CliqueClack TV

Make It or Break It – Payson goes to high school

- Season 1, Episode 14 - "Are We Having Fun Yet?"

When I heard that Payson would develop a life outside of the gym this season, I honestly didn’t give the “how” or “what” much thought. It was in the back of my mind these last few weeks, but only so far as I regularly evaluated her plot against the idea. So far, I couldn’t see how that story was going to develop.

And then last night’s episode began, and Payson was on her way to school for the first time since the sixth grade. It’s so simple, and makes so much sense, and yet the thought never even crossed my mind. With Payson no longer at the gym, the entire reason for her home-schooling disappears. And just like that we’re about to discover what life is like on the other side for a fallen athlete.

Apparently, it’s like the movies.

At least I saw a few movie homages in there. The first was just a thought, that her story was going to become Save the Last Dance. No? Sad, lonely girl finds herself an outcast in a new school, and re-discovers her passion with the help of an unlikely partner?

So maybe you’d prefer the Bring It On-style face-offs that Kaylie and Lauren brought with them when they picked Payson up from school and ran into her nemesis. Who happens to be the cliche from hundreds of high school movies, but we’ll ignore her for now because of how stupid the character is.

Or maybe you’d prefer evaluating from the 10 Things I Hate About You angle — the movie, not the poor excuse for a show rip-off. And that boils down to one thing: Ike, the counter-culture version of Not-Razor. Who not only is a bad idea for Payson, but is also a terrible character helming an awful story line for her. Did he endear himself to you when he unexpectedly acknowledged the inevitable high school cliches we were about to endure, or was your favorite Ike moment when he ended up with the expected beer and pot social group? Payson has the opportunity to be a tremendous character … I hope that’s not wasted.

Although now that Payson’s in school, why exactly is Kim not able to return to The Rock at least part-time? I know, I’m sorry, but it just sounds like the writers see the hole in the plot here, and therefore need to continuously substantiate why she’s not working. I mean, other than when she said that she has “plenty of time” to help out. I’ll repeat that I like Summer a lot, but the foundation for her role is eroding.

The Kaylie and Nicky drama bored me last night, whereas the Emily nonsense was so stupid that I think I have to comment on it, if only to mention how stupid it was. You lose the ability to call yourself “underdog” when you’re on the National team, whether you’re first or last on the roster. The fact that she got stuck on the word “unrefined” as she searched the Internet for references to herself was just really weak, and a waste of all of our time. Seriously, what happened to Emily being the focal point of this show? How far the mighty have fallen.

Carter’s development held some interest in it, and I liked how he got a job to support himself. His pining over Kaylie and scowling at Nicky is getting annoying, but I thought maybe he’d be onto something new. Until Lauren started her mental calculations and said something about Carter being on the same shift as Emily. And then she suddenly got very Emily Valentine.

Is something about to burn down?

Photo Credit: ABC Family

6 Responses to “Make It or Break It – Payson goes to high school”

January 27, 2010 at 4:39 PM

Just watched the episode, am I the only one who caught a little ‘Frasier’ reference from Peri Gilpin in this episode? (Hint: it’s in the beginning of the episode)

Other then that, I totally agree with your piece. High school is nothing but dreaded awful clichés, kaylie and nicky are still annoying and emily is getting the shaft time and time again this season, today’s storyline in particular was just laughable.

January 27, 2010 at 7:23 PM

My wife and I caught it too (caller?). I just wasn’t sure how much crossover there was between people who’ve seen Frasier and people who watch this. Glad to hear we’re not alone! :)

January 28, 2010 at 10:00 AM

Wow, that was bad, considering it had a greater than average emphasis on the gymnastic routines I want to see.

Is the gym manager a paid position? I had assumed it was helmed by a volunteer last season because they suddenly needed a replacement to take over and Sasha asked Kim because she was the best candidate of the people he knew from the gym, rather than hiring a stranger. Either way, with Payson out, I’m not sure why Kim is so eager to take up the role again, unless it’s to support Becca. Summer still thinks of her work as temporary, so it is established.

The dialogue sounded especially bad when Emily and her family quoted the full dialogue from online posters, complete with user name attribution, while they were all looking at the screen.

Apparently, the Pizza Shack is the sole source of secret jobs for moonlighting gymnasts in this sleepy Colorado town.

I found your random 90210 references in this and your Greek review amusing in light of the fact that most of the target audience for these shows was probably born during that primogenital show’s run.

January 28, 2010 at 12:21 PM

I also assume it’s volunteer, although if Summer is doing this now and seemingly nothing else…. I think Kim enjoyed being busy and needed. That it supported Payson too was a bonus, but I got that it was about her.

I don’t know where my 90210 references keep on coming from. I guess Aaron Spelling really is the granddaddy of all television. ;)

January 30, 2010 at 1:17 AM

Despite the large amounts of stupid plot in this, I did love Emily and Kaylie/Nicky’s routines at the open house. That was adorable.

Otherwise…yeah, stereotypical high school hell, but then again, that stuff would probably happen in real life, only Payson would get even more abused than she did due to the brace.

February 1, 2010 at 11:35 AM

She definitely got it easy on the brace, although I don’t get why she can’t wear it underneath her clothing.

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