CliqueClack TV

The Mentalist is subtle and in-your-face at the same time

- Season 2, Episode 12 - "Bleeding Heart"

I’ve just finished watching last week’s episode of The Mentalist, and I’m taking a break from my usual religion, Kripkeaism, to worship at the altar of Bruno Heller. I’ve loved The Mentalist since it premiered, but this season has elevated the awesomeness to levels worthy of the holy trinity: Bruno Heller, Simon Baker and Tim Kang.

Everything about The Mentalist is so delightfully subtle … with the exception of Jane when he’s in the face of whoever he’s doing his thing to at the time. But you have to listen to — and watch — every single thing, or you’d miss …

  • Chief Donner calling the CBI the “California Bureau of Interference.”
  • Cho turning the tables on the reporter, Mike Brewster, ending up asking the questions in a classic display of Cho finesse, complete with secret smirk.
  • Jane digging at Rigsby about secret relationships.
  • the cameraman eating the taco instead of filing Jane’s abduction.
  • Jane nearly hypnotizing Wilson, aka Jasper, simply with his lulling voice and peaceful words.

The Mentalist is so well-directed that it makes my jaw drop, which quickly turns into a smile of appreciation as I gleefully wait for the next moment of awesomeness, which comes just about right away.

Probably what you wouldn’t miss are moments like Jane in Chief Donner’s face, calling him a “seething mass of self-loathing” because he was living in a hotel after being kicked out by his wife. Or Grace telling the reporter that secrets ruin relationships. Or the fact that when Grace and Wayne confess their affair to the team, they all know except Lisbon.

The case in “Bleeding Heart” was top-notch as well, with lots of plot twists. OK, I still called the murderer, but it was crazy fun getting there, weeding through the stellar cast of guest stars to get to the real killer.

The only thing I hate about The Mentalist is the time slot … ah, fond memories of last season’s 9:00 spot, when I could watch it live, before I turned into a pumpkin.

Are you loving The Mentalist as much as I am this season?

Photo Credit: CBS

5 Responses to “The Mentalist is subtle and in-your-face at the same time”

January 25, 2010 at 12:47 PM

Still not as good as last season…
Last season was… woow

January 25, 2010 at 2:21 PM

I am totally in love with this show right now. I liked it from the beginning, but this season has been really good and I recently got the season 1 DVDs and rewatched all those episodes too. It’s definitely my favorite show now.

January 25, 2010 at 8:52 PM

One of the things I like best about the character of Patrick Jane is that he’s so flawed, especially in cynicism with which he views the world. Moments like getting in Chief Donner’s face underscore that.

January 30, 2010 at 9:20 AM

I basically dislike jane. Not the character, but his grand illogical ranting. … like when he says that all tennis coaches are bitter, because they all want to be tennis starts themselves. OK, but by that token that could be said of any profession. All choreographers want to be dancers. All critics want to be writers. All assistant DA ant to be DA. Maybe, maybe not. Its still a stupid blanket statement. Jane makes lots of those. I just wish Jane would actually do and say things that are clever, rather then stuff some hack writer thinks are clever.

January 30, 2010 at 9:23 AM

I still like the show. But i mostly just want to know who Red John is. Not much else.

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