CliqueClack TV

Heroes – Noah Bennet is still a great character

I’ve been hard on Heroes for most of the season, and I’ll stick by the criticism. This show continues to be a shadow of its former self, but I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised with tonight’s episode. I think it was the strongest installment of the year and it actually felt like some of the old episodes that I remember so fondly. There was a good amount of action, a sense of urgency, and it was actually fun. I swear, this show takes itself way too seriously ninety percent of the time.

There were still some of those overly heavy moments, most of them surrounding Peter, as usual, but I’m not going to focus on those. Instead, I would like to focus on some of the positives, because they have been hard to come by this season.

I have to say that one of the best parts of the episode was the absence of Claire (for the majority of the episode anyway). This season has been so Claire-heavy and her teen angst “I don’t fit anywhere” whining has really been wearing me down. With so many characters sitting out one or even two weeks at a time (seriously, when was the last time we saw Tracy), she has been in just about every episode, so it was nice to have a little breather.

The highlight of this episode, like so many others, was Noah Bennet. I find it ironic that on a show called Heroes, the best character since day one has been one of the only people on the show without super powers. Heck, he even got the opening voiceover in this week’s episode instead of Mohinder. It was great to see him back in top form, carrying out a mission, running around like a badass, tazing people. Good times. Jack Coleman and Elisabeth Rohm continue to have great chemistry together and I’m really enjoying them as a couple. I’ll put it out there again: a spin off featuring them kicking butt and hunting down bad guys needs to happen. I figure if I mention it enough times, it will happen.

There were some other good things going on in this episode too. It was great to see Kate Vernon on the show as Samuel’s object of obsession. There was a very interesting moment where she was ready to storm out of the carnival and Samuel whispered something into her ear. I’m guessing it was something about his master plan, perhaps telling her that she had to stay with him to keep safe. With only four episodes left, we won’t have to wait long to find out.

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “Heroes – Noah Bennet is still a great character”

January 14, 2010 at 9:51 AM

Claire was such an uncharacteristically terse brat in the doorway, that I was certain she would morph into Sylar after she closed the door in her father’s face.

HRG’s voiceover opening gave welcome clarity to the fact that Mohinder is now completely superfluous to the show. Agreed 100% on his habitual awesomeness, and I really need Noah to skip the taser and shoot Eli in the head with his .45 before the season is over.

I take back what I said about Emma, though. Sure, spending a couple of hours with a stranger/stalker carnie who shows up at your door knowing everything about you is enough to know he’s a “good person,” and trust him over your friend/co-worker. Moron.

A great ending, though, with a long-delayed kiss being interrupted by the Three Stooges ‘porting in and just standing there, waving stupidly at Noah and Lauren.

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