CliqueClack TV

Valentine’s Day, drinking, and role playing – Things That Didn’t Suck This Week

Valentine's Day can either be filled with love or sadness, and that was plainly evident on TV this week. We got hilarious role-playing, lost love, and drunk-dialing: it all seems about right for this holiday.

It’s Valentine’s day weekend, and I don’t know about you, but for me, that pretty much means… absolutely nothing. Until next year, that is, when I officially stop ignoring the holiday and start expecting my kid to make me things. That’s going to be sweet. Anyway, most of this week’s TV was Valentine’s Day-themed, and whether it was funny or sad, Valentine’s Day on television is invariably better than actual Valentine’s Day. This is the beauty of television.

Pretty kitty has nails on Modern Family

On Modern Family, Phil and Claire decided to break from their normal routine of going to a family-style Italian restaurant and spend a night in a hotel together. Not only that, but they decided to spice things up with a little role playing in the bar. I’ve got to hand it to them: not many couples who have been married nearly 20 years would be up for this, but as awkward as it is, they give an admirable effort.

A long-lost son comes to visit on Ugly Betty

Here’s what weirds me: the child that Claire gave birth to and then gave up for adoption on Ugly Betty is significantly younger than her two other children, yet seemingly, no one remembers her being pregnant. Seriously: Daniel is like 10 years older than this dude, and he doesn’t remember a baby in mommy’s tummy when he was in the fourth grade? Anyway, despite this head-scratcher, the scene between Claire and Tyler in which he asks if she is his mother, was extremely well done. Neal Bledsoe, who plays Tyler, hasn’t been in a whole lot, but I hope to see him in a lot more after this.

Jeff and Abed get awkwardly drunk on Community

While I do prefer the dynamic duo of Troy and Abed, Jeff and Abed getting drunk together was pretty hilarious. The best part about it is, even though they got drunk in a very ’80s teen movie kind of way, Abed got so drunk that all of his ’80s teen movie knowledge was knocked right out of him. I believe that is what Ms. Alanis Morrisette would call “ironic.”

A head waiter confesses his love on Grey’s Anatomy

Yes, this is totally sappy, but I’m completely susceptible to this kind of thing; I can’t help it. A roof collapses at a restaurant, leading to an influx of injured people coming to Seattle Grace. Here, the head waiter at the restaurant has a lovely monologue about loving a woman from afar for over 15 years– and she hears everything he says!

Photo Credit: Trae Patton/NBC

2 Responses to “Valentine’s Day, drinking, and role playing – Things That Didn’t Suck This Week”

February 14, 2010 at 11:58 AM

Molly Ringworm *snicker*

I think you should call it “Things that rocked this week” :-)

February 15, 2010 at 9:29 AM

Thank for posting the Grey’s Anatomy clip. A lovely scene from a show I would never, ever watch. And it’s always great to see Brian George get a meaty part.

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