CliqueClack TV

V – No more lies

Many truths came to light in this week's episode of 'V,' some for the better and some for the worse.

- Season 1, Episode 7 - "John May"

V seems to be settling into a nice groove since its return. I’m still enjoying the show, especially the pace. V does a nice job pushing the story forward in every episode while keeping things interesting. The focus is definitely heavily placed on the resistance these days, even if they are short a member after this week’s episode. When you’ve got a resistance of five people, can you really afford to have members sacrificing themselves in noble martyr fashion? As I said last week, I liked Georgie and I’m sad to see him go, but I appreciate that the show is clearly willing to get rid of people for the betterment of the story.

The search for the little talky-orb communication device that the resistance was after to save Georgie offered a nice opportunity to explore who John May was. May’s life and history, and Ryan’s behavior ten years ago gave some nice insight into how the Visitors become native. Plus, it offered up a great fight scene in the kitchen with May’s stepson’s girlfriend, who was really a Visitor plant.

I wasn’t buying Valerie’s actions in this week’s episode. I may be remembering poorly, but did she have any reason to be suspicious of Ryan before tonight? I feel like if I found a safe of a loved one that I didn’t know about, I would talk to them about it before calling a locksmith (the fastest locksmith in the world, by the way). Am I off base here? Regardless, I’m a little curious about what she is going to do. I mean, she must realize that there is something funky going on with her baby. She did find those telling ultrasounds. I don’t think she’s going to have a choice but to return to Ryan.

Tyler continues to be the incredibly weak link on the show, at least in my opinion. Though, I have to wonder if the character has any fans out there. He’s just such a stereotypical “teenager.” It seems like the writers just don’t do a lot to help the character out. I mean, are we really supposed to believe that a seventeen year old would believe that his bicycle accident was to blame for his parents’ divorce? I’m hoping that something very interesting happens soon with his character before my frustration grows any greater.

Is anyone else getting a wee bit annoyed with the crappy green screen effects happening onboard the Visitor’s mothership? I’m almost wondering if it supposed to be intentionally campy when there are also some very well done effects, like the tracking orbs and that creepy little torture bug. It’s nothing big, really, and I can certainly forgive it. I’m sure that there are budget constraints in play as well. It certainly doesn’t have me looking any less forward to next week’s episode.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows | V |

6 Responses to “V – No more lies”

April 14, 2010 at 9:59 PM

John May is Anders! Woohoo!

April 14, 2010 at 10:32 PM

Yeah, this week was the tipping point for me, in the good way What im hoping for, though is at John May actually does live. Trucco has become a favorite of mine, quite to my surprise. I hope to see more of him on the show.

April 14, 2010 at 10:47 PM

Hello Trucco. I had a very strange idea pop into my brain. What if John May killed Ryan all those years ago, and is somehow wearing Ryan skin. I know, super far fetched, but it was fun to consider.

That talking ball! So fun. If I would have seen that as a kid I would have spent the next day getting my hands on a rubber balls from those gumball machines and forced my cousin to play talking ball with me.

I was wondering why Valerie did not pay or sign somethinng for the locksmith, but totally forgivable as well as the numerous green screens.

I was very surprised the dad allowed Princess V to be so problematic. I would have hit the “hell no” button when I first saw her.

I’m loving this show. I expect nothing, and I’m having a great time.

April 15, 2010 at 1:23 AM

I like the faster pace of this and last week’s episode under the new showrunners, although I still find the writing to be a little too convenient at times. It was nice to see John Wirth and Natalie Chaidez from TSCC added as producers to the show, which I hope will help tighten up the storylines.

I was surprised the V’s were so fixated on breaking Georgie to obtain intelligence of questionable reliability, as it would have been much smarter for them to let him escape and lead them to the rest of the Resistance, as Georgie himself stated. I loved that he never broke, and chose to sacrifice himself for the cause. I was even hoping he’d blow the scourer they held up in front of him directly into his torturer’s face and laugh.

Nicholas Lea was wasted in the role, but his character seemed quite diffident and uncertain and a bit off. Perhaps he assumed that Tyler’s relationship with Lisa was stronger than it was, so didn’t want to simply throw the unannounced busybody out of his house.

I didn’t buy the locksmith opening the safe for Valerie at all. She obviously didn’t have a bill of sale from the installation, and isn’t married to Ryan yet. Even if her name was on the apartment lease or something, there’s no way to prove she was authorized to access the safe. It would have been much better if she simply guessed what combination Ryan had chosen to use. I assumed that her first stop upon leaving would be to confront Dr. Pearlman in person.

I find absolutely nothing interesting about Tyler. He’s far more selfish and obnoxious than even Kyle Baldwin (Joel Gretsch’s character’s son) on The 4400, and doesn’t have Chad Decker’s saving grace of an actual brain in his head.

The Mothership green screen scenes never bother me. In fact, the superficiality of the effects make the alien environment even more disturbingly sterile.

April 15, 2010 at 2:53 AM

so we have two Cylons, Andromeda, Inara and Hoban from firefly, Juliet from Lost, Nic Lea from X-files … how many more can they squeeze in?

April 15, 2010 at 8:38 AM

Does anyone know the name of the song that was playing during the Georgie death scene? I thought it was an instrumental Korn song but for the life of me can’t remember.

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