CliqueClack TV

Who is being redeemed on Heroes?

The current “volume” of Heroes is entitled “Redemption.” We’re about halfway through the season so far and I can’t say that I’ve really seen any signs of redemption out of any of the characters. I’m not really complaining; during the “Villains” volume of the show we were pounded over the head with the theme so often it virtually lost all meaning by the end of the season. I’ve recently been pondering the redemption theme and wondering how it is going to apply to this volume.

Then I saw the new promo for the return of the show next week, which I have embedded below. It seems to be quite spoilerific, if you ask me, but definitely kind of cool, and I think it makes it clear just who we can expect to be redeemed by season’s end.

I suppose there weren’t that many characters in line for a redemption, and Sylar was definitely the obvious choice. I just don’t think we’ve seen any signs of Sylar even wanting to be redeemed so far, let alone starting down a path to becoming a good guy. In fact, having regained his body, he seems hellbent on some serious destruction.

Who am I to argue with the man himself, though? As he claims in the new promo: he’s going to save the world. This brings up a whole bunch of questions. Is he going to go head-to-head with Samuel at the end of the season? It seems like those two crazy kids were meant for each other. It seems far more likely that they would team up with each other instead of fight. Will Sylar “save the world” because he has a change of character, suddenly wanting to do the right thing? Or will he just be so pissed that Samuel tried to kidnap, brainwash, and use him that he’ll lash out at the carnie? Perhaps saving the world will have nothing to do with Samuel.

I know one thing, and I can’t say this often: this little clip actually has me looking forward to more Heroes. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I’m excited for it, but I am am looking forward to it.

Photo Credit: NBC

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3 Responses to “Who is being redeemed on Heroes?”

December 30, 2009 at 1:53 PM

I think Redemption certainly pertains to HRG, with him trying to help and protect specials, as well as trying to rebuild his relationship with Claire. I also feel that Peter is getting back on the heroic path he was on in Season 1 (which hopefully leads to getting his true powers back, but thats just me). Hiro’s going back and trying to correct the wrongs in his life is also a form of redemption, although I don’t like that storyline. And even though he hasn’t seen much screen time, Mohinder was trying to make up for his and his father’s mistakes (see “1961”)

As far as Sylar goes, I think he will save the world out of self-preservation. While I don’t think it will happen, I’d love to see a full-powered Peter and Sylar forced to work together to take on Samuel and the carnival.

Definitely a cool teaser, I’m looking forward to Monday’s double episode.

December 30, 2009 at 1:59 PM

Another comment about the teaser: I think it would’ve been really cool if they’d have done a several thirty second clips (maybe even the same video), with different characters doing a voice over that reflects where they are now and gives a hint at where they could be headed

January 5, 2010 at 8:47 AM

I had thought we were going down the Sylar redemption path with his relationship with Elle, although obviously that ship has sailed, crashed and sank. Then again, I thought the same thing with happy homemaker Sylar and son in the possible future.

Even before seeing tonight’s episode, it was apparent due to their massive arrogance and narcissism that Sylar and Samuel could never truly co-exist without one being the pawn of the other, so a comic book-style supervillain team-up was simply untenable.

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