CliqueClack TV

Golden Globe nominations, CliqueClack style – Best Comedy/Musical

The 67th Annual Golden Globes nominations were announced this past week, and as is usual for a bunch of talkative bloggers like ourselves, we’ve got our own take on who we think should take the award for each category … that is, from those who were nominated. If there’s time before the awards date (January 17), we’ll go on about who we thought should be nominated and win the award, even if they aren’t on the list.

Last time we gave you our picks for Best Drama. Next up, the Best Comedy/Musical category….

Best Comedy/Musical
30 Rock, Entourage, Glee, Modern Family, The Office

Bob – 30 Rock: I’m thrilled for Modern Family, but after only half a season it hasn’t proven itself to be funnier than 30 Rock, which is having one of its best seasons.

Julia – 30 Rock or Glee: I’m honestly torn between Glee and 30 Rock. Both are phenomenal and have had phenomenal seasons. I’m not sure if Glee‘s as much of a comedy as 30 Rock is, but 30 Rock‘s won so many accolades I almost want to give it to someone else just to mix things up. I’d be happy if either won.

Kona – Modern Family: I love 30 Rock just as much as the next gal, but let’s face it: this category needs to be shaken up a little bit, and Modern Family provides just that kind of shakeup. I have watched every single episode, and I have nary a complaint about any of them (except for Edward Norton’s weird cameo). Nothing else on TV right now makes me laugh so consistently.

Deb – Glee: I’m going with Glee not necessarily because it’s my favorite in the category (though I do love it!) but because I think they’ve done something truly original and unique here, and done it  with style and cleverness.

Keith – Modern Family: I’m going with Modern Family, only because I don’t watch 30 Rock. I don’t think the other three nominees deserve to be here, including The Office, because it’s been sucking this year. I watch Entourage, and it doesn’t deserve it — no way. And Glee‘s not better than Modern Family.

Ivey – Glee: I sneak this one in here, surprised at the nomination, but since BBT isn’t here, I think the musical will/can pull one off (I don’t watch any of the other shows, especially 30 Rock which, sorry Julia, I think is the most overrated tripe on television since Friends went off the air).

Rich – 30 Rock: I’d love if it was Glee, but it just doesn’t have the comedic chops of 30 Rock. The Office? Not this season.

Jason – Glee: In only half a season, there is no show on television like it. The actors are caricatures, yes, and yet enable us to get emotionally invested in them and their situations at the same time. The use of musical numbers for storytelling is handled brilliantly, and they’ve done a great job of expanding from a core group of characters, and fleshing out those peripheral presences already. It’s a show that’s firing on cylinders most shows take two or three seasons to find.

Brett – 30 Rock: I really would have given this one to Glee if someone would have shot Terri in the face after her second or third appearance and then all the kids danced and sang around her grave. But they didn’t, and I just couldn’t take it anymore. Congratulations, 30 Rock! (Of course, Venture Bros. remains the best comedy on TV)

Photo Credit: NBC

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