CliqueClack TV

Quotation Marks – Deloreans, baby daddys, and what Penny does

“Yeah, that would be really messy if Baze was my high school crush, your baby daddy, and mom’s fifth husband.”

After covering this week’s Big Bang Theory, it feels like I have already written this week’s installment of Quotation Marks. It was certainly a laugh-a-minute episode, and I brought back my favorite two quotes from the episode for the weekly edition. Also making its — to my memory — first appearance is White Collar. It is nice to see House show up as well, but we seemed to have misplaced Psych this week. Did you see it? What were your favorite quotes?


“Time travel was difficult even with the powers of Heaven at my disposal.” — Castiel
“Which you cut off….” — Sam
“So what, you’re like a Delorean without enough plutonium?” — Dean
“I don’t understand that reference….” — Castiel

Grey’s Anatomy

“I’d like to push his face into a wall … no offense.” — Karev

“This isn’t really going to work for me.” — Arizona to Callie, when Mark got into bed with them


“I have to admit, the way I move, she follows me like she knows exactly where I am.” — Bones
“It’s because she can see you.” — Dr. Copeland

“Yes, but unfortunately dopey, inter-personal crap falls under my job description.” — Cam

Life Unexpected

“Yeah, that would be really messy if Baze was my high school crush, your baby daddy, and mom’s fifth husband.” — April

White Collar

“A New Yorker who does not take the subway is not a New Yorker you can trust.” — Mozzie to Neal

“It’s like talking to a wall.” — Peter, upset that Neal had ignored his advice
“I hadn’t heard your story yet.” — Neal, in his own defense

“Poor posture doesn’t discriminate.” — Neal, explaining why an urgent care medical organization would employ a chiropractor


“I hate waiting in line … it’s so Midwest .” — Rebecca

The Middle

“With the swine flu outbreak, I have a real shot this year. A lot of good people are down.” — Sue, on her chances at making Majorettes

Big Bang Theory

“I asked myself what is the most mind-numbing, pedestrian job conceivable, and three answers came to mind. A tollbooth attendant, an Apple Store Genius, and what Penny does.”– Sheldon

“Bazinga … Bazinga … Bazinga … Bazinga.” — Sheldon

The Office

“Have you tried making everything smaller?” — Creed’s suggestion on fitting everything back into the box

“Due to circumstances beyond my control–” — Michael
“Impulsivity and inattention to detail.” — Dwight

“Why do I have to explain everything?” — Michael
“Because we’re usually not on the same page.” — Pam

Modern Family

“Do people want their real estate advice from someone who leads, or someone who follows? I’m bettin’ these babies (points to mustache) are coming back in a big way. Buy low, sell high. People are going to see this and say, ‘That guy’s high.'” – Phil

“Dad, what’s Jägermeister?” — Alex
“You know how in fairy tales there’s always potion that makes the princess fall asleep and all the guys start kissing her? Well this is like that, only you don’t wake up in a castle, you wake up in a frat house with a bad reputation.” — Phil

“I can’t imagine you working.” – Luke, to his mom
“Luke, that is very offensive to women. Your mom works very hard. It’s just now she works for us.” – Phil


“Dude, even I know you’re lame, and I’m a tenured professor sitting in a beanbag chair.” — Senor Chang
“You’re not a professor.” — Troy
“Shut up.” — Senor Chang

“When you guys first came in, we were as wholesome and family-friendly as The Brady Bunch. Now we’re as incestuous and dysfunctional as the cast of The Brady Bunch.” – Abed

“You think I’m too old to make monkey shines at a picture show? Come on! I’m younger than the three of you put together!” — Pierce

30 Rock

“I’d like to pre-apologize for clogging your tub, sink, and toilet.” — Frank, upon moving in with Liz

“Manufactured in a facility that also processes food.” — Liz, reading the label of “cornholes”

“People do not change. In the late ’90s I thought Colleen had become a better person. It turns out she had a tumor pressing on her brain’s pleasure center. A tumor those quack doctors removed.” — Jack

“Could a bad mother have raised a daughter who was engaged to a congressman when she was 16?” — Jenna


“Do you know why you’re black?”– House
“Because God loves me more than you?”– Daryl

“What’s wrong?” – Daryl
“You’re turning white.” – House
“What’s that mean?” – Daryl’s mother
“It means he doesn’t need football to get a good job anymore.” – House

“Maybe you self-pranked.” – Wilson
“I don’t master-prank.” – House

The Vampire Diaries

“You know, I really like this whole manage-a-threesome team thing … it’s got a bit of a kink to it. Don’t screw it up.” – Damon to Stefan and Elena

“If I see something I haven’t seen before, I’ll throw a dollar at it.” – Damon, to Stefan and Elena when we walks in on them in bed together

How I Met Your Mother

“Just because a man talks about a fictional character a lot on a first date doesn’t mean he’s not husband material.” – Lily to Robin
“Sasquatch is not fictional.” – Marshall

Photo Credit: The CW

2 Responses to “Quotation Marks – Deloreans, baby daddys, and what Penny does”

February 7, 2010 at 5:01 PM

ahh I was wondering where the Psych recap was this week. You guys sure missed a majorly quotable episode of Psych this week. Just a sampling…

Shawn: “This bunny is strong…must be Columbian!”

Gus: You have never read The Bible have you, Shawn?”
Shawn: Genesis, Exorcist, Leviathan, Do…the right thing…
Gus: Oh. My Gosh!
Lassie: Stop talking!!

Lassie: You’re not going to leave this room, Lucas, until you start telling me the TRUTH!
Lucas: Saying “the truth” louder than the previous words isn’t going to work.

Shawn: We are not supposed to keep secrets from each other!
Gus: I know, Shawn, but it’s complicated!
Shawn: No, math is complicated. The show “It’s Complicated” is complicated. The song by Avril Lavrigne…ironically, not very complicated…and you know what, neither is this!

Shawn: You have to crawl back under your keeping-secrets-from-your-best-friend rock and apply for permanent residency, where you can vote and pay your taxes and make little back-stabbing rock babies.

Shawn: The question is, Lassie, do you wanna mobilize your team to Nevada and risk humiliating yourself, or do you wanna mobilize them to Lone Pine, which is on the way, and only risk humiliating me.
Lassie: Ok, everybody let’s head to Lone Pine!

Shawn: Get out of this death igloo! You can tell that just by looking at the hole?
Coroner: Correct you are, my nicely gelled friend! Allow me to demonstrate. Of course, watermelon– perfect substitute for the human head. Portherhouse simulates the human thigh. The maple wood simulates oak wood.

Shawn: Don’t worry, when Gus is scared he can cling to something like a drowning cat.

Shawn: What really happened?
Gus: I squeezed him so tight, he passed out by accident.

Lassie: I would eat the three of you in the following order: O’Hara, Guster, then Spencer. I’ve also made a list of whose organs I’d prefer in the event I’d need a transplant; and I planned for the contingency where I’m the last man on Earth and I need to choose one person from the department with whom to procreate.
[Everyone walks away.]
Well don’t worry, none of you made the list!

February 7, 2010 at 6:55 PM

In the second to last quote, the next lines were something like:

Gus: I also knocked him in the chin with my helmet. By accident.
Shawn: Here’s what we’ll tell people: you muscled your way up his body and put him in a sleeper hold, on purpose.
Gus: That sounds good.

(Not verbatim; unfortunately deleted it off the DVR.)

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