CliqueClack TV

I have seen the future, and I think I know how Big Love is going to end

I know that 'Big Love' only just aired its season four finale, but a number of varied events have started me thinking about how the series might end. And it'll be a doozy.

A lot of people were unhappy with Big Love this past season. Which is fair. Personally, I loved watching Bill slowly drift into funny farm territory by ramping up the velocity at which he has visions for the future of his family. And in general, it’s tough to take issue with anything that Bill Paxton does, because he’s a terrific actor.

But the major downside that I do see with a shift of focus from Bill the businessman to Bill the politician is that a new vocation will bring with it a new cast of characters. Or more specifically, leave behind the old ones. We actually already experienced it when Bill shifted his focus from Home Plus to the Blackfoot casino. Where the hell has Don (Joel McKinnon Miller) gone? Oh sure, we’ve seen him here and there, but he’s no longer a regular player in the drama that makes up the show. Or is he?

I’ve been thinking back recently to the many injustices that Don’s been forced to suffer at the hands of Bill. There was the time he had to baby-sit the defaced highway billboard. Or when he had to lie-in-wait as Bill tried to get the Greens and Roman arrested. Or the countless occasions when Bill has shoved business decisions down Don’s throat. And he just stands there and takes it.

And then there’s his personal life. We’ve certainly never gotten the impression that Don’s doing as well financially as Bill is. At least I haven’t. And two of his wives ran off with most of his children — the implications of polygamy aside, that’s tough. And while Don should have shared that with Bill instead of letting it jeopardize their presentation to Jerry, I think Don knew Bill well enough to decide that he shouldn’t rush to share that information with Bill. Because Bill’s never been there for Don.

Asking him to take the fall for the Home Plus health insurance scam, thereby outing himself as a polygamist, was horrible. I mean, it was excruciating to listen to Bill ask, as well as to hear Don do it. It’s no wonder his kid threw something through Bill’s window in the finale; I’d actually call that a tame, restrained reaction by Don’s family. This guy, who’s living high off the hog with a business chain and a casino, and is running for political office, destroyed their lives to save his own. I’m amazed that there’s yet to be an assassination attempt.

Which actually leads me to my vision of the future. I know Don’s a gentle man, and I know we saw relief and pride splashed across his face when Bill, during his victory speech, revealed that he was a polygamist. But Don’s troubles are far from over, and Bill is definitely not finished stepping on Don’s neck to reach ever higher. One of these days, Don’s going to snap.

And slaughter Bill.

I’m not talking about long-range sniper stuff, neither. I’m talking slaughter. Brutal, ugly, vicious stuff, the likes of which The Sopranos didn’t dare show us. The kind of thing that would send the gals from Sunshine Cleaning running for the hills. Or that would turn Hannibal Lecter’s stomach, and possibly make him go vegan.

It’s going to be painful. It’s going to be hard to watch. The FCC will fine and censure HBO for years to come. But Don Embry’s going to get his due. He’ll have his pound of flesh … and then some.

And when he’s all finished, and justice has been served, he’ll go back to court and fight for custody of his kids. Because that’s what a good man does.

And because that’s where a good series finale ends.

Photo Credit: HBO

Categories: | Big Love | Clack | Features | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “I have seen the future, and I think I know how Big Love is going to end”

March 17, 2010 at 5:52 PM

Interesting theory.

I’ve thought longly about Don and all the injustices that have been hoisted on his shoulders. The dude should have ‘broken’ long ago. But – big slobbery puppy dog of a man that he is – he just schleps ever forward.

No. We haven’t see the last of him. By a long shot …..

March 18, 2010 at 8:52 AM

Aryeh..I love the way your mind works!!! lol

March 19, 2010 at 1:24 PM

I aim to please! :)

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