CliqueClack TV

Psych and Mr. Yin: a theory I’m banking on

Our illustrious commenting Clique has come up with the most compelling answer to the riddle of who Mr. Yin is from this past season finale of 'Psych,' and it's hard to argue with it.

In this week’s season finale episode of Psych, we saw Shawn Spencer up against the mysterious Mr. Yin, the counterpart to the already apprehended Ms. Yang from season three’s finale. In my post about the Mr. Yin episode, I asked the question of whether Mr. Yin could possibly turn out to be someone we’ve already met. Readers have come up with some really interesting theories, but the most compelling one to me answers my question in the most interesting way: we have met Mr. Yin … and we have not.

First, let me highlight a few details. Remember that last scene, when Mr. Yin looked longingly at a photo of Yang and what looked to be a young Shawn Spencer? One of the criticisms I (and others) had was in how Shawn somehow did not remember Yang at all from his childhood. How could that be, when he posed with her in a photo?

Let’s get this out of the way right now: Yin is clearly a man — that’s a man hand, baby. But what of Mr. Yang’s voice? To me it clearly sounded like Shawn’s father’s voice (Corbin Bernsen), though several commenters noted that it sounded an awful lot like James Roday. After going back and watching that scene a few times myself, I agree that it could definitely be James Roday’s voice, albeit somewhat disguised. Although Yin’s voice is familiar, obviously Mr. Yin is neither Shawn nor his father — their locations during key moments support that.

So, who is Mr. Yin, then? How have we seen him AND not? The answer that makes the most sense to me: Yin is Shawn’s forgotten twin brother.

Now, before you go scoffing at that, hear me out. Shawn having an evil twin fits the mood of this show perfectly. Although Yin is a proven killer, there are opportunities for some serious humor here. Shawn and Gus have been all about pop culture references, and throwing an evil twin into the mix would both frighten and thrill these guys. Imagine Yin posing as Shawn in later episodes or, better yet, Shawn trying to pose as Yin? Tons of possibilities. Plus, it gives Roday an outlet for doing something a bit different acting-wise.

The existence of a twin explains why “Shawn” appears in the photo with Yang and doesn’t remember her — it’s not Shawn. It also explains why he’s got it out for all of the Spencers, not just Shawn. One issue that will need addressing is how Shawn did not know he had a twin brother and why Henry kept that news from him. It could be excused that Shawn does know and he just never talked about it before, but that seems unlikely. However, that sure would piss off a long-forgotten twin brother, wouldn’t it?

So, what do you think? Are our commenters onto something here? I guess we’ll have to find out next season, unless I can get on the horn with James Roday and get him to spill a spoiler to us … but do you really want that spoiled now?

Photo Credit: USA Network

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74 Responses to “Psych and Mr. Yin: a theory I’m banking on”

March 12, 2010 at 2:37 PM

in the final scene, the picture of young shawn and mr. yang looked totally home-made, as if mr. yang pasted a cut-out of young shawn in the picture with her. that’s what i saw.
i dont think we’ve met mr. yin yet. if there’s any merit in the twin brother theory, then that would have put mr. yin at like 9 years old back when the first string of murders was worked with henry on the force…so i dont see that being the case..

March 12, 2010 at 2:40 PM

For what it’s worth, the photo *was* stitched together for the purpose of the show, since that was a much younger looking Ally Sheedy in the photo standing with the actor who plays young Shawn. :)

Also, the first string of murders didn’t have to include Yin. It could have just been Yang.

March 12, 2010 at 3:43 PM

Everyone keeps commenting (in your other post) about Yin’s voice. Yes, maybe it was James Roday or Corbin Benson, just for the show, because they haven’t decided EXACTLY who will play Mr. Yin. So they just used their own voices FOR RIGHT NOW. This is no way means that Shawn/Henry are Mr. Yin.

I still don’t think that Shawn’s mom could possibly be involved, although I could entertain the idea of Mr. Yin being a past patient of Madeline’s….someone who is obsessed with her and becomes obsessed with Shawn and what he does.

Re this theory, I don’t think that Mr. Yin could be Shawn’s twin. A twin he doesn’t know about? He can’t keep anything a secret (which means he would have told someone- like Gus) and he was trained by Henry to be observant, making it unlikely that Henry could just not mention/keep to himself that Shawn has a twin for ALL these years.

I think Mr. Yin is someone who is tied to Shawn’s past (or something) but not connected in anyway such as a family member.

March 12, 2010 at 5:03 PM

Here’s how “evil twin” could work. Shawn’s mother goes into labor when Henry is tied up at work. She’s either very drugged up or unconscious when Shawn is born. After Shawn is born and the doctor is distracted for some reason, the nurse (Yang) realizes there’s a second baby, delivers it, and snatches it to raise as her own. She’s the only one who knows Shawn has an identical twin. Because she is who she is, she names the twin she keeps the same name as his brother, Shawn.

March 12, 2010 at 5:23 PM

@COS that is extemely interseting. If the “evil” twin thing does pan out that seems the most likely approach, however it still doesn’t explain Yang’s apparent obsession with the Shawn we know.

March 13, 2010 at 10:06 AM

Maybe Yin TOOK the picture.

March 16, 2010 at 11:07 PM

i kinda agree that maybe yin was taking the picture. the dad doesn’t seem to recognize yang so he didn’t take it. honestly, if you can figure out who knew that abbigale was arriving at that time (like nobody) then you’ll have the guy.

March 13, 2010 at 3:44 PM

Wouldn’t it be cool if it was Simon Baker of the Mentalist? ;)

March 15, 2010 at 2:11 AM

I really like the twin theory. It would have to be someone with access to a lot of different photos of Shawn, hence the slew of photos that they find of him when the get to the house of the fake address.
I’m not completely counting out Shawn’s mom, even though the picture above shows little to no chance of that.

Could it be a past criminal that Shawn has busted?

What about [ Lasciter’s first female partner ] Anne Dudek? (That would be the LeBron James’ of twists to the show, if they worked her in the backround secrectly stalking Shawn in every show similar to the same way they hide the pineapples.) I have no evidence to back Dudek.

What about (and this is my most plausible theory if we are going to go with someone who we have me before) Steven Weber, aka, Uncle Jack. Connected to the family. Has an knack for getting into deals with shady people. Explains the voice on the phone. Motive is getting back at him for Shawn getting off with the treasure. He never says where he is to Henry.

All I’m trying to do is think of as many theories as possible. Feel free to tear them all apart. I like the twin theory, but I feel like their would have been more clues to that.

March 16, 2010 at 8:39 PM

Oh I wrote my reply before I read yours. I like your Uncle Jack theory.

March 22, 2010 at 10:23 PM

@ Andrew. I’ve been thinking about the Uncle Jack theory myself. Same motive as well. I’m trying to think if he ever wore a fedora.
I’m also trying to think of people who have worn the hat in the show to be a possible suspect. I’m also trying to think of the room Mr. Yin is in at the end of the show, it looks familiar, and so does that tea set.
Also, what about when Mr. Yang was playing with the ball and she said the name Reginald. That could be something too. And maybe the answer can be found in the movie Psycho as well seeing as how it was the whole premise of the show. Shawn even said it himself.

March 15, 2010 at 7:33 AM

i like the theory that yin and yang are shawns real parents who gave him up for adoption
or better yet, he was taken from them because someone figured out they were deranged

but then its kinda odd that yang would want a conjugal visit from shawn…so that kinda dispells that

just gotta figure out how yin and yang are related…and why theyre targeting the women shawn cares about (jealousy?)

March 15, 2010 at 10:50 AM

i Really dont think its shawns twin brother, i dont think the voice sounded like shawn. truth is i really dont have a clue..but whoever thought it was shawns dad is an idiot, they wouldnt make him killer it just wouldnt happen. but i do know one thing i want shawn and juliet to get together ! its like its been four years of 4 play.I hope they get together in this season.

March 15, 2010 at 4:23 PM

Spoiler alert!!! Mr. Yang is Shawn’s mother. Mr. Yin is Henry’s true son, who was mistakenly swapped with Mr. Yin at birth .

March 15, 2010 at 5:16 PM

my brother has a theory. he thinks mr. yin is shawn’s mom, which makes sense. whenever she is in town, the murders start again, and she was the one “kidnapped”. the murder’s started and henry was put on the case, then she divorces him and moves way and the murders stop. she also has certain insight, like the fact that shawn likes hitchcock, or that he stood up abigail at the pier, something family members would know. it also explains the murderers affection towards shawn…

March 16, 2010 at 12:50 AM

With all of the (justifiably) bitter comments about “The mentalist” that are made on “Psych” I cannot fathom that any writer for this show would swipe the idea of a long lost brother from arguably the best suspense show other than Psych: Dexter. They did the unknown brother thing 4 seasons back on Dexter and Psych is just too proud a show to take an idea from anyone. Let’s keep brainstorming people!

March 16, 2010 at 1:00 PM

Hmm… I have read many, many theories on this and i would like to share my favorite 5.

5. The coroner.. Im not sure how it could be him, but it is an interesting possibility. Especially since he and Shawn get along so well.

4. Shawn’s real Parents.. Yin and Yang could very well be Shawn’s real parents. I think this only because of the weird relationship Shawn and Henry have. Henry sometimes acts as if Shawn isn’t really his son and, lets be honest, Shawn is nothing like Henry, other than observational which Henry trained him to be.

3. Pierre Desperaux.. In the “Extradition British Columbia” episode, Shawn describes him as the perfect criminal. And the episode ended with Desperaux being caught all too easily. Plus his last words are “Shawn, I’ve often fantisized about escaping from prison.”

2. Shawn’s mother.. While it is painfully obvious that Mr. Yin is NOT Shawn’s mother, I think she still may have something to do with it. Someone mentioned that all this stuff happens whenever she comes to town, which makes a lot of sense. Think about it… It would be just like Psych to make you think there is no way in hell it is her, and then it really is.

1. Evil twin.. Come on, it sounds like the plot to a comicbook. But at the same time, it is the only theory that could possibly explain every question we are all asking. If Yin really is Shawn’s evil twin, there is no way Shawn knows about him.

The only other thing I can think of is it is a character who has yet to be introduced. Let me know what you guys think! Psych is the greatest show ever!!!

March 17, 2010 at 12:23 AM

Dude, I like your theories, but here are some things to think about.

5. There is no reason it is not the coroner besides the fact that (like you said) he and shawn seem to get along fairly well. There is definitely no hints in the show that he is involved.

4. I think Henry and Madeline and Shawn’s real parents, because in “He Dead” Ep 2 Season 4, in a flashback Shawn faked a temperature of 150 and Henry sarcastically remarked that he would be dead in 5 minutes, followed by saying “well the good news is that this happened early enough so that your mother and I can start over again, maybe this time we’ll have a girl.” Which leads us to believe that Shawn is the biological son of Madeline and Henry. Granted, just because he said that, doesn’t mean that he wasn’t lying to Shawn to hide that he was adopted. But, in season 3 it’s implied that Shawn’s gift stems from Madeline’s gift of being able to remember everything she hears. So perhaps Madeline is the real mom, and Yin could be the real dad… but that wouldn’t explain the picture with Yang and Shawn. Point being, I’m pretty sure evidence points to Shawn being Henry’s and Madeline’s.

3. I thought about Despeaux, but then I remembered that he said if he were to kill he would “kill elegantly” so probably not the way that Yin killed the waitress who served Shawn and Gus their pie. I do think that they will use him in the show again because he was such a good villain, and because of the line that you mentioned at the end of the episode where he fantasied of escaping prison.

2. Like you said, it’s pretty obviously it’s not Shawn’s mother, but if you take away the picture, all evidence points to her.

1. I think because what I said in number 4, it also cancels out the thought of an evil twin.

One interesting theory that has a lot of holes in it would be that yang is juliet’s old boyfriend, Scott, played by Josh Braaten. It’s obviously not correct, because why would he put juliet’s life at risk. The only thing it explains is that he know’s what would really torture Shawn.

Every theory I have thought of has some kind of hole in it. I don’t mean to burst your bubble dude, I’m just offering things to consider.

No matter what, psych is by far the best non-network show.

March 17, 2010 at 2:12 PM

Trust me, I have found holes in every theory I have seen on the internet as well. Those were just the 5 most interesting ones I found. It would be pretty awesome if one of those is correct but I’m with you, I don’t think any of them are. It will most likely turn out to be a character we haven’t met, but knowing Psych the way we find out will be more interesting than who Mr. Yin actually is. Guess we’ll have to wait for season 5!

March 16, 2010 at 5:09 PM

It can’t be Shawns real parents because Mr. Yang is always trying to flirt with Shawn and that’s not something a mother would do. The idea that Shawn’s mother has something to do with this is interesting but it doesn’t fit with her style to be killing people and she obviously knows that Yin/Yang were killing people. That would just be way too twisted. Evil twin sounds too daytime drama, Psych is better than that. It’s not someone that we have been introduced to before because we had never outright seen Yang’s face before the drive in movie although she was in the background, like in Shawns flashbacks at the end, of every one of the scenes. They put Yin in everyone of the scenes except you already knew who he was, even though you couldn’t see his face, because of the dark clothing and the covering of his face. So it’s someone completely new but it’ll be interesting next season to find out his relationship to Shawn. Also someone should analyze all the things Yang says to him while they went to visit her because she kind of talked in riddles and whatnot so when she says she gave him all the clues I feel like that’s what she was talking about. Also what did it mean when she was talking while the they were doing a close up of the picture? That was creepy and so confusing! I just want to know now!!!

March 16, 2010 at 8:32 PM

What about this…It’s his Shady Uncle. That’s why Shawn looks so comfortable having his picture taken; he knows and loves him. Maybe He is Yin and Crazy Yang was his girlfriend.

March 16, 2010 at 11:59 PM

It’s all good. I like the theory too, except that he seems a little too good hearted to actually kill someone. I don’t know.

March 21, 2010 at 10:31 PM

I like the idea of it being shawn’s uncle and yang being his girlfriend

March 19, 2010 at 1:28 AM

It could be a twin if Shawn was adopted… his twin being adopted by Yin and Yang

March 19, 2010 at 5:40 AM

It cant be a Twin it leaves Yin at 9 years old killing people.

I believe it is It is his Maternal parents(YIn&Yang) When Yang says at the very end your just amazing my most admirable foe she sounds like she is talking to her child! Also MY MOST ADMIRABLE FOE hmmm CHILDBIRTH??? they worked together when giving birth? Shawn is nothing like his dad. Me and my step-dad(since birth) act the same way together, its a different kind of bond and its what shawn and his dad have. And the picture comes from a visit from yin and yang saying we would like to see our kid. shawn was simply too young and cant make the connection she looks very different. So many holes FML i give up goodnight

March 22, 2010 at 6:22 AM

If you follow Psych’s Twitter account-Andy Berman has already said that Shawn isn’t adopted, and that he doesn’t have a twin.

March 20, 2010 at 12:46 AM

I don’t like the evil twin theory, I don’t feel it would play well. I mean I can’t see Shawn playing a dual part in this show, and I don’t think that pulling a “Jim Carey” would work out well (playing multiple roles). I do however like the real parent/adoption/pseudo twin theories.

Think about it (real parent theory):
1. Shawn likes theatrics, Henry hates them. Mr. Yin and Yang OBVIOUSLY do.
2. While Henry has an extraordinary sense of detail, so do Mr. Yin and Yang.
3. Mr. Yang may not be “flirting” with Shawn, to my memory I cannot remember a sexual advance. Merely awe inspired admiration on a psychotic level, which lets face it, Mothers have for their children.
4. Mr. Yin is NOT A WOMAN, get glasses.
5. Also Mr. Yin is older, look at the build and the hands. The complexion is that of someone Henry’s age not Shawns and his build matches the same profile (slightly hunched, wearing a suit, a slight gut, not to mention the strength to tie a woman to a pole while she is conscious in a growing tide and hang a woman from a clock tower). This fits in perfect with the theory that he may be the father.
6. It is NOT Henry, he was in the car driving to the peer with Shawn and was at the station with them during most of the episode.

Now for the twin theory, but a twist. ITS BOTH!
Mr. Yin and Yang had TWINS. Shawn was, lost, stolen, etc. and adopted by a secretly tender detective who had been tracking them down in the original murders. The child in the photograph is NOT shawn but shawns twin brother that may or may not still be alive. My bet is dead because of Mr. Yin and Yangs obsession over Shawn. Their resurfacing only happened when their “worthy opponent” started winning so many cases and appearing on the television and papers. To which they would have said “OMG”. Enraged that he was stolen from them they seek to take away the false life he is leading and bring him to their side of the tracks, or break him, one or the other.

There you have it, what I feel is one of the most thought out theories on the net. It would help explain Shawns mother leaving “by choice” as well. My guess is she was overcome as a psychiatrist with the idea that she was raising a serial murderers son and while she loved him could not bare to be around him when she started seeing signs of his personality (rebellious, lying, deceiving) develop. Hence why she never tells him when she’s in town, or anything at all and only comes to him out of will when she hears that he is on the Mr. Yang case and only then to implore him not to take it, only being satisfied when she sees how righteous shawn really is.

March 24, 2010 at 5:29 PM

Yang’s advances have been sexual, or even if she was ‘joking’ it would be too much for a parent to say. When they visit her in the institution, Yang says “Yes, Shawn they do allow conjugal visits but I’m pretty sure we’d have to get married first.”

March 24, 2010 at 11:18 PM

Or is she playing another game? I did forget that part though so you have a point but let me just say that she is a psychopath, I would not put it past her to take it to that extreme. After all, this is someone that murders people for fun, kicks and giggles. Plus I can see a future joke on that :
Gus – “Dude that was your MOM.”
Shawn – “Thank you for pointing that out Gus, now excuse me while I book a psychiatrist for the rest of my life.”

March 20, 2010 at 2:00 PM

Any reason why they make mention of Henry’s Swiss Army knife being bigger in the final scened? Pehaps to get the viewers thinking? Mary was “slashed” by way of a larger knife. Henry was not there when it happened. Ideas?

March 21, 2010 at 12:44 AM

Well, if Shawn was adopted then he would not know of a twin. Also, that explains how different he seems to be from his father and how abrasive their relationship can be. It also explains why Shawn’s mother seems to make little attempt to have a strong relationship with her son, which always seemed odd to me.

March 22, 2010 at 10:41 PM

It is NOT Henry. There’s no way he could be right next to Shawn on the pier at the end and then suddenly change clothes and jump in the water and come up from under the pier. It is not Henry. And the whole “Mr. Yin and Mr. Yang” being his real parents doesn’t seem like something the show would do. And it’s not the Mom. She first showed up at the end of the Second Season in “Shawn and Gus of the Dead” even though we didn’t see her, she was still there. And why wait so long to start killing again. And why reveal herself if it really was her. They haven’t seen her in so long that they wouldn’t have never suspected her, but she revealed herself anyway. It doesn’t pan out.

March 22, 2010 at 11:24 PM

Okay, I have a reason why it wouldn’t be someone we’ve never seen before and why it would more likely be someone we’ve met before. Mr. Yang’s identity was revealed in the same episode because she wasn’t a know character. Why would the show put so much hype and mystery around a character we’ve never met before. Also, at the end, Mr. Yin takes off the mask but yet we do not see the face. Again, why put so much hype behind a character we’ve never seen before?
Now here’s something I’ve been thinking of. Remember the priest Father Westly in “The Devil is in the Detail’s? When look at the clothes he’s wearing in the scene when he comes to the house. It’s the same clothes and hat Mr. Yin wears, and people have also pointed out that the hand looks like an older man’s hand. Just a theory but it makes sense.

March 22, 2010 at 11:46 PM

Has anybody else noticed that only the women in Shawn’s life get targeted? Never Gus or his Dad. With the exception of the projectionist (which was probably taken out by Mr. Yin. Even Mary said “It feels more like an improve, it’s not his style” and he goes to say that Mr. Yin would be more chaotic no rules, improvised.) all the victims were women. The girl who served them lunch, the woman who served them pie, Juliet, Abigail, and his Mom.
Also, why was it that Gus was the only one who was able to see Juliet fall? Everyone else was to far away to be able to get to her. Henry and Lassy were locked in the car and Shawn was on the second floor in a wheelchair. Why would that door be locked so that Gus couldn’t enter? Wasn’t the whole point to get them away from Juliet? And also, wouldn’t Mr. Yin want it to be that they had no idea how she disappeared? Gus also really took charge this time, picking up Juliet’s gun and jumping down that hole. It’s weird that he did the things Shawn would do, which Shawn also made a note of, how he need Gus to be there for Juliet. Very interesting.

March 23, 2010 at 8:39 AM

It’s definitely not Gus. The writers would never put so much character development into a protagonist just to turn everyone against him. That’s the easiest way to really piss off and lose your audience.

I do agree that it will definitely be someone we’ve seen before, but not Gus, Juliet, Abigal, Henry, or Lassiter. They were all visible in scenes that we also encountered Yin. No one can be in 2 places at once.

I like “red’s”theory above. (Except for the twin part) Maybe Shaun was Yin and Yang’s son, that Henry kept/rescued while working the case. However, there are some certain sexual advances from Yang (conjugal visits???) But then again, she is psychotic.

April 3, 2010 at 3:55 PM

yeah its definatly somone we have meet before. When chief is giving out roles she says ” henry you have a past with him too “.

April 5, 2010 at 12:18 PM

BINGO… a past with Henry.

everyone has a “partner” in this show.

1 flashback in 1995 shows Henry as a coat and tie detective, and he has a PARTNER! Never heard from him since, never heard about him before.
Strange isn’t that this partner is never mentioned?

Point #2, Henry says remember what happened to the last DETECTIVE… Vick answers, a young girl died.

That was 15 years ago at least… SHawn and the partners daughter meet 1 time, get a picture. Any of you remember a person u met 15 years ago?

March 28, 2010 at 11:35 PM

The writers already confirmed that Shawn does not have a twin…

April 2, 2010 at 10:55 PM

dudes yin and yang cannot be the parents if you look in the picture at the end its little shawn and yang who looks only a few years older than him! she cant be the birth mom and she woudn’t be old enough to adopt him or a twin! i really like the father weasly idea although why would a priest go and murder people thats the one problem i have. i do think its someone we know but i have literally watched every single episode 10 times each and cant think of anyone! it has to be someone from shawn and only shawns past. maybe if we can figure out where yang and him are in the picture at the end we can tie it to his past and connect it with yin. my mom and sister think its either a warehouse or an evidence room…. i have no idea but i wanna figure it out before they do so any tips will help!

April 3, 2010 at 12:08 PM

I think that Yin is actually the bounty hunter from the season 2 episode ”Bounty Hunters”. Yin’s hand’s were old and definently a man’s. Also, the Bounty hunter would have no problem killing people. I think he went cuckoo after Shawn got him arrested.

April 6, 2010 at 7:02 AM

if you look at the end, it looks like mr yin is treating the ppl in the photo as dead

April 6, 2010 at 7:38 AM

it sais in the end the CHRISTOPHER TURNER is yin

April 9, 2010 at 5:04 PM

Firstly, the credit for Yin could just be the person they used to be under the mask for filming. I don’t think the writers and producers would be silly enough to give up Yin’s identity by saying Yin played by James Roday.

April 9, 2010 at 5:05 PM

Firstly, the credit for Yin could just be the person they used to be under the mask for filming. I don’t think the writers and producers would be silly enough to give up Yin’s identity by saying Yin played by James Roday.

More theories here:

April 18, 2010 at 8:56 PM

guys listen another thing that alot of people are forgeting is that yes yin and yang personally know shawn but if you remember from “An Evening with Mr. Yang” they said that yang (and assumingly yin) would resurface when they thought there was a worthy opponent and Henry was on the force for some of those times so it cannot be someone who started to be yin and yang right after they met shawn in previous seasons they would have to have been doing this for a long time and that probly puts an end to alot of theories as to why someone would do this.

April 20, 2010 at 5:13 PM

I highly doubt the existence of a twin. Not only would Shawn remember having a brother, Gus would remember if his lifelong best friend had a brother. They couldn’t have been separated at birth, because there’s no reason Henry and Madeline would keep one and ditch the other. Even if they had, once they realized the killer was targeting people Shawn cared about, they’d come clean about the secret twin because they’d know that’s the most likely suspect.

If the writers did go the “evil twin” route, it wouldn’t fit in with the mood of the series, it would just be lazy. It can’t be somebody that one or more of the characters has secret knowledge of. It’s gotta be someone they either never suspected, never met (or don’t remember meeting), or thought was dead.

People think Henry’s partner died because of Yang, right? Who knows, maybe he didn’t die after all. Even that would be less ridiculous than a secret twin that everyone conveniently forgot about until season 5. :P

April 20, 2010 at 10:30 PM

I’ve extended upon the idea of Yin being an ‘evil twin.’ My theory is that the twin could be a half-brother of Shawn’s, through his dad. Possibly, Shawn’s dad fooled around with Yang a long time ago. If I remember correctly, Yang pulled off a string of murders while Shawn’s dad was on the case, maybe because she was mad at him. Shawn’s evil twin could not have been old enough at the time to commit or help with these crimes. Shawn’s dad may not even know that he had gotten Yang pregnant. The only problem would be that Shawn’s dad never mentions any previous relationship with Yang other than his professional one, but we can see why he would want to keep that secret. Please reply if you find any holes in this explanation.

April 20, 2010 at 10:31 PM

please reply to this post when replying to this parent post

April 21, 2010 at 8:22 PM

i think that yin and yang are shawns real parents, but they decided to let him go, he got adopted by his dad and mom, but tin and yang kept his twin,

April 30, 2010 at 2:52 PM

i really think that yin was an inside job. in the first episode of season 4, desperaux dreamed about escaping jail if recall. but the main reason is that im thinking y wud yin pick juliet and abigail. i mean hes being having trouble figuring it out who he wants to go for

May 1, 2010 at 2:12 AM

I was wondering about this myself and I came up with a theory that seems just a tad more plausible — Woody the Coroner.

This is of course entirely speculation (and rather long) but here goes:

1) The voice at the end was very similar to Woody’s and while this has no scientific merit, I did play his scenes simultaneously and the voice sounded eerily similar.

2) This is the first recurring guest star from the police force that was introduced in Season 4 (all the other recurring guest stars have been around from the onset).

When they introduced him, I found it a little odd because while I liked his character, his introduction seemed a little out of the blue. What makes it more ominous is the actor, Kurt Fuller, who has played more than his fair share of ominous characters.

And more importantly, why him? Why a 3-episode arc when in the past they haven’t really been concerned with a ‘regular’ coroner?! Plus Shawn really likes Woody and they get on well, which would work well for the big reveal.

A 3-episode character arc is a smart move — it is prominent enough to be noted but not so significant that people will remember. And why does he appear in the penultimate episode?

We know how TV shows love foreshadowing and the two of the three episodes chosen were more personal: High Top Fade Out and Thrill Seekers and Hell Raisers for Gus and to an extent Shawn (HTFO had Shawn concerned about his own friendship status with Gus and TS&HR had Shawn acknowledge what he lost when Abigail left).

The penultimate episode is just the calm before the storm

3. Additionally, Mr. Yin knows a great deal about Shawn and given that we know Shawn has taken Abigail to a murder scene (in ‘You Can’t Handle this Episode) and his on-going flirtations with Juliet are well-known, it screams ‘insider’.

Plus, Shawn is not exactly great at keeping secrets. As a coroner, he’d be privy to a great deal of police detail but also remain out of the immediate pool of suspects. Yin chose Hitchcock films for a reason

Also, how else could he have known that it was Buzz who was escorting Abby? Plus, Buzz looked a little off his game when the showed him at the station after Juliet had been taken.

If Woody as Yin, then he could have easily administered medication that lowers awareness (as a trained police officer and a trainee detective, he didn’t notice movement behind him when he should have), which makes it easier to deliver the final blow when he kidnaps Abigail.

4. Mr. Yin needs to have a degree of medical training and/or knowledge as he managed to incapacitate both Buzz and Abigail with a certain amout of ease and the skill displayed in the murders as well as the way that Juliet and Abigail were tied — it looks like either military or trained medical. Given Woody’s age, it is likely he served in the military.

3. The concept of Yin and Yang — we work on the premise that they are opposite: control and chaos. But we haven’t taken into account that within Yin and Yang there is also a conflict between chaos and control.

So while Yang appears chaotic, her methods were about being in control which makes sense in psychology — you seek what you do not have. And as Yang said, Yin is the complete opposite, which would mean the appearance of control and behaviour of chaos, which fits the idea tha Woody is Yin.

He is a coroner which means he has to be controlled and clinical but his alter ego can cause chaos, once again working the theme of Yin and Yang. It also provides a reason for the elaborate staging of the attempted murders in the episode. Would also explain how he killss so ‘cleanly’ — there was no evidence left behind.

In the end, this is all speculation and intuitive ‘hokum’ but it is a plausible theory of who Yin could be and far more preferrable to the ‘soap opera-ish’ previously-unknown-evil-twin theory. My guess is that this will be dealt with, most likely, come Season 5 finale (with a possible reference in the Season 5 premiere) or they will use it as an overall story arc for the show, like they did with Monk and his wife’s murderer or as they are doing with Castle and The Mentalist right now.

May 18, 2010 at 3:57 PM

I liked this theory until I thought of one thing, Woody is as small as a toothpick, the picture the guy is kinda chubby. I am just sayin

May 2, 2010 at 6:29 PM

Something that confused me was that Yin is female and Yang is male, but it’s Mr. Yin and Mrs. Yang? Yin is usually female but can be male sometimes, I just read from this website:

But still I was kind of confused.

Anyway, when you’re young you can forget things easily. Shawn looks to be eight or something in that picture. But him having a brother would kind of make sense. Mr. Yin stroking the picture made me realize that he had some really deep emotional connection to the people in the picture. If it was Shawn’s twin, then Mrs. Yang got the Shawn we know mixed up with that other kid.

My mom and I watch the show together, and we’re both confused about the ending, but she told me she thinks that the episode was a dream of Shawn’s, or that he was just imagining the whole thing.

If so, it would be really weird and even more confusing, but nice, since we’d have our Mary back again. I think it really happened just because death is painfully real. I guess the hard thing is waiting for future episodes to see how the cast react to everything that’s happened and how they bring it up. The Little Boy Cat (who’s really a girl cat I recently found out) was mentioned once in an episode a long time after his first appearance, so they bring things up that happened in previous episodes, but rarely. The Yin episode is more dramatic and would leave a bigger impression (even though I love kitties) so I think we’ll be hearing more about it and we’ll be able to figure out more when the new season starts.

May 4, 2010 at 3:37 AM

i somehow thought about hte “evil-twin” theory and in reference to the post on May 1st, how in the world would Woody have a picture of Yang and kid-Shawn with him? Is there an old relationship between them too?

In some “shark-murder” episode of the same season, Shawn’s dad meets Woody while he conducts his post-mortem, and there is no show of any kind that the two have known each other.
But, we clearly know that the Yin killer knows the family well. Really well. So it definitely isn’t him right? Maybe if it was him, then Woody would be introduced before the end of season 3 itself!

No, its someone close to the family, definitely.
In that case, the twin theory seems more reasonable though its clearly not in line with the surprise, unexpected twisted nature of the show. But, then again neither is the whole Yin-Yang thing, coz the show is supposed to be funny and smart right. This kind of evil-brother/twin thing would finally provide a solid-base on which the story revolves.

Here’s, what I think, there is an evil brother, could be a twin as shown in the photo in the end, which bears a striking resemblance to the 10-year-old Shawn. He was brought up by Yang and therefore works for her. Maybe Shawn was adopted after all and Yang wants to take some kind of twisted revenge from them.

It could also be that Yin is Yangs husband or something like that and Shawn was their kid or something.

May 4, 2010 at 11:00 AM

The Calendar was circled on the 24th, but nothing was written on it to let us know what the date was for. (although revealed later in the episode. I wild theory here is the 24th episode of the series is Bounty Hunters, so my theory is that Mr. Yin is Byrd Tatums!

June 5, 2010 at 4:54 AM

In the episode when Abigail leaves, she tells Shawn when she will be back and he said he would circle the date on his calendar

May 10, 2010 at 5:02 AM

in the picture yang is wearing a smock and says were going to be working together again…. im thinking that yin and yang owned some kind of store and shawn worked for them we he was a kid…just a thought cant wait to find out hopefully it will be early in the season and not the finale or something

May 24, 2010 at 1:40 PM

yin is mcnabb

May 31, 2010 at 6:41 PM

yin isnt mcnabb because mcnabb was knocked out by yin when yin got in the cop car with abigail. cant wait to see what is going to happen.

June 1, 2010 at 11:42 AM

Why isn’t it his mother (Cybill Sheppard)?

June 1, 2010 at 11:44 AM

Or Gus’s dad?

June 2, 2010 at 9:16 PM

I have to agree with what Jen and a few others said earlier, an “evil twin” is nothing but sheer laziness on the writers part. Where has this evil twin been all this time and why all of a sudden does he want revenge? Lame, and not very deep. Anytime a show/movie/soap can’t explain why something happened, it’s either a dream or an evil twin. Anyone would be a better Yin than the evil twin theory. Maybe Abigail isn’t what she seems, maybe she just got sick of the commitment issues on Shawns part, and decides to take over where her mother left off. Like I said, anything would be more interesting than an evil twin, Psych is so good because it’s fresh and new, not the same old predictable plots. I’d be pretty disappointed in a twin. An what… they catch the twin and then everything just goes back to carefree and funny and never mention him again, or they don’t catch him and Shawn is ok with his evil twin. The show would have a whole new feel. It would would be more like a drama filled soap rather tahn a fun light-hearted mistery.

June 5, 2010 at 3:34 PM

Well I have an interesting speculation. Here are some things that may help. McNaab did looked spooked before he had to pick up Abigail, I personally think Buzz knows something he is not telling. Another thing that is a possible theory is that Yin is obsessed with Shawn because Yang likes Shawn and pays more attention to him more than himself. I personally think the theory of his brother is hogwash, that picture in the end, to me has no resemblance to Shawn at all. Finally,was Yin REALLY at the movies with Shawn. If you don’t remember, Mary was at the theater too, was he there cause he knew something about Yin? or just to watch the Hitchcock triple feature?

June 10, 2010 at 3:01 PM

thats the thing i’ve been wondering, y has he got buzz and killed mary? y not the whole police department, they must know something and that yin dont want them to know

June 26, 2010 at 5:04 PM

yin is not an evil twin, i mean how far out can you go. And guesser your not very good at guessing because you guessed gus’s dad when gus’s dad is black and clearly the hand at the end isn’t. Yin is not shawn’s dad, gus, gus’s dad, shawn, buzz, abigail, or any one else we know. i think it was the white guy with black hair at the pie resturant sitting on a stool. I think this because yang was watching them in the third season so why couldn’t yin this season. Besides when shawn and gus were in the movies the camera angles so that you can see the back of yin and he has black hair. They only show the guy at the resturant 2 times obviously because they don’t want him to be seen. And the waiter at the resturant was killed by yin meaning he was there. I think this is the most reasonable accusation.

July 3, 2010 at 5:10 AM

melissa has the right idea

June 28, 2010 at 11:57 PM

The way He touched the picture means its probably a relative or biological parent,….. maybe Shawn is adopted and nobody told him

June 29, 2010 at 12:04 AM

or maybe it was a summer job or something because in the picture he is in a ware house full of boxes,and she said— We’re gonna be working together again

June 29, 2010 at 12:12 AM

or maybe it was a summer job or something because in the picture he is in a ware house full of boxes,and she said— We’re gonna be working together again………. or maybe it was a summer job or something because in the picture he is in a ware house full of boxes,and she said— We’re gonna be working together again

July 3, 2010 at 1:23 AM

shawn did go to summer camp maybe thats where he is but he probably would’ve remember seeing her

July 4, 2010 at 11:49 AM

i think i got it!! think about it, an evening with mr yang. shawn is buying popcorn for his date, juliet shows up and asks him on a date, right? he was shocked, his answer was just dry. but who else wud b listening to this other than the person shawn bought the popcorn from. it was only them 3 there, maybe mr yin didnt want to get caught in that episode

July 6, 2010 at 6:12 PM

BUt yin looks to old to be shawns twin brother but that doesn’t mean it can’t be his brother what if Henry had an affair with Yang and had a kid Before haveing shawn. Plus think of it Henry and Shawns mom are divorsed so mabye cause henry had an affair while he was with shawns mom then mabye thats why they got divorced.

July 6, 2010 at 6:14 PM

The carrector that played Yin was Christapher Turner. if this helps.

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