CliqueClack TV

The Vampire Diaries – And the winner is….

'The Vampire Diaries' delivered us tons of action and reveals tonight, with promises of much, much more. Let's delve in with a creative flair, shall we? It's superlative night.

- Season 1, Episode 17 - "Let The Right One In"

Best Scene in “Let the Right One In” — It has to be the scene toward the end when Damon tries to bond with Alaric (“We’re bad. Ass.”) and Alaric clocks him one. Awesome.

Least Likely to be Turned — This one goes to Jeremy. First, he tells Anna he doesn’t know why he wants to be turned, and makes us all think that as well. All along, he only wants to be with Vicki. Way to win hearts, there, Jeremy. At least the confusion from last week has been cleared up … Jeremy wanting to be turned didn’t exactly come out of the blue.

Unluckiest in Love — This one’s a tie between Caroline and Anna tonight. Poor Caroline. I was so proud of her, being supportive of Matt’s mom and really talking him through it. She seemed so secure and happy and you know that’s all out the window now. I know Matt and Elena have a history, but Caroline was simply there for Matt and he dissed her.

Clearly Anna has feelings for Jeremy; she gave him back his vervain bracelet knowing full well what it would do for him, and she wouldn’t agree t the “pity turn,” though she did agree to turn him in the end. Until she found out he only wanted to be turned to be with a junkie loser vamp. Not cool, Jeremy, and now you’re on the bad side of a vampire. Watch your back.

Most Likely to Star in a Shampoo Advertisement — Really, what was with Elena’s instant makeover when Stefan started sucking her blood? I can hear the ad now: “Surrender your wrist and a few red blood cells and gain windswept hair full of body and luster.” The Powers That Be went a little too far with this hokey scene.

Most Likely to Need Rehab in the Next Episode — Is there a place to go to detox from human blood? I’m thinking a cross between Supernatural‘s Bobby’s demon shelter basement and maybe the hospital where House spent this season’s premiere. Checking in one Stefan Salvatore….

Least Likely to Win Top Chef — Kelly, just order takeout. You can still be a great mom. Or if you’re really determined, you can get some good recipes over at CliqueClack Food.

Photo Credit: Quantrell Colbert/The CW

2 Responses to “The Vampire Diaries – And the winner is….”

April 9, 2010 at 8:25 AM

Deb, You’re too funny! I thought the same thing about Elena when Stefan was chowing down on her does her hair look so damn good?

April 9, 2010 at 10:01 AM

And one more thought … I can’t wait to see Stefan go all “Angelus” on us!

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