CliqueClack TV

Supernatural’s Sam may not be the weak one after all

Could Sam Winchester be strong enough to save the world? After 'My Bloody Valentine,' I'm thinking so.

After last week’s episode of Supernatural, I wondered what on earth (or in heaven … or hell….) would make Sam and Dean say yes to Lucifer and Michael. Even though it’s an inevitable conclusion to this season (and perhaps the series), I just couldn’t imagine how they’d get there.

After “My Bloody Valentine,” it’s looking a little clearer, and I’d like to take back what I said last week about Sam being the weaker of the two brothers. It just may be that Sam has what it takes to beat Lucifer rather than become his empty vessel.

As Brett said, seeing Demon Sam again was something we were all hoping for, but never did I imagine that we’d see a strong Demon Sam, completely in control of his actions and behavior. For Sam to be able to say no to the buffet of demons that Famine offered him and stay focused on getting rid of Famine, well, that’s just monumental.

If Sam was able to control the demons that Famine ate and use that to kill him, then I feel like we’re seeing a new type of power that Demon Sam has. Was this a bit of foreshadowing? Will Demon Sam be able to stay in control as Lucifer’s vessel and defeat him?

I felt like the old Sam from the first couple of seasons was back. He was powerful, optimistic and able to fight the good fight no matter what. The whole Demon Sam thing in season four really stripped Sam of his confidence and optimism, but I can’t help thinking it’s all back now and Sam will be able to pull this whole thing off. He’s overcome the darkest of influences and triumphed. Maybe it’s his hunger for redemption, more than his hunger for demon blood, that was Sam’s driving motivation during “My Bloody Valentine,” and the reason he was able to defeat Famine.

Dean, however, has hit rock bottom. We knew he hasn’t been the same since his unfortunate stay in Hell, and that’s he become more and more burdened as season five has progressed. But to be so completely empty and hopeless? I didn’t think we’d ever see Dean, who’s always been the strong one, get this low.

I’m wondering, if by the end of the season, Dean will be able to see Sam’s strength and gain hope through that. These two have been each other’s weaknesses, now let’s see them be each other’s strength. Forget about Lucifer, Michael, Castiel and even the absent God — let’s get Sam and Dean relying on each other and trusting one another again. That’s what’s going to restore the future for humankind.

What are your theories for how Supernatural season five will play out?

Photo Credit: Jack Rowand/The CW

17 Responses to “Supernatural’s Sam may not be the weak one after all”

February 14, 2010 at 7:15 PM

I think this is a good review, but the title of your article rubbed me the wrong way. You seem to imply that Dean is weak. And then you refer to his stay in hell as “unfortunate”. That’s a bit absurd. His “hellish” stay in hell would have been more accurate.

After all that Dean has been through, should it really be a surprise to anyone that he is running on empty right now. Sam has been through a lot too, of course, but Dean has always – from 4 years old – had the added responsibility of Sam’s well-being and safety as well. Whatever they’ve been through together, Dean has carried Sam’s burdens in addition to his own. In fact, let’s be honest, in a sense Sam has BEEN a burden. Imagine living with the pressures Dean has had to live with – not even bringing hell and all its torments during and after into it – and then tell me again that he is weak for finally buckling under the weight of it all. You can’t do so with any degree of credibility.

February 14, 2010 at 7:31 PM

Wonderful review! Although Sam has “weaknesses” I’ve never seen him as “weak” per se. Misguided, lost, hopeless, yes, but never weak. Ditto Dean. I’ve never really seen either of the boys as weak, at least not my definition because both of them just keep going in the face of impossible situations and odds.

Although I’m on the side of ending the show after this season, I am very anxious to see how it all ends. I really don’t think either guy will say “yes” to being vessels, but at this point, who knows? It’s that suspense that keeps me returning week after week.

February 14, 2010 at 9:26 PM

Excellent review, and I agree completely. I walked away from this episode thinking Dean is actually the weaker one, and the one who is going to crack under the pressure and say “yes.” Unfortunately, Dean has a history of cracking under pressure – the deal, breaking the first seal – he started the Apocalypse, it makes sense that he’d start The End as well.
He can’t deal with what’s happening, and he can’t see any goodness or strength inside Sam; it’ll lead him down the wrong path once again and Sam will say yes to Lucifer to clean up Dean’s mess.

February 14, 2010 at 10:41 PM

Your comment is ridiculous, Alex. To “prove” Dean’s so-called history of cracking under pressure, you cite 2 totally invalid examples.

Firstly, breaking the first seal: Dean ‘cracked’ after 30 (!!!) years of torture. That is not “pressure” in any context of the word, it’s TORTURE!

Secondly, Dean selling his soul: Again, no pressure. Heartbreak, yes, sense of failure (thank John for that one!), extreme grief, yes!

And on that score Sam is no different. He tried to make a deal as well, only the CRD wouldn’t deal. Worse, actually, Sam tried to open the Gates of Hell – he was willing to unleash hell on earth to get Dean out of hell. I wouldn’t call that cracking under pressure either, but if you want to be consistent, YOU SHOULD!

February 14, 2010 at 10:39 PM

I have to disagree. As is being discussed elsewhere, Sam’s real weakness seems to be the powers, not the blood. He gave into the blood craving, killing the two innocent humans housing the demons, and while he could resist drinking more blood when offered, he had what he really craved: the powers. And he couldn’t resist using those. And that may be the weakness Lucifer uses to get him. And what caused Dean to reach such a low is he realizes it as well.

February 15, 2010 at 9:22 AM

OK, I see your point, and time will tell which way it goes, but that is not the feeling I got from this episode. They may take it down that road, but I think Sam was right to use the powers and he made a solid judgment in doing so. He did it for the right reasons, not because he was being a power junkie. Resisting using the powers in this case would have led to everyone’s death and seeing that he is more powerful than ever puts a new spin on the possibility that he can defeat Lucifer.

February 15, 2010 at 6:02 AM

Sam has been through so much yet he is still standing and dealing with it without much help from anyone. HE IS NOT WEAK. In fact, he’s the opposite.

He keeps Dean human and Dean gains strength from Sam. He’s not a burden, thanks very much.

February 15, 2010 at 11:13 AM

“I felt like the old Sam from the first couple of seasons was back. He was powerful, optimistic and able to fight the good fight no matter what.”

Sure Sam is optimistic — he has super-powers to rely on! Dean is merely a (weak, I guess?) HUMAN. I guess if it’s Kripke’s goal to show us that only super-powered beings can save the world, and only super-powered beings are strong, then Dean really doesn’t have a chance, does he? Weak and useless… yep, that’s our Dean!

“I’m wondering, if by the end of the season, Dean will be able to see Sam’s strength and gain hope through that.”

Hmm. So, I guess all that’s left for Dean is to allow Sam to save the day while he contemplates how *weak* he is in comparison? Eh, you’re probably right… Dean really should just pack it in already. Dean is, as you’ve determined, the “WEAK ONE.” He can’t exorcise demons. He’s useless in a fight against them. I mean, come on, does anyone seriously think weak, human Dean can defeat Lucifer?? What was he thinking?? Yep, all weak Dean can do is rely on Sam and his super-powers to save them.


February 15, 2010 at 12:07 PM

I don’t honestly think drinking demon blood and using demonic powers (and quite obviously reveling in it even if he did look ashamed afterwards) is a sign of strength, nor do I think seeing Sam nomnoming all over demonchick and covered in her blood is remotely optimistic. It’s clear to me that Sam stayed focused on Famine instead of chowing down on the demon buffet because of his arrogance and pride: he wanted to take out one of the Horsemen – hence his self-satisfied expression as he did just that. Nor do I think Dean’s broken, shattered plea at the end heralds an epiphany about Sam’s super special powers.

I think the fact Sam couldn’t resist doing those two things is a sign of weakness that’s going to have him bedeviled before season’s end. If Show had wanted to present Sam as being strong, they would have had him resist, period.

February 15, 2010 at 12:30 PM

You honestly think that Sam giving in to his blood addiction, and what’s worse, giving in to his need for power makes him strong? You honestly feel that Sam, who just did what Lucifer expected him to do, give in to his need for power is a good thing? And, to top it off, War told Sam that he was still hungering for power, Sam gave in, and this is strong? Sam gave into FAMINE! That’s not strong and it certainly isn’t right!

But I agree with the comment that obviously Dean the human one, the one without powers, the one that is broken and still the one who did not fall under War’s influence, nor Famine’s is the weak one. LOL yeah, right.

Dean withstood 30 years in hell before he broke. It took Sam one week to fall under Ruby’s spell. I think maybe you should reconsider the meanings of strong and weak.

February 15, 2010 at 12:38 PM

Resisting using the powers in this case would have led to everyone’s death and seeing that he is more powerful than ever puts a new spin on the possibility that he can defeat Lucifer.

Oh, on this? Really? I think if Sam had given Dean the time to cut Famine’s ring off, they would have won. Sam didn’t have to use the powers on Famine, he chose to. He chose to because he wanted to, not because there was no other way.

February 15, 2010 at 12:38 PM

Even this true blue Dean girl has never seen Sam as being “weak.” Guillable/using poor judgement/etc.-yes. But I just can’t see someone as stubborn as Sam and holding onto his principles as firmly as he has as weak. So to me, the argument of your article isn’t really based on what canon has shown us for five years, in either the brothers’ characterization or the nature of Sam’s demonic powers.

It’s been awesome how Sam has shown a lot of personal growth recently, especially in self control. But it’s making a huge jump in logic to then assume Sam will be able to control himself and his powers enough to not only fight Lucifer (who’s an angel and the show has said the powers only work on demons) but actually defeat him through his incredible, superhuman inner strength. That really would be jumping the shark for me and I guarantee I wouldn’t be coming back to watch season six.

And it really is insulting, imo, to say that Dean, who survived hell and the weight of his life experiences, as now being the “weak” one. Why, because he’s just a regular human guy? Then Kripke better pack in his whole humanism mantra because this whole planet is full of powerless weak people.

Both brothers are equally heroic and need to share in the experience of ending what they both started. If Sam’s powers will be suddenly retconned into being good, that’s one thing. But to use that as an excuse to pass judgement on Dean’s character and highlight his uselessness? If that’s the case, Dean might as well go wait out the rest of the season at Bobby’s while Sam singlehandedly saves the day. And unless Kripke wants to lose a good chunk of his fanbase, I can’t see him going there.

February 15, 2010 at 12:49 PM

If they went there with Sam defeating Lucifer, an archangel no less, with demonic powers, the message would be that superpowered uber-humans are the true heroes and the regular (useless and weak) human folk are to do? Kneel on the sidelines and marvel at it in awe? I’d hate it.

And I don’t think Dean could gain strength or hope from that. He doesn’t have superpowers after all. It would only emphasize he is a failure as the rest of us humans.

February 15, 2010 at 1:42 PM

Sam has always been the stronger, it’s rather clear in retrospect. He’s always been there for Dean, ever since Dean hit rock bottom in S2 and subsequently at least once every season. It’s been clear to me since s4. Sam’s stupid and head-strong and has about every flaw a man can have, but yes, but he’s always been the stronger one.

I don’t know who this Dean is any longer.

And I see we’re onto another round of crying in self-pity by the impala but this time, I step off the train because, whoa! enough is enough.

If this is what fandom wanted Dean to become with the demands of making him just as special, then congrats; the character is now just a joke. he is not what my Dean.

I miss Dean of earlier seasons so much I can’t stand what they have put in his place these days. It’s a shame fandom seems to have totally destroyed a very loved character by totally emasculating him into a woobie-angsty characte to fit into their Harlequin fanfics.

And it’s utterly unbelievable that Kripke roams around fandom in order to write his story and his characters. Because he does, there no denying it any longer.

Good luck for Kripke’s on his next project, I’ll be sure not to watch.

February 15, 2010 at 2:09 PM

@ Mel — “If this is what fandom wanted Dean to become with the demands of making him just as special, then congrats; the character is now just a joke.”

If by “fandom” you mean Sam fans, the yes, I do think that Kripke is giving certain fans exactly what they want… Sam is super powered and special and Dean is human and weak.

Isn’t it obvious? Dean is nowhere near as special as Sam. He NEVER was. Sam is the Winchester brother with awesome super powers. Dean is just a weak and pathetic human being who’s useless in a fight with the other super powered beings on this show. It’s clear Kripke has a preference for super powered Sam. Sam was right all along last season… Dean is weak and he just held Sam back from being all that he could be.

So I guess Kripke has guaranteed the Sam fans will get what they’ve always wanted. Sam will use his super powers to save the day (and Dean will be so grateful for Sam’s awesome powers!) And what of Dean? Well, I guess he goes back to side-kick/chauffer status. That’s the rightful place for a weak, pathetic non-powered human like Dean.


February 15, 2010 at 5:09 PM

I think that both have weaknesses and strengths. They both rely on each other. It is only when they didn’t have each other they gave into weakness. Dean broke in hell. Do you think if he still had Sam to protect, he would have broke as easily? Sam giving into Ruby when Dean wasn’t around. Dean would have slapped some sense into him and he wouldn’t have done it. Now when they were apart they both don’t think either knows what the other went through. This is what makes them both weak, the shows says they are each others weakness, but they are also each other source of strength. I think the show will pick Dean back up again, I don’t think it will be demon infused Sam that does it. It will be his brother being put into a situation that Dean will have to snap out it. They are still giving into the weaknesses that occured when they were both apart. The first couple of seasons always showed Dean as the tough guy and sam as the research guy who didn’t do as much of the heavy part of the show. Now Dean has more of a back seat and Sam is doing more. Eventually I think we will see both of them realize they need to trust each other and then with both at the front lines, they will be a major force.

April 6, 2010 at 8:01 PM

To be honest, I hope Sam dies at the end of Season 5/ Beginning of Season 6 because that is what will push Dean over the edge and get him to be strong again. If Sam dies then Dean would be so pissed and depressed (especially pissed)and go all hard core mean Dean style and go after the thing that killed Sam and that will get him to stop loathing in self pity for the remainder of the apocalypse.

Come On Kripke! We NEED to see some character development for Dean and NOT loathing in self pity. We gotta see strong Dean…theres been WAY to much focus on Sam.

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