CliqueClack TV

30 Rock – Tracy has a sex scandal … sorta

Brilliant adult movie titles, a unique take on the Tiger Woods scandal, and more of Liz and Wesley made this episode of '30 Rock' a real standout.

- Season 4, Episode 15 - "Don Geiss, America, and Hope"

What a great episode! There are many shows taking on the Tiger Woods scandal, but 30 Rock really managed to find a unique, and most importantly, funny take on it. I loved that in this episode we saw Tracy hit with a sex scandal that threatened to tear his family apart, complete with sketchy women coming forward and incriminating voice mails. Of course, this was 30 Rock, so everything was flipped on its head. Tracy’s scandal was that he had been faithful to his wife, completely destroying his bad boy image. Indeed, many women came forward to say that they hadn’t slept with Tracy, and the voicemail in question was from him to Angie while in Bed, Bath, and Beyond.

While that craziness was happening, Liz was continuing her horrible relationship with Wesley (how perfect was it that his last name turned out to be Snipes?). He really is just as big of a disaster as Liz, which makes the whole thing funnier. Even though Liz refused to settle and become Mrs. Snipes, I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Wesley. He even said that he would be back in May, in time for sweeps (which is what they call Spring cleaning in England). We’ll just have to wait and see.

Finally, Jack got to see what life with Kabletown was going to be like. All the pay-per-view porn titles had me dying. I wouldn’t be surprised if one (or all) of them were actual adult movies. His idea for “porn for women” was entirely genius. It was nice to see Jack embrace his future, even if it meant burying Don Geiss. Well, as much as you can bury a guy frozen in Carbonite.

This week had a plethora of great quotes. Here are a few:

“Everything! My addiction to prescription glasses, the fact that I suffer from attention deficit dis — Jack, your shoes are shiny — and worst of all, she revealed the fact that I never cheated on my wife!” – Tracy, on what is revealed in his unauthorized biography

“Your Ben and Jerry’s flavor is called Adulte-raisin!” – Liz, on her shock upon learning that Tracy has never cheated on his wife

“Tracy, I know what you’re going through, I got a lot of flack after I ate the pig that played Babe.” – Jenna

“Good god. ‘Ass-atar,’ ‘The Lovely Boners,’ ‘The Hind Side,’ ‘Fresh-Ass Based on the Novel Tush by Ass-phire.’ It’s all porn!” – Jack, reading the pay-per-view titles available from Kabletown

“It’s a Liz-aster!” Liz, on her relationship

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “30 Rock – Tracy has a sex scandal … sorta”

March 18, 2010 at 10:56 PM

Somehow, 30 Rock managed to beat The Office in a footrace to the bottom of the heap. Tonight’s episode was awful from beginning to end. This season started off so well, but it’s been downhill for at least the last half-dozen episodes or so.

March 19, 2010 at 8:47 AM

Oh Aryeh, when it comes to TV, I don’t think we could disagree more on most things.

March 18, 2010 at 11:10 PM

I disagree, I loved everything about this episode :)
How can you not love Don geiss Gets Frozen in Carbonite??

March 19, 2010 at 1:05 AM

My wife was blabbing on and on about who knows what the other day. Seriously, I’m more than just a pair of ears. I’m a person… who thinks about sex every seven seconds!

March 19, 2010 at 7:23 AM

I felt it was one of the few episodes this season that managed to hang together as a cohesive, thematic narrative, rather than just being a more highbrow Family Guy or Sit Down, Shut Up!. And the NBC Town Meeting was brilliant, as was the hometown heckling contained therein.

March 19, 2010 at 5:06 PM

The episode started really slow, I didn’t laugh once until the Carbonite… even the master-bater joke seemed stale because Craig Ferguson did one a couple of months ago.

But then the carbonite – the absolute bomb for me. Laughed about two straight minutes.

Anyway… it’s the yellow button sweetie! *snicker*

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