CliqueClack TV

Human Target beats up the bromance

Chance and Winston and Guerrero have such fantastic chemistry that I don't even miss a female lead in 'Human Target.' Plus, the action is unmatchably clever and funny ... it's become a don't-miss show for me.

“You’re like a mystery wrapped in a riddle wrapped in … cashmere.” – Chance to Winston

Awww … man love. Winston and Chance have got it and Guerrero is like their sometimes three-way. It’s a huge part of Human Target ‘s charm, though. I don’t miss the sexual tension of a male-female lead team because the chemistry between the three male leads is so satisfying.

Guerrero and his behind-the-scenes antics stole the show for me this week.

  • Eddie trying to convince Guerrero that he’s not dumb, and Guerrero retorting, “Your headphones are on backwards.”
  • Guerrero demonstrating by slapping Eddie across the face how Chance will make his opponent angry.
  • Guerrero’s subtle blackmail of the fighting commissioner saved Chance’s ass once or twice.
  • It seems he was one step ahead of Winston at every turn, even figuring out what was causing Chance’s yips: Because Eva’s relationship to Prentiss was like that of Chance’s and his old boss, it made Chance afraid of what his old boss might do to Winston.

I had a really hard time watching this at the beginning because hand-to-hand combat is just so base to me. Perhaps I just don’t have enough testosterone to really appreciate a sport that inspires grown men to bite one another’s ears off. I love a good life-saving fighting scene (especially when it’s Buffy), but not as a sport. That said, by the last fight, when Chance got rid of his yips, I was loving it. Bring on the ass-kicking violence.

Better yet, more scenes like the one in the pool please. Keith is such a downer, sitting next to me on the couch rolling his eyes and saying that could never happen in real life. Why is it some people can’t just suspend their disbelief, realize that it’s fiction and have fun? The dude shot through the water and came up and held the whole room hostage. I really don’t know how Keith can say that couldn’t happen; Jack Bauer does stuff like that every day….

I was waiting through the whole pool scene, when Prentiss was confessing to Eva’s father’s murder, for Eva to come up from behind him, having heard everything. That would definitely be a typical plot number 37, right? They did way better … I’m loving the use of the ear bud and loving how Eva didn’t do the plot number 56 thing, and barge in and accuse Prentiss and get all sad and angry. Nope, instead she got really, really even and bet away all of Prentiss’s money. It was a Leverage-like twist, or maybe more Burn Notice, but clever and awesome all the same.

Human Target has wormed its way into my heart and I’d definitely feel robbed if we didn’t get a season two — how about you?

Photo Credit: Liane Hentscher/FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

9 Responses to “Human Target beats up the bromance”

March 27, 2010 at 6:52 PM

Me? I’ve been hopping up and down for two days waiting for this post to pop up but was lying in bed reading this on my phone. Too tired to comment right now but I just wanted to leave a thank you first :-)

March 27, 2010 at 8:35 PM

HA! I was late this week … someone needs to come sing lullabies to my kid (or in this case, ‘Don’t Stop Believin”) so I can watch Human Target on time! :-)

March 27, 2010 at 10:41 PM

You should tell your friend that a quick YouTube search of “shooting underwater” will reveal that firing guns beneath the waves is more than possible. It won’t work for all guns, but the idea that no gun will fire is a myth.

March 27, 2010 at 11:51 PM

I’m with you, Debbie. This is a fun show and I would love to see a second season. I like fun shows because…well, they’re fun!

March 28, 2010 at 1:17 AM

I didn’t have a problem with the gun because it just looked cool to see the bullets zipping through the water. But all I could think during that scene was is a cinder block really that heavy?

March 28, 2010 at 9:14 AM

Oh, Keith mentioned that too, and he for one is pretty sure he could swim with a cinder block tied to his leg! ;-) I think the point that Prentiss made, though, is how long can you keep that up, because every time you come up for air, my guys with the guns are here waiting for you.

March 28, 2010 at 10:24 PM

Loved the episode, especially the underwater shooting. The show and the chemistry between the three seems to get stronger every week. This was probably my second favorite after last week’s episode. So far, though, I’d say Human Target is having one of the better seasons of any show this year.

March 29, 2010 at 1:18 PM

Another very good show that I have added to my don’t miss list. If Fox has any brains at all, this will definitely be renewed for a new season–the sooner the better.

April 4, 2010 at 12:35 AM

I’m completely with you. I tuned into the first episode not expecting a whole lot but thinking hey even if it sucks there’s Jack Earle Haley and Chi McBride. It’s quickly become one of my favourites shows though and I too will be extremely disappointed if there isn’t a season two. It’s just so much fun and the bromance makes it work!

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