CliqueClack TV

Lost in Lost – What I want to see in the final season

It’s here! I can hardly believe it, and I can hardly contain my joy, but the premiere of Lost is finally here!

If you haven’t heard yet, that little contest that I mentioned previously that was giving away a sneak peek of the first episode to 815 winners has ended. As you may have expected (and I can’t believe that anyone at ABC didn’t), those first minutes have been leaked and are available if you want to watch them. I, however, have avoided the clip, following the advice of EW’s Doc Jensen. If you decide you just can’t wait another day for a little Lost fix, you can find the clip here. I have to figure that ABC knew this was going to happen, as it’s been on YouTube for more than a few days and they have taken no action to remove it.

Last week I talked about some of the questions that have been on my mind. In this post, I’d like to share my wish list for the final season.

There are so many things that could happen this year on Lost, and I have pretty much no idea what is going to happen, but here are some things I would love to see:

  • A completion to Sawyer’s redemption: Through the first five seasons of Lost, Sawyer has come a long way. He has evolved from a pretty worthless crook and trouble maker into a sometimes hero and reluctant leader. It’s going to be interesting to see how he reacts in the final season now that his happy little life with Juliet has been destroyed. I hope that when all is said and done, though, Sawyer ends up being the hero on this show. He’s such a more interesting character than Jack.
  • A dissolution of the love triangle: I don’t want anyone to “end up” with each other. I’ve never been a  big “shipper” when it comes to Lost. There are only two relationships worth being invested in on this show, if you ask me: Penny and Desmond and Jin and Sun. All the Kate/Sawyer/Jack/Juliet nonsense has never done it for me. Honestly, the only pairing in there that I actually enjoyed was Sawyer and Juliet, and that’s probably not going to be where we end up.
  • A happy ending for Jin and Sun: They’ve been through so much on this show (infidelity, assumed deaths, separation by time travel), but they still seem to make things work. I can’t wait to see a reunion between the two of them, and I hope that they can live happily ever after with their daughter after all is said and done.
  • A fitting end for Ben: I’m not really sure what a fitting end would be for the manipulative, scheming Other. I’m torn over whether I would like to see some sort of redemption out of his character, or if I would just prefer to see him meet some pathetic and tragic ending. In any case, one of the best characters deserves something big to end his story.

What’s on your wish list for the final season of Lost?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | Columns | General | Lost | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Lost in Lost – What I want to see in the final season”

February 1, 2010 at 1:13 PM

my questions are basic: who’s the man in black; what caused the rivalry between ben and penny’s dad and what are the rules of their “game”; how did christian shepherd get involved; who are the others; why is walt special; etc..

does anyone know if tomorrow’s episode is 1hr or 2hrs long?

February 1, 2010 at 1:41 PM

Yes, I mentioned several of those questions in my post last week.

There is a clip special on from 8-9, and then the premiere is on from 9-11.

February 1, 2010 at 4:31 PM

I will always fondly remember that moment that Sawyer brings Juliet the flower in Dharmaville while she’s cooking dinner. I figure I probably won’t get many more moments like that in Season 6. But I’ll always hold out hope that somehow Sawyer & Juliet end up together.

As for the big questions…What exactly is the smoke monster and it’s purpose? Why are Jacob & the man in black on the island? Why did Oceanic 815 really crash & what’s so special about the people on that plane? And WHERE IS CLAIRE? Seriously, I’ve been dying to know where that whole story is going forever!

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