CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – Who is the Lord of the Ring?

This was a fun romp, nothing too heavy. However, we had some good physical comedy in addition to the usual stellar writing and how well the actors mesh with their characters.

- Season 3, Episode 17 - "The Precious Fragmentation"

Sheldon has a precious find on The Big Bang Theory

“We can love it and take it out occasionally when we go to the park to reenact our favorite scenes from the movie!” — Sheldon
“No! I want a jet-ski!” — Koothrappali

Tonight’s episode of The Big Bang Theory was a fluff episode. Yes, I’ve decided the show has two types of episodes — the nerdy geeky fanboy episodes are fluff while the science jargon laden ones are um … er … science-geeky. I guess I’m going to have to work on my descriptors just a bit. Fluff is fine, fluff is good, fluff is even fun. To be honest, I have a better understanding of the fandom world than I do of quantum physics. But I bet you knew that.

Okay, instead of getting Chinese food, the boys happened upon a garage sale and bought a box contents unseen. Now, you know that if you and I bought a box without knowing the contents, it would probably have dead cats or something equally odd in it. Lo and behold, the boys happened to find a box full of fanboy geeky stuff. Who woulda thunk it? I personally liked the Mr. Spock body with the Mr. T head. But the real find was a precious stage prop ring from the movie, The Lord of the Rings. Hobbit that?

But when you introduce something like that, you just know friendships will suffer. Raj wants a jet-ski, Sheldon wants to treasure it forever, Howard is struck with dollar signs, and Leonard wants to return it to Peter Jackson because it was stolen. Tsk, tsk … the boys are falling apart.

Now, the physical comedy came in a few different stages. I think I guffawed when Penny automatically broke Sheldon’s nose as he was trying to cop the ring with a grabber! Then, when they decided to all grasp the ring and the last one holding on gets it — well, that sort of reminded me of the final episode of The Mary Tyler Moore Show when they all huddled together and had to go back for tissues. It was funny then, it’s funny now.

Raj once again had a bit more good airtime tonight with his cousin, the attorney, on his laptop and, need I mention, his “Your me-maw …” shots at Sheldon. Oh, he does have a mean streak. His unrequited sexual attraction with Howard had them cuddling, too. I don’t even want to talk about him rubbing the penis drawing off of Aquaman. Like I said, a fluff episode, but at least I didn’t have to know my physics!

Photo Credit: CBS

4 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – Who is the Lord of the Ring?”

March 9, 2010 at 6:30 AM

Very sweet. It felt like it had been a while since we had an adventure centered on all four of the geeks.

March 9, 2010 at 7:02 AM

Funniest. Episode. Of the season.

While no individual scene matches Sheldon doing the Bazinga in the ballpit from a bunch of weeks ago, the episode as a whole was the funniest of the season for me. Ofcourse could be cause as a fellow fantasy geek I totally recognise the way they are acting.

March 9, 2010 at 4:57 PM

Best line of the show….”I pity da fool who’s illogical!”

March 11, 2010 at 11:34 AM

Agreed. It was all downhill after that.

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