CliqueClack TV

VH1’s Sober House is celebrity post-rehab at its finest

Crack pipes and downers and meth, oh my! And those drugs are just the tip o' the iceberg that the cast of VH-1's 'Sober House' are battling this second season.

Tara’s back Guest-Clacking for us again, after confessing that she’s addicted to celebrity reality TV last time she wrote.

The Mister and I were there for the first season of Sober House, because, as I mentioned in my last guest clack, we do not miss a moment of this kind of stuff. Hey, I feel no shame. I think that there are a lot of us out there who can admit our supreme jealousy towards the famous (or even the quasi). And most of the time we just have to live with that icky feeling in our guts. Until a celebrity gets fat, arrested, hooked, divorced, or in any other way goes down in flames while filming it. Then they are fair game, people.

With this in mind, let’s discuss the first episode of Sober House. For those of you still in the dark, here’s the 411. Dr. Drew Pinsky, head psychologist and “sober upper” of celebrities, has a show you may have heard of called Celebrity Rehab. In it, we follow a handful of really sick and doped out famous people, during their first month of sobriety. Dr. Drew counsels along the way, until they “graduate.”

That’s when the good Doc gives them the choice of whether or not to continue their recovery at Sober House. Many choose to go home and chance it. Others choose to keep making money from VH1 and go to Sober House, for a few additional weeks of filming. That was mean. I meant that many choose to commit to ongoing recovery at an assisted living facility, never thinking of the extra money and exposure they’ll get.

This year, we follow along as NBA star Dennis Rodman, ex-madam Heidi Fleiss, actor Tom Sizemore, a couple of ex porn stars (Jenni Ketcham and Kendra Rossi), a former very snarky Miss Teen USA (Kari Ann Peniche) and hard rocker Mike Starr–all move into the Sober House.

The house is run by ex-addict-and-actress Jennifer Gimenez, who is one tough lil’ cookie. As she proved last season, Jennifer can handle the worst of the worst addicts. But methinks she may have her hands full this time with Kari Ann Peniche. One episode down, and already the sparks are flying between these two. And it’s no wonder. This Kari Ann girl is a menace. I’ve seen her on three of Dr. Drew’s shows now, and if she screams at a staff member to “get me some f’ing juice!” one more time….

Meanwhile, Tom Sizemore checks in with a crack pipe in his luggage, and Dennis Rodman doesn’t want to follow any rules because “everyone on the planet knows who I am.” Heidi Fleiss is more than bitter that Tom is there (google their past — I don’t have the time to explain). And the porn stars are moping, because there’s no hanky panky allowed.

At the end of the first episode, the Mister and I were all aquiver with the slaps and relapses we are promised this season. Wait. Is that so wrong?

Photo Credit: VH1

10 Responses to “VH1’s Sober House is celebrity post-rehab at its finest”

March 17, 2010 at 4:14 PM

I’m right there with you. This Tom and Heidi thing is going up in flames any minute. And Kari Ann! Who behaves like that? Glad to see somebody else indulges in this guilty pleasure. It makes me feel so normal.
Thanks for posting.

March 17, 2010 at 4:18 PM

You’re welcome suedahling! Thanks for reading!

March 17, 2010 at 4:24 PM

remember when VH1 programing was mainly Elton John, Whitney Houston, Ace of Base & Sheryl Crow videos? I never would have guessed it at the time, but I miss those days.

March 17, 2010 at 4:36 PM

Two words: Hot. Mess.

Describes it perfectly, don’t it? I can hardly wait for more.

The irony of being ‘addicted’ to this show is not lost on this commenter.

March 17, 2010 at 5:03 PM

@ Luna Tick–I used to love Ace of Base.

And Michael…only a few more days…just a few. Hold on, man.

March 17, 2010 at 7:20 PM

You rocked it Tara – right on!

March 18, 2010 at 11:39 AM

Boy Tara I agree with everything you wrote. I feel the exact same way. One thing that stands out to me is just what a ragging bitch Kari Anne is.. WHO ACTS LIKE THAT? REALLY.. she is so self entitled and self absorbed. You can tell that she is the type of person to have “leaked” that video to the press and blamed it on Mindy. It’s clear to me now that she is a hopeless and lost cause. Im so glad that when Kari hit the cameraman he told her to get a lawyer.. LOL love it and that was her ticket OUT OF THE HOUSE.. THANK GOD.. Thanks again for the great re-cap Tara.

March 18, 2010 at 10:51 PM

Hey, Kari Ann does not belong in sober house. She is sick and is crashing. She needs to be in a hospital not Sober living. Dr. Drew is to blame for this one. He knows that Kari Ann is crashing, but yet he sends her back to the house anyway! He knew all along what could happen when Kari Ann is in this state and he does NOTHING! A good lawyer could sue “Sober House”

March 18, 2010 at 5:00 PM

Thanks for commenting Jim and Rock Chick…look for another recap on Friday concerning tonight’s show. That is, if all goes well, and Clique Clack likes it:)

May 3, 2010 at 7:47 PM

I have been watching the 2010 season-and have before. THIS group is so rude! There are so many hungry kids in down from the street from all this self-indulgent crap thankful for a place to sleep, people losing their homes, jobs lost. It has been rough. I see Mike pushing every button Jenn has in the house, Heidi calling her a whore!?? Looks like two-face in the Batman series. Mike spitting wherever he wants. He is just gross. These people have got it made, and I am afraid to say it but when Dr Drew told Jenn he could fire her for cursing at Mike-I stopped watching! People who truly are grateful for the help ACT like it. I always looked forward to watching them graduate. M.Phillips GOT it. You can get it now or get it later. It was once a really cool show, helpful, and hopeful. Jenn is having help in the house from Shelly-and that is cool. But she is recovering also, and when you get a has been in the house that wants to act like a s-head,and you see that nasty, hurtful side to them as they sit there to smoke-Where is the healing!? I’m calling it Outhouse on VH1!
Go Jenn! And Dr Drew, there are certainly people out there you can find that WANT the help. Drama is good to a point, but recovery should be about all it touches, and that goodwill and hope has been lost.
You are one of the best Dr’s there is! Maybe you should live in SoberHouse and watch a few of those nasty d-heads treat YOU a hell of a lot better than they do Jenn! They can’t even clean their rooms or do their chores-teens act like that. Age appropriate. When you are all washed up and everyone that chooses to heal passes you by-we don’t want to watch THAT! Thanks!

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