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Heroes – The season ends, but will the show return?

Season four of Heroes ended on a high(ish) note, but was it enough to save it from the low ratings?

It’s hard to believe that the Heroes season is over already. The season was a little shorter than usual, with only 18 episodes (or 19 depending on where you look), but February is really early for a show to be ending. I suppose that’s not a great sign for the future of the show, but neither are the ratings. The only thing that could save this show is the fact that NBC is so deep in the crapper. Even so, I’m not very optimistic about a return for Heroes, and if it does I sure hope that there are some of the serious changes hinted at tonight make a big difference.

Anyway, enough about the uncertain future, let’s talk about how this season ended.

I haven’t made a secret of the fact that I hate good guy Sylar, and I couldn’t help thinking about how creepy he was in this episode. Every time he put on a happy face and told someone to trust him, I shuddered. It’s just unnatural and seemed like he was playing mind games. I realize that we, as the audience, are supposed to be on board this “redeemed” Sylar, but I’m just not buying it. Five years of off-screen moping just isn’t enough for me.

All in all, though, this finale was actually pretty decent. Certainly, it has followed suit with some of the previous finales and was a little heavy on the talking and little light on the action, but that’s sort of the expectation at this point. I have to give credit to something momentous actually happening at the end of the episode. With the title of the episode “Brave New World,” I thought (and was secretly hoping) that Samuel was going to succeed in his mission to out the supers, even if it meant the death of so many innocents. Even though Samuel’s plans were dashed, Claire took matters into her own hands and revealed her powers.

You would think that after just stopping a mad man, she wouldn’t go ahead and complete his ultimate goal for him. Claire was never heavy on the brains, though, was she? It will be interesting, if the show comes back, to see if Heroes can make the most out of the new playing field. Frankly, something like this should have been done one or two years ago. I’m not sure why the writers waited so long, and I’ve even advocated for the destruction of New York at the end of season one. At this point though, I don’t have much faith in the the writers and producers of the show, and I don’t have much confidence that a fifth season will even happen. Optimism has never been my strong suit.

What did you think of the finale? Are you done, or will you be coming back if there is more Heroes?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Heroes – The season ends, but will the show return?”

February 9, 2010 at 1:45 AM

I gave up on Heroes at the end of last season.

Too many frustrating/annoying characters and plotlines. doesn’t seem like I missed much this season.

February 9, 2010 at 7:39 AM

I was pleasantly surprised how invested I was in the finale, diving right into the character relationships. I loved Tracy’s brief, but triumphant rescue, and wished someone would put a bullet in Doyle already.

I’ve said before how I like good Sylar (my favorite was him partnered with HRG). Actually, it’s the only way I can watch him now. Evil Sylar’s gotten away with so much mayhem, I could only see him dead, and that’s since the season one finale. Since this is his second or third redemption, I just need the writers to pick one and stick with it.

Given the lackluster state of NBC, I would be surprised if Heroes didn’t come back next year, even with its current ratings, even if only as a midseason replacement, as Chuck was this year. I imagine the show getting bad buzz is still better than being virtually ignored or failing miserably as so many of NBC’s freshman shows were this season.

On the plus side, I imagine the budget will be greatly reduced. Perhaps trimming the show’s overlarge cast will force them to give the remaining characters real storylines and growth.

February 9, 2010 at 8:43 AM

I think this made a perfect series finale. Wrapped a lot of things up and left a story continuation that really doesn’t need to be investigated.

It was good while it lasted, but like any superhero universe, got too complex.

February 10, 2010 at 5:14 PM

i loved claire’s homage to her season one antics

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