CliqueClack TV

American Idol – It’s double elimination time

Elvis is missing from the opening group song. But Adam Lambert's twin brother -- Eddie Munster -- is in the house.

- Season 9, Episode 31 - "Double Elimination "

Two go home on American Idol. But, before we get to that, let’s talk about a few other things first.

Like Elvis.

Now, it’s a well-known fact: Elvis is everywhere.

It’s performance time! And Elvis is everywhere … except in the Idol contestants’ medley of The King’s hits. Not only was Elvis nowhere to be found, neither were the contestants’ voices. Please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeasee, Idol Powers That Be … we’re begging you. Even if they fail miserably, let the contestants do the group song — or songs — at the beginning of the elimination episode LIVE. What can it hurt? Because let me tell you … it can’t be any worse than the cameraman flub we witnessed during their medley performance. But let’s not blame the cameraman; let’s blame the director. Ultimately, it was s/he who we should be pointing the finger at. So here’s the question: If the Idol crew can get away with screwing up that badly, what’s the harm in letting the main attractions of the show give it a go?


With Aaron, Casey, and Andrew up first for the ritual grilling by Seacrest, it’s ultimately Andrew who’s given the heave-ho in the end. And deservedly so. He should have gone before Didi Benami, truth be told. There were instances when he should have bowed out before Paige Miles, even. Regardless … justice has finally been served.

Wait! It’s performance time again! Brooke White from Season 7 and Justin Gaston. No comment. (Well … except for maybe this: Justin? Stick to modeling.)

Then it’s down to three. Of course Crystal Bowersox, Siobhan Magnus, and Lee DeWyze got the nod over to the couch … leaving Tim Urban, Michael Lynche, and Katie Stevens, with one of them holding tight in the spot s/he would be at for the final time on Season 9 of Idol.

Holy Mostaccioli! It’s performance time yet again! Look! It’s Adam “Screaming Mimi” Lambert doing his hit single “Whataya Want From Me.” If I can take the title of the song literally, here’s what I’m looking for from you, Adam — that this is the final time I see you sing on stage. Howzat, Adam?

You know … I’m really trying to hold it back here but I just can’t: Adam, there’s a reason this Pink song didn’t make the final cut on her album “Funhouse.” But … you’ve managed to shriek it up and get it on the charts. More power to you. And what about that performance? Dude … what did you do? Raid Jim Carrey’s Batman Forever wardrobe and effects props? ‘Cause that’s where everything looked like it came from — right out of the props department from Warner Bros. It seemed as if Adam snagged The Riddler’s sequined jacket, and his green, laser-spewing human brainwave manipulator. *sigh*

One more thing — has anyone noticed Adam looks a bit like Butch Patrick from “The Munsters” … ??? What’s up with that? (How could you miss the photo above?)

After the spectacle, we’re left with Teflon Tim Urban, Big Mike Lynche, and Katie Stevens. Looks like my prediction of Andrew and Michael is going to come to pass. And then suddenly it’s just two: Big Mike and Katie.

But it’s only Katie left on stage to talk to Ryan. Foiled! Foiled in my prediction from the last post. Oh, so close … but foiled, nevertheless.

Good-bye Andrew and Katie.

Inspirational songs for the remaining contestants, and Idol Gives Back next week.

Until then … hasta later, Mr. Subdued Ryan Seacrest. You were a whole different person than you were during the previous Idol performance round.

Photo Credit:

13 Responses to “American Idol – It’s double elimination time”

April 15, 2010 at 11:07 AM

Thanks, Gloria … !!!

April 15, 2010 at 12:00 PM

I dozed off during that Brooke White song. I am curious which costume closet Jason dude raided: “Beauty and the Beast” (post transformation from beast)or “Pirates of Penzance” — even his ponytail was pirate-esque. Blech to that time killer.

April 15, 2010 at 12:34 PM

But I loved the laser show!! Cracked me up when he told Ryan he brought them along.

Connecticut was crushed to see Katie go. It didn’t much matter to me. She had a beautiful voice however. I really don’t get why Mike keeps landing in the bottom three. Enlighten me oh wise one. I think he’s great.

I also don’t get the lip sync thing. Have they always done that? It’s so tackie!

I had a cat named after Eddie Munster.

April 15, 2010 at 12:41 PM

Dear Lois:

You must have missed the announcement. Seacrust noted right after Tim was sent safely to the couch and with Michael and Katie standing beside Ryan:

“I can tell you this: One of you is obviously going home. The other person was not even in the bottom three this week.”

You have been so enlightened.

April 15, 2010 at 1:01 PM

Man! You don’t miss a trick. Your poor kids.

April 15, 2010 at 1:44 PM

Oy with the lip synching Bradyesque train wreck embarrassing group performances. I said it before and I’ll say it again. Elvis twirly in gravey at G’Landie!

Katie had me at the get go. And lost me with her snootiness. However, I did feel bad for her, the poor lil gal was sobbing so hard. I mean I have a heart sometimes. Don’t spread it around.

April 15, 2010 at 1:55 PM

Wait – please tell me if you actually WATCH this crap because you like it, or just to blog it?
Toodles…see you on FB, Rupe.

April 15, 2010 at 3:09 PM

Because Rupe likes it, DIS …..

Go figger …..

April 15, 2010 at 2:04 PM

What worries me about the “Inspirational Songs” next week is the stories behind them…sniff sniff…!

April 15, 2010 at 7:30 PM

I never connected with Katie so I’m not terribly upset to see her go.

I almost voted this week. I haven’t been thrilled enough by anyone to vote. Usually I’m all about the voting. Not so much this year.

April 15, 2010 at 7:41 PM

HA! I found it…… You are welcome. I preferred the
Liza-seperated-at-birth one a bit better….. Uncanny.

The only surprsie for me last night is how quickly they put Aaron out of danger….. I was scratching my head over the 3 left standing… I wouldn’t have bet money at that point and didn’t.

I just hope the inspirational songs are inspiring….. I could use a little.

GOOD LUCK Little Katie and Andrew! Nice job Michael… *you, not the singer though I thought he did a nice job too*

April 15, 2010 at 7:45 PM

…… I was hoping Lee would do the Bagpipe thing again just for kicks… Serious!

April 15, 2010 at 8:41 PM

I’m good with both of them leaving! And Big Mike wasn’t even in the bottom 3 this week!
You so crack me up!

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