CliqueClack TV

Modern Family, Cougar Town, Leverage/Human Target – In that order

Normally I wouldn’t add four shows to my list (I like to stick with three), but I’ve got a reason for putting the last two where they are. I’ll explain later.

Modern Family — Still as funny as ever, definitely ranking up there as my favorite comedy of the season. Deb will likely comment in her own defense on this, but I’ve kinda-sorta been in Phil’s position in our household when it comes to entertainment gadgetry. However, I will say that Deb’s gotten much, much better at figuring out my intricate configurations of HDMI and optical switches, so it’s all pretty much in the past … until I bring in a new piece of equipment, that is. Muahahaaa!

Cougar Town — For some reason I don’t want to like this show, probably because I ignorantly think the title gives the show a bad rap and makes it out to be a chick show … but it’s not. Just as is/was with Scrubs, the writers cram in a lot of quick, funny lines in the short 30 minutes they’re given, and it can become so funny at times that it’s hard to catch your breath before you’re trying to listen for the next zinger. Last night’s episode was no exception.

Leverage/Human Target — I’ve tied these for third place, which I think speaks volumes for both shows. For one, Leverage could have easily won or at least tied for first place in its heyday (i.e., last season), and now it’s barely scraping into a third place seat this week. Human Target has a lot of potential with its cast and premise, but for a second episode, it’s barely able to impress me. Both of these shows have the ability to break into first-place territory on my list, so I only hope they can do so in the coming weeks. Then again, it’s going to be tough going up against my beloved Modern Family and, some weeks, The Middle.

Photo Credit: ABC

7 Responses to “Modern Family, Cougar Town, Leverage/Human Target – In that order”

January 21, 2010 at 5:41 PM

Ok – I actually read this post to see who was writing it INSTEAD of you, because I know you didn’t think much of Cougar Town going into the hiatus. The show is irresistible. Plus, Deb loves it. Bonus!

January 21, 2010 at 8:36 PM

“For some reason I don’t want to like this show”

Exactly. If I try to describe the show to myself, it sounds like an awful sitcom that I would hate. And yet…

January 21, 2010 at 9:23 PM

I just had a conversation with my mom that went like this:

Me:”You are so like Claire!”
Mom: “I am not!”
Me: “Oh really? We’ve had the current TV set up for how long? And you still can’t figure out which remote does what. If you’re ever using something other than the basic, original remote, you’re lost. You are totally like Claire.”
Mom: “I am not. I do happen to agree with her, and think that she’s definitely right”
Me:”So, you find Claire’s point of view to be most similar to your own? Yet you still deny that you are like her?”
Mom: “fine.”

Needless to say we love Modern Family around here.

January 22, 2010 at 4:23 AM

The new Scrubs is really good too. There’s some real good character progression this week and with the Turk/Cox lesbian patient “What it means to be a real doctor” story, it kind of came full circle for me with how the original Scrubs began and what made me like it so much.

I also noticed that on “Cougar Town” all the elements of Scrubs are there. I noticed yesterday that it also has a Dr. Kelso character.

And since I love comedies so much, I’d currently add “Parks & Recreation” to that list – it really is at the top of its game at the moment. Oh and of course “30 Rock”.

But that’s just because there was no new “House” this week. And “Lost” is returning soon. And if “Friday Night Lights” were on NBC right now it would easily beat them all.

January 22, 2010 at 12:47 PM

You know that CT and Scrubs are both from (William and Mary graduate and Kappa Alpha Order member) Bill Lawrence?

His wife plays Jordan on Scrubs and Ellie on CT.

January 22, 2010 at 1:01 PM

Yup I know. Of course I know :-)
I read that really long interview TVS linked to with Bill Lawrence did after the end of Scrubs. Don’t know which website that was but it gave me all the inside scoop I needed :-)

Every time I see his wife on CT I wonder whether she’s gotten botched Botox or if it’s natural that she’s unable to smile. It throws me off every time and I hate it because she really makes her characters work – even though she basically plays Perry’s wife again on CT but who cares, it works.

I also think they fail at recreating the Janitor with the two security guards on Scrubs: Med School but that’s not throwing me off at the least. I like the new Scrubs a lot. My brother does too and he hasn’t watched Scrubs in years.

January 23, 2010 at 8:02 AM

Modern Family/Psych, Human Target, Cougar Town.

Where does Glee fit into your list when it returns, Keith?

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