CliqueClack TV

American Idol – Where perplexing drama lives

Drama (such that it is) lives on Fox. And there's plenty more to come.

- Season 9, Episode 23 - "American Idol Top 12 Elimination"

American Idol drama happens. 

And this time, drama took the form of Lacey Brown. So … how did that happen…?!?

Votes, people; votes. Or, rather, lack thereof.

Did anyone really see Lacey being ousted? Given the heave-ho? Tossed from the season this early in the game? The fact that she scratched and clawed her way back in, and onto the American Idol stage after not making the cut last season was reason enough to root her on for at least a couple more weeks.

Granted — her squeaky “Ruby Tuesday” during The Rolling Stones debacle wasn’t brilliant, but it wasn’t gaggy and ghastly either. Not like Tim Urban’s ganja-fied shellacking of “Under My Thumb.”

But Lacey’s elimination was one of those WTF (whiskey tango foxtrot) moments … wouldn’t you say?

Personally, I was rooting for Andrew Garcia to get the boot. I would’ve been happy if Paige Miles had met her demise. I could have even understood Tim Urban’s nixing, being that he was “rotated in” at the conclusion of Hollywood Week those many long weeks ago (his mention above notwithstanding).

But Lacey? Dear Lacey?

You see … what it comes down to is influence and — ultimately — votes. Some might ask how in the world Aaron Kelly is in it with his bubble-gum looks and clean-cut charm. But, if you think about it, “Kid Kelly” has got a following, my friends. A shrieking, rabid, Justin Bieber-ish gang who will keep him afloat for some time to come. Something Lacey was not in possession of. Had she had a following like Aaron’s, she would still be gracing the stage and Paige wouldn’t be there next week. Tim and his “shocked he made it yet again” backward stutter-step wouldn’t be in evidence with the others come Tuesday.

Lacey was a breath of fresh air. She was unique as all get out. She had a cute lilt in her voice, just like Didi Benami. She had style and grace and an innocence about her a lot of people liked.

But … that’s not what’s gonna get you additional tickets to future gigs, Bobo.

The fans have to have your back.

And even rabid ones with their annoying “Y’knows” who go (lady) gaga over 16 year-olds are preferable to too few.

Photo Credit: Fox

8 Responses to “American Idol – Where perplexing drama lives”

March 18, 2010 at 4:08 PM

Were the results a little surprising? Heck yes. Am I disappointed? Noooooooo way! Lacey wasn’t one of my favorites. I was pleased to see her and the squeak go. Hubby and I both thought she reminded us of “Columbia” from Rocky Horror Picture Show. Maybe she’ll get a gig on Broadway.

March 18, 2010 at 9:32 PM

“Columbia” from Rocky Horror.


March 18, 2010 at 4:24 PM

Yeppers, it was a surprise but not a shockero. The little glassy eyed tweenie troops are taking control racking up text votes and tying up the telephone lines and in the words of one: (Tim Urban) “is amazing.he is just majorly talented and adorable and when he smiles,my heart melts.”

Lacey wasn’t exactly my favorite. But in so saying holy helium didn’t make me step on my cat’s tail to hear him howl so I didn’t hafta be reminded of the days of Davy Jones and David Cassidy.

March 18, 2010 at 9:34 PM

*hides little melting heart scribbles in his Idol notebook beside Tim Urban … and Davy Jones … and David Cassidy*

March 18, 2010 at 4:51 PM

I said she was going home….even on my blog ;)
I did not ever like her mouse sounding voice…annoying!! Cute girl and very sweet, but not my cup o tea at all and obviously not America’s either!!

Paige wouldn’t have went anywhere cuz that’s the ONE Simon advised was worth the judges save. It could have only been Tim or Lacey. I personally like the ganja-fied reggae version of Tim’s song so I was glad to see he was safe. I will not miss the mouse.

March 18, 2010 at 9:39 PM

I am currently trying to figure out which mouse-sounding voice to which you may be referring, Hatch:

Mickey? Stewart Little? Ben?

March 18, 2010 at 10:23 PM

I was shocked. Shocked, I say. Didn’t see that coming. But, I also didn’t bother to vote because I was so underwhelmed. So, that’s that.

March 18, 2010 at 11:23 PM

I didn’t like Lacy at all, so I’m happy with her being booted off. I’ve been rooting for Siobhan. Lacy’s voice seems identical to Leigh Nash’s voice (and I don’t particularly like Nash’s voice – too infantile). Siobhan has more of an Amy Lee, epic rock voice.

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