CliqueClack TV

Lost in Lost – A battle for the ages?

It looks like the final season of 'Lost' is going to end with an epic battle with our favorite characters choosing sides. What is this battle going to look like, though? And who will be on what side?

Now that we are a third of the way through the final season of Lost, things are beginning to take shape. One thing that appears to be a near certainty is a huge final showdown between Jacob’s disciples and Smokey and his team of recruits. I’m not quite sure how this battle is going to end up or what it is going to look like, but it seems like a foregone conclusion.

In last week’s episode, I think we saw the final teams begin to take shape. With Hurley and Jacob becoming buddies, I don’t think there’s any doubt that he will be fighting for the dead leader of the Others. I’m figuring that Jack will be on Jacob’s side with the special attention that he is getting. Smokey’s team is also becoming clear. We’ve already seen him “recruit” Sawyer, preying on his grief over Juliet. Likewise, he has “claimed” both Claire and Sayid.

I’m a little upset that some of the characters that I have become so attached to are going to end up on the losing side when all is said and done. Perhaps there is going to be an unforeseen twist that will spare some of the characters, but I figure at least some are going to have misplaced allegiances at the end. I’m really feeling badly about Sayid’s situation. It has certainly been a bleak journey for him, as he has constantly struggled to be a better man, only to finally give in to his darker side. Is he really beyond redemption at this point?

I think the person I am most intrigued about right now is Kate. Through all the madness of the attack on the temple, she somehow ended up with Smokey’s gang. It’s going to be really interesting to see if she ends up falling under Smokey’s spell. Then of course, there’s the issue with Claire wanting to kill her for “stealing” Aaron. My theory is that she’s going to end up bringing Sawyer back to his senses and the two of them will return to Jacob’s team before it’s too late.

At this point, though, it’s still unclear which side is the “right” or “good” side. All along, I’ve been saying that I hope the outcome is a little more complex than the cliched “good vs evil.” Doc Jensen over at Entertainment Weekly had an interesting theory pegging Jacob and Smokey as the Alpha and Omega, representing beginnings and endings. I like the theory, as we have seen many instances of Jacob giving life, and Smokey taking it. It would also make for a more interesting battle and one that isn’t as black and white as good vs evil.

How are you feeling about this big battle that’s shaping up? Are you hoping to see anyone on a certain side?

Photo Credit: ABC

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