessica now performs with her band High Gloss Black, and Suzie just put out an acoustic CD. If any of you noticed the peppy song in the background of the Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Year’s TV ads, that was Suzie’s song “Let’s Go” off her second album Rock-n-Roller.

May 7, 2010 at 10:00 PM

I forgot to say before it was too late to edit that Jordis is now with a band called Angels of Mass Destruction (AMD). You can find them at FB and MySpace.

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