CliqueClack TV

Webisode Clack – Watch The Steps, win a Dell

From Writer/Director/Creator Dylan Kussman, 'The Steps' tells the story of Charlie Madison. After his boss is taken down for blackmail, Charlie runs. He makes it to Chattanooga, Tennessee, but his past isn't done with him yet.

Going a little darker this week, it’s time to take a look at The Steps. The self-described noir mystery introduces us to the world of Charlie Madison. Charlie’s in a bit of a tough spot. Back in Los Angeles, he had a successful gig working with Dante Pelinsano (based on the infamous Anthony Pellicano). Unfortunately, that successful gig involved blackmailing people, and Dante has been locked up. Feeling the heat, and sure that he’s the next domino to fall, Charlie heads east and takes on a new name.

It’s not all as easy as that. Along with his blackmailing past, Charlie is also a recovering alcoholic. Having decided that Chattanooga, Tennessee, is far enough away, he settles in and finds a group so he can attend meetings regularly. Of course, our story doesn’t end there. As the saying goes, just when Charlie thinks he’s out, they pull him back in. As the first episode ends, Charlie is taking a job that will land him in another tough spot, and the adventure that is The Steps will begin.

With only the one episode to go on so far, much remains to be seen. For now, I’m trusting that Writer/Director/Creator/Star Dylan Kussman is going to be able to pay off the promises made in the trailer, on the website, and in that first episode. The setup is great, and the production of the opening installment, shot on location in Chattanooga, has a cool feel. I already like the world of The Steps, and I want to see more of Charlie. You can’t ask for more than that. I also love the last line of the about page on the website. “The Steps is about what happens when a tortured soul who wants nothing more than to make peace with his past, finds that his past wants nothing to do with making peace with him.

Finally, if you would like to play along with the series, follow @FollowTheSteps on twitter. Each episode will bring with it a trivia question and correct answers will enter you to win a Dell Netbook. More info is available at the Steps website. Be sure to check out Charlie’s journal there as well. Have a look. The first episode is below.

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