CliqueClack TV

American Idol – Surprises for you and me

Judges' Save. Lip Syncing. Mr. Spock's illegitimate son. Something for everyone.

- Season 9, Episode 29 - "Top 9 Elimination"

Idol surprises abound.

At the end of the opening sequence on the American Idol Top 9 elimination episode, Big Michael Lynche was the final contestant to be introduced. This, just before Ryan Seacrest was bathed in light on the Idol stage crowing “… but one of them could lose it all tonight. Prepare yourself for a surprise or two. This is American Idol.”

Telling? In retrospect, you betcha. Surprising? Not at the time. That would come later.

The contestants’ opening number? Lip Sync Fest! Siobhan Magnus’ mouthing of her part during the opener was so blatant as to be comical! Why, Idol Powers That Be … why? Why do you torture us with this fakery?!? The thing was, though, the best thing about the opening number was noticing several of the contestants weren’t actually singing! If not for this little tidbit, the number would have been utterly forgettable.

By now, you’ve heard the results of the telecast — Big Mike Lynche was the surprise contestant unable to garner enough votes to stay afloat in the competition.

He and Aaron Kelly and Andrew Garcia made up the trio of Bottom Three vote-getters. (And blowing my prediction that Tim Urban would be ousted from the Idol stage once and for all. *sigh*)

The usual rigmarole ensued leading up to the moment — “Seacrust” excused Aaron to safety. Ryan questioned the judges about who should or should not be leaving … predictions … nerves … drama, drama, drama. And, to further the suspense, we were given multiple angular views of Rihanna in ultra-tight black shimmery-ness, and swoopy two-toned coif offering “Rockstar 101.” Blech. I could have done without that.

After Rihanna’s bendy performance, Andrew and Mike were talked to briefly by Seacrust once more … and then — all of a sudden — it was Andrew Garcia who was shuttled to the safe zone.

After all was said and done, with all the fluff and fold out of the way, it was Big Mike who was left alone on the silent, huge Idol stage with only his thoughts to keep him company. But just for the briefest of moments as it was time for him to sing his heart out for the panel, hoping to coax that “Judges’ Save” out of Simon and Company.

And then, another surprise. He got that Judges’ Save. The only one of the season to be used. And unanimously, per Simon Cowell.

The result? Big Mike Lynche and his muscles mount the stage once again next week with the other eight contestants where two will be eliminated. Stay tuned.

Oh. Last Idol surprise … The Screaming Mimi himself — Adam Lambert — will be mentoring on next week’s Idol telecast.  Just shoot me now.

Seriously. I mean it.

P.S. — I forgot to mention one more thing: the illegitimate child of Star Trek‘s Mr. Spock was revealed during this elimination episode … and his name is David Archuleta. Seen on the Idol stage sitting behind a piano, falsetto-ly belting out John Lennon’s “Imagine” during the show, you’ll be able to see him in the certain-to-be-a-blockbuster Star Trek sequel a few summers hence, being reprimanded in a touching sequence by his father (played by Zachery Quinto).

Reserve your popcorn now.

Photo Credit: FOX

14 Responses to “American Idol – Surprises for you and me”

April 8, 2010 at 12:15 PM

You are too funny!!!

I agree with ya on the lip synching! Can’t stand it!

I could have done without Rhianna’s performance too!

April 8, 2010 at 1:59 PM

LOL. You are so funny. The image of Zachery Quinto about floored me. What was up with that odd haircut? Yikes. Was David trying to look like the Beatles??!! Archie… if you are reading this, Never do that again. No, No, No!

I’m with you about Glambert mentoring next week. All I have to say is Ugh! Others have suggested that the theme might just be Broadway given his past experience. Allow me to add a.. Double Ugh!! On a positive note, if this is the case and should that be the actual Theme, I hardly see how Teflon Tim can survive.

April 8, 2010 at 2:14 PM

“I’ll take ‘Popular Songs That Would Be Better Screamed Than Sung’ for $800, Alex …..”

April 8, 2010 at 2:19 PM

Sea-bond should do great *sigh*

April 8, 2010 at 2:07 PM

Had to ff through Rhianna’s performance. Am I just getting too old?

Thank God the save is OVER. Hate the save.

Re: Adam’s return with a mentoring mind…First I’ll shoot myself then I’ll shoot you. No, wait…

Don yu be diss’n my Archie, Rupe. I loved him during the show then made the major mistake of purchasing his CD. Had I been a tween I probably would have loved it. Am I just getting too old?

April 8, 2010 at 2:18 PM


We all know I can’t shoot myself … and that no one’s gonna shoot me, either.

I have to get to the finale. Kinda hard to do that from beyond the grave.


April 8, 2010 at 2:33 PM

I rarely even bother WATCHING the group number, unless it’s a song I really dig or something…so I missed the whole lip synching thing. Oh an since I was working on dinner and then eating I missed the Ford commercial last night…guess I’ll hafta find it online and watch it that way.

I liked Rhianna’s early stuff, last night was just blah blah bleh, heave emphasis on the bleh here!

As I wrote in an e-mail to AI minded pals, when Ryan said Big Mike was the one voted off the island, er I mean Idol stage I was screaming, then teary eyed as I listened/watched him sing and see his wife crying in the audience….it was just brutal!!!

With my heart pumpin’ about a million miles a minute I anxiously awaited the judges decision, and then cried big ol’ crocodile happy tears as the said they were using the save – the unanimous part confused me, and I thought that was the only way the save worked.

Oh and Archie – yikes, the hairdo is just SO odd!! Until I read this review I couldn’t figure out who it reminded me of, and now I know why I couldn’t, the pointy ears were missing!

I really hope Big Mike brings his A++++++ game next week and that he stays and we say buh bye to Andrew and Timmy.

April 8, 2010 at 6:25 PM

What WAS with Archie’s ‘do? LOL And he was asthmatic during and winded after his performance as if he’d run the 50 yard dash. Oof.

I had to giggle about Adam’s mentoring. Why? Because I dig him and of all the people they could have asked the invited him to mentor … I won’t shoot you, by the way. I love to see you writhe and twitch in horror.

April 8, 2010 at 10:10 PM

Needless to say, next week is going to be a virtual Smörgåsbord of delights ….

April 8, 2010 at 6:33 PM

I’m excited to see two get voted off next week–wonder if Glambert’s going to be a good mentor. Did they reveal the theme?

I was not shaken up by Big Mike’s departure, surprised but not shocked. meh.

April 8, 2010 at 6:57 PM

Rhianna was quite bendy! Perhaps she would please leave and go be a circus contortionist. She already has the outfit.
Why shouldn’t Adam Lambert mentor? I mean, he does have two whole years of experience in the music business. Do you think he’ll teach Casey how to get the backup singers to simulate many sex acts for the kiddies in the audience?

April 10, 2010 at 2:35 PM

Lay off, Glambert. I love me some showmanship.

April 10, 2010 at 3:25 PM

You’re such a sucker for …. for ….. tonsils, cajunvegan …..

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