CliqueClack TV

Make It or Break It makes the scene in LA

- Season 1, Episode 13 - "California Girls"

That was pretty quick for Make It or Break It to do a destination episode. But like Saved by the Bell went to Hawaii or Growing Pains hit Europe, last night’s episode found the girls making a big trip out to Los Angeles for a pool party bash, red carpet and everything. Is this really the universe in which gymnasts rotate?

Either way, LA held something for everyone. Kaylie went as gymnastics’ poster girl, Emily went to see Not-Razor, Payson went for a back specialist, and Lauren … well, Lauren went because fourth is pretty close to first, and she got to walk the carpet with Nicky (Cody Longo) — who looked like he was going to be sick the entire time. Anyone else curious as to where the men’s gold medalist is in all of this?

If last night’s episode advanced this season’s stories, it was only marginally, and as not related to gymnastics. Payson’s story seems to be unfolding as we’d expect, daydreams, delusions and all, yet I find it a little annoying. I can certainly understand where she’s coming from, but I was hoping that we’d see more of what Payson showed at the end of last week’s episode, a desire to lead, and not just by sending Emily back out onto the red carpet (“I’m nobody.”) It was just one week, but judging by the narrow miss out there, Payson’s voice might have been an important one for Kaylie to hear.

And while Kaylie still struggles to assert herself as the dominant gymnast on the block, Lauren continues to undermine her behind her back, and grovel at her feet for forgiveness. I’m hoping I was actually hallucinating when I saw the two of them seemingly patch things up last night, because Lauren is probably the worst thing that could happen to Kaylie, especially while she’s still struggling to prove that athletically she belongs at the top. Although I do find it funny that Nicky continues to look down on her — what’s he champion of again? Oh, and for those of you playing at home, that’s favor #1 Lauren blackmailed Nicky for. I wonder how many the one cortisone incident gets her.

And while it was weird for her to get so much screen time all of a sudden, I enjoyed Chloe last night. I mean, I could have done without the girlish screaming over the parking spot and the party in LA — very un-Emily — but aside from Kim, she promises to be the most watchable parent on the show right now.

I so wanted to be wrong, but TanMan had to be Steve, right? I was just thinking that it’s been great to have a break from him, but I got a bad feeling last night about his coming back again as more of a series regular. How that might affect Summer and Chloe’s relationship I don’t know, since it at least appeared like they were building one the last week or two, but Summer seems like a pretty go-along-to-get-along gal.

Who also might soon be proselytizing at a gym near you. I know Bure is a devout Christian, which is great for her, but that sort of came out of left field, didn’t it? Is that where her story’s going? Because I will not believe that Payson’s going to find her answers in God … at least not right after getting a less-than encouraging word from the back specialist. It’s just not her. She’ll find her way back in the gym.

Or with the help of her mom. Paging Peri Gilpin!

Photo Credit: ABC Family

7 Responses to “Make It or Break It makes the scene in LA”

January 23, 2010 at 6:53 AM

I found it sad that Payson’s delusions were founded in a book Sasha gave her to help her cope with her situation. He really should have seen that one coming, given their similar mindsets.

I have no idea why they’re giving Steve a broader role on the show. And I knew he cut Chloe a great deal on the new SUV, but she’s still got to make the car payments. If her salon commissions have picked up that much, wouldn’t it be better to cut a few of Emily’s six-hour pizza shifts so she could spend more time training as a National Team gymnast? It would have the added benefit of less time spent flirting with whichever pizza boy was currently in town at the moment.

That was a pretty respectful way to ask Sasha about the possibility of a “higher power,” though (and I like how she tactfully avoided the G-word). He shut her down firmly, but roguishly, and I found I liked their dynamic. As for Payson, I don’t know if they’ll bring her back to competition at all, as they’ve already played their “miracle specialist” card this week.

January 24, 2010 at 9:41 AM

I think Payson could have come to her delusions from anywhere; it was her more than what she was reading. Having said that, yes, Sasha should have known better.

I’ve actually been wondering how Chloe suddenly has all this time to be at the gym. I thought she worked all day, no?

They could have handled it with all the poise and grace in the world, but Summer’s question still came out of nowhere. At least to me.

January 28, 2010 at 7:14 AM

I really wonder just how much work Chloe does, even when she’s at work.

It’s a medical show cliché. When all scientific possibilities are exhausted, the writer will usually bring in some nutjob religious relative of the patient to mock for her “ignorance,” so I saw it coming a mile off. I appreciated that Summer at least didn’t suggest curing Payson through prayer. I always find it arrogant and unimaginative when they do a hatchet job on those Christians.

January 28, 2010 at 12:09 PM

I’d guess none, or less than that. ;)

I actually find it more odd since they haven’t picked up on her power of God idea again. It came from nowhere and then went back there.

February 1, 2010 at 7:40 AM

I don’t think they’re going there with Payson, and would be surprised if it was brought up again. For me, it was just a pretext for some Summer-Sasha banter, laying the foundations of their relationship, romantic or otherwise.

February 1, 2010 at 11:32 AM

But doesn’t that make it all the more random? I see Summer using the religious angle to try and help Payson.

February 2, 2010 at 10:20 AM

No more random than any of the speechifying that characters on this show are prone to do. They were having a work-related conversation, Sasha was going off on the futility of Payson’s hopes for a recovery, and Summer responded according to her own viewpoint and beliefs. It’s definitely organic to what little had been established about her character in previous episodes.

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