CliqueClack TV

Modern Family: quite possibly the perfect sitcom

You were probably so busy laughing at tonight's episode of Modern Family that you forgot to pause and appreciate what a truly balanced comedy this is, from its cast to its rotating story lines, from its situations to its quotable lines.

- Season 1, Episode 15 - "My Funky Valentine"

“Are you in town for a convention or something or do you forget your name a lot?” – Claire to Phil’s “Clive Bixby,” who’s wearing a Hello tag.

Modern Family has become what every sitcom should aspire to. It’s consistently funny and relatable and no one steals the show. I like how the cast is a true ensemble and different characters take the spotlight in different episodes, yet they still all have something to do each week. Yes, you can argue that other sitcoms do this as well, but the difference is that no one on Modern Family annoys me.

If it’s a Lilly-Marshall-centric episode of How I Met Your Mother, I cringe. The big debate in The Big Bang Theory‘s review and comments from this week is whether or not there’s too little Sheldon, or too much. Modern Family balances each episode with a perfect cast and rotating story lines.

This week, Claire and Phil gave me the most laugh-out-louds. Phil is a perfect dork, and the entire scene where he thinks he’s talking sexy to Claire as they make their hotel room plans was a riot. When Claire tells him that he’s “kinda wrecking it,” she’s just saying what we’re all thinking, which makes the characters all the more identifiable to the viewers. Why Phil, is it sexy to take a nap every day at the office? In Phil’s defense, he does finally hit the “jackpot” when he says to Claire in the bar, “I respect her [my wife] too much to do to her what I’m going to do to you.” Clive Bixby is much sexier than Phil.

The escalator scene went on forever, in a good way, but I was really feeling Claire’s pain when yet another person she knew showed up. They really picked the perfect people, from a coworker to the school principal. And every single one of them asked why she didn’t take her coat off.

Though I couldn’t relate to Jay feeling bad about the age difference between him and Gloria (though being outed as an oldie by David Brenner had to hurt), I loved Gloria saving Claire with the Great Coat Exchange. Phil’s reaction was priceless, and the fact that it had happened to Gloria before was just slipped in there. Funny stuff.

Mitchell and Cam really took a back seat this week, but Cam’s western accent on the fake phone call and Mitchell’s “Shame!” were my favorite parts, beyond the little digs about the 2-level chocolates and the re-purposed boa.

A couple of more quotes to end the love-fest:

  • “You look so strong and sexy, like an Olympic wrestler, but with money.” – Gloria to Jay
  • “All women should look as tasty as you when they’re old.” – Dylan to Claire as he gives her a Valentine’s Day rose
Photo Credit: ABC

2 Responses to “Modern Family: quite possibly the perfect sitcom”

February 11, 2010 at 10:59 AM

Modern Family continues to be solid gold, even if Phil’s character is a bit too reminiscent of Michael Scott (plus a family) for me. I wish there were more to watch.

February 15, 2010 at 8:15 AM

Better Off Ted used to do this just as well, but as it is sadly defunct, your statement holds true.

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