CliqueClack TV

Lost – Desmond’s mission begins

This episode of 'Lost' ventured back into the sideway world to visit Hurley, as the story on the island moved forward, with Desmond beginning his mission.

- Season 6, Episode 12 - "Everybody Loves Hugo"

During the final season of Lost, we’ve seen that after a mythology or story-heavy episode of the show, the following episode usually takes a bit of a step back to reconnect with the characters. Going into tonight’s Hurley-centric episode, I was sure that we were going to see an introspective, character driven story. I wasn’t completely mistaken, but there certainly was a lot of forward movement with the story in “Everybody Loves Hugo.”

In sideways world, we got to see Desmond begin his mission of showing all the passengers of 815 that there was another world out there. For Hurley, that meant reconnecting with Libby, yet another example of love bridging the gap between the two worlds. Hurley’s was certainly a tighter and more focused flashsideways than we have seen in some of the earlier episodes, but I enjoyed it. It was nice to see Libby again.

Desmond’s intentions still are vague at best. What is the endgame of showing everyone the island timeline? Is there going to be a switching over of consciousness? Will people be migrating from one world to another? Does Desmond suddenly know everything that’s going on? My assumption is that he killed, or attempted to kill, sideways Locke to prevent Smokey from being able to enter the other universe through Locke’s body. Could it be that when Smokey keeps talking about leaving the island, he actually means jumping timelines? Did Desmond lie to Smokey on the island when he said that he knew he was John Locke? Ack, there are so many questions.

Luckily, there were some answers to long standing questions tonight. I was certainly hoping that we were going to get a little more history on the Libby character. Was she working with Widmore at some point? Was it just coincidence that it was her boat that Desmond sailed to the island with? Those questions remain, but one question that was introduced as far back as season one was addressed: the whispers. It had been a long time since we heard the whispers on the island. They were used a lot during the early seasons of the show, but now we know exactly what they are: the spirits of those who died on (or around) the island and cannot move on. Because of the things that Michael did, presumably the murders of Libby and Ana Lucia, his spirit is lingering on the island. So, after all those denials, I guess the island is a purgatory of sorts.

I had forgotten that Jack hasn’t seen the resurrected John Locke yet. It’s going to be an interesting episode next week, as Smokey puts the hard sell on the rest of the group. I don’t think they are going to buy into his plan like Sayid and Sawyer have (even if Sawyer is really just looking out for himself).

I’m concerned that Ilana’s gruesome death marked open season of picking off characters. (As an aside, have these characters learned nothing in six years? Stay away from the Black Rock dynamite! At least it won’t get anyone else.) The previews made things look pretty dire for Desmond next week, though I can’t imagine that he’ll meet his end so soon after being given this very important mission. He certainly seemed to get under the Man in Black’s skin, though, didn’t he? Showing no fear in the face on the monster. It reminded me of Ecko’s encounter with the smoke monster back in the second season. We all know how that ended for Ecko.

The writers are certainly keeping a lot tight to the vest. With episodes coming up entitled “The Last Recruit” and “The Candidate,” I have a feeling that things will become clearer soon. Of course, they could just be saving everything for an insanely epic series finale. In any case, I still have faith that everything is going to fall into place. After five and a half seasons, with only six hours of Lost left, now is hardly the time to start losing faith.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Lost | TV Shows |

22 Responses to “Lost – Desmond’s mission begins”

April 13, 2010 at 11:24 PM

Why must you throw in the “only 6 hours left.”
It makes me sad :(

I thought this was a decent episode but felt it would have been an epic “whoa!” for fans if the scenes with Hurley and Libby at Santa Rosa from way back when (season 2 maybe?) turned out to be the scenes from tonights episode. It would have really shown the forethought they had even in the begining. Alas, it seems like they were ALSO at Santa Rosa in the Island-verse timeline. Oh well.

At least we didn’t have to suffer through an obvious pun I thought they were going to jump on:

Sayid: How is our friend?
Flocke: Oh he’s very WELL :) muwhahahahhahahha
cue laugh track

April 13, 2010 at 11:48 PM

Sayid: How is our friend?
Flocke: Oh he’s very WELL :) muwhahahahhahahha
cue laugh track


April 13, 2010 at 11:28 PM

I have to admit Ilana’s death really shocked me. I haven’t been that taken by surprise by a death on the show since Alex was killed by Keamy, particularly since I wasn’t sure we’d learned everything there was to know about Ilana. (To be fair she was around for the previous “lessons” about the dynamite.)

On Libby, I always assumed the boat thing was just a coincidence (Whatever happened to that boat after the Others took it?) but I wondered whether or not there was something more to her and Hurley having been in the same mental institution before ending up on the island. Maybe that was just a coincidence as well.

And earlier this season it seemed like things were going to boil down to a conflict between two specific sides, but now things seem to have gotten more complicated with four factions on the island: 1) Locke’s group 2) Richard’s group 3) Widmore’s group, and 4) Hurley’s group. (Not that I’m complaining. I like the complications.:))

April 13, 2010 at 11:34 PM

“To be fair she was** around for the previous “lessons” about the dynamite.”

**I meant “wasn’t”.

April 13, 2010 at 11:39 PM

Did anyone else find Ilana blowing herself up unintentionally funny? And Locke throwing Desmond in the well (saw that coming from a mile away).

April 14, 2010 at 5:04 AM

Yeah I was laughing out loud at that and had to rewind to see it again. Didn’t shock me at all, I thought it was awesome :-)

April 14, 2010 at 1:00 PM

Since I sort of think the whole show is either funny or boring, I definitely laughed out loud at Ilana … and I got to see it twice! :-)

April 14, 2010 at 12:06 AM

My impression from the end of the episode was that Desmond ran down Locke because the moment where he was lying on the ground in shock very closely parallels his moment lying on the ground after the plane crash in Season 1. I half-expect him to get up after the vehicular blow, miraculously healed – or at least to regain his memories. I don’t think Desmond’s aim was quite to kill him (though I could be wrong). Back in our timeline, I hope Des is okay, though falling down a well like that isn’t exactly conducive to good health. What’s the point in being afraid? For one, it makes you a little more wary of things like getting pushed into wells. Smokey seemed unsure of exactly what threat the Englishman posed to him, but he was certain enough that there was a threat to at least attempt murder. It seems likely the damage is already done in the form of Alternate Desmond’s mission. The endgame there is probably exactly what Smokey fears, and Desmond’s little jump to that world sparked the mission – at least, I think so.

Great Samm Levine cameo.
Shocking death of Ilana made me gasp. Surprise me once with dynamite, shame on you…
Did Hurley’s mom have such a thick accent before? She didn’t seem to be able to speak very clearly to him. Also, Libby had something on her front tooth in one of the beach shots. Heh, I’m picky.
I worry that time may be just about up for Richard, Miles, and Ben. It’s like they broke off into a Redshirt Faction. Hopefully Frank can dodge the Sword of Damocles by trusting Hurley.
Smokey sure seems to be getting tired of Sawyer’s petulant ways. Too bad he needs him to leave.
I noticed that in the “alternate” mental hospital, somebody besides Leonard was filling his role of crazy Connect Four guy. Well sure, if there’s no island, there are no numbers to be broadcast, Leonard wouldn’t have been driven crazy… so wait, did Hurley win the lottery or what? They didn’t really explain how he actually got rich, did they? At any rate, Alternate Hurley seems the least changed in character of anyone we’ve seen.

April 14, 2010 at 3:24 AM

Hurley didn’t win the lottery in that world, he was just a good businessman (with the chicken restorants).

April 14, 2010 at 8:01 AM

I’m not sure about this, but I think I remember in one of the early episodes Hurley telling someone that he won the lottery and bought Mr. Clucks because he liked chicken (maybe Locke in the parking lot, or someone on the plane in the premiere). It was a little odd that there was no mention of it in this episode, though.

April 15, 2010 at 12:54 PM

Hugo wouldn’t have been able to buy Mr. Cluck’s if he hadn’t won the lottery. He then parlayed that into a bigger fortune by being a good businessman.

April 14, 2010 at 7:20 AM

I’m pretty sure Desmond is Scottish.

April 14, 2010 at 11:21 AM

Heh, whoops. I just wanted a different way to refer to him. Our favorite Scot, then, not Englishman (though “Brit” technically would’ve done).

April 14, 2010 at 9:46 AM

Dammit Adam that’s what I wanted to write :-)

IMHO new Desmond is solely on a mission to make everyone he knows was on the plane remember. And since he now seems to have ALL memories of original Desmond, he knows that the most important thing that happened to Locke on the island was crashing into the ground or better getting thrown off the plane. I agree – next time new Locke will walk again.

I don’t think that the timelines will blend but that is an obvious statement from me.

And Yes I caught the Samm Levine cameo too man I hate you for noticing that first :-)

Hurley told Sawyer on flight 815 that he’s always lucky because he won the lottery. The difference between him and old Hurley simply seems to be that he doesn’t have bad luck after that. He didn’t have a GF in the old timeline either.

Oh and: Purgatory 1 – 0 Me


April 14, 2010 at 3:30 AM

I got the impression that Desmond can see what happens in both worlds, so him killing or attempting to kill sideways Locke was just pay back for throwing him to the well… just a thought :)

April 14, 2010 at 9:25 AM

Desmond being thrown in the well was so obvious that I have to think Desmond knew that was going to happen and has a plan. If he’s dead then that is the lamest death ever.

When Ilana blew up I went “HOLY SHIT!” and then laughed when you heard her body parts hit the ground. So bad. haha

April 14, 2010 at 12:00 PM

Desmond’s not dead if the previews are any indication. What was surprising, though, is I swear I heard a splash when the torch hit, yet there’s no water down there.

The push down the well was very telegraphed, perhaps planned. I think it’s a lot tougher than that to simply push a person down a well without them fighting for you not to. *shrug*

April 14, 2010 at 9:25 PM

Yup same here. I heard a splash too that’s why I thought Desmand wasn’t going to die.

My question to you would now be – why do you think down there is no water?

April 15, 2010 at 12:56 PM

I listened again, and it wasn’t a splash. More like an object hitting some dried leaves – which managed not to ignite when a flaming torch landed on them!

April 15, 2010 at 2:58 AM

I really enjoyed this episode … I thought it was well done … and it made me wish that they could all be as well made.

As for Desmond, i’d say that he is on Widmore’s “mission” … nobody said that it would occur on the island … most likely it is in both realities (and he is definitely alive in the well)

As for the Ilana’s death … I was expecting something … but it was too funny when it happened … had to watch it twice.

The kid that Desmond and Flock saw … was that Jacob reincarnated?

April 17, 2010 at 1:25 AM

It’s late, but here’s a couple more things I noticed on re-watching the episode:
The numbers on Desmond’s license plate add up to 8 (one of The Numbers, naturally).
When Dr. Linus asked Desmond his son’s name, he quickly said “Charlie”. Alternate Desmond has no son; thus, this definitively shows that he’s got the memories of Normal Desmond. Well, I guess that or he just thought of Alternate Charlie Pace as his child. (-;

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