CliqueClack TV

Golden Globe nominations, CliqueClack style – Best Drama

The 67th Annual Golden Globes nominations were announced this past week, and as is usual for a bunch of talkative bloggers like ourselves, we’ve got our own take on who we think should take the award for each category … that is, from those who were nominated. If there’s time before the awards date (January 17), we’ll go on about who we thought should be nominated and win the award, even if they aren’t on the list.

First, let’s cover the Best Drama category….

Best Drama
Mad Men, Dexter, House, Big Love, True Blood

Bob – Mad Men: Honestly, it’s the only one of the five that I watch, but it’s track record speaks for itself and season three didn’t see any drop off in quality. The finale alone deserves every award out there.

Kona – Mad Men: If you would have asked me this a month ago, I wouldn’t even have hesitated. However, Dexter‘s fourth season was so strong, that it almost edged out Mad Men. In the end though, I’ve got to go with the folks at Sterling Cooper.

Deb – Dexter: I don’t watch Mad Men (yeah, I’ll get to it!) and House was pretty close for me, but Dexter takes it. I think there’s something about the 12 episode season that’s so appealing. Plus, the fact that a serial killer is the protagonist is so fresh, I just love it.

Keith – Mad Men: And I don’t even watch it. I’m just very trusting of the people who say it’s so great. I love Dexter, but I don’t believe it’s so good that it’s award worthy. I will say, though, that from what I saw of True Blood, WTF is it doing here?

Ivey – Abstain: I only watch one of the nominated shows, and True Blood doesn’t deserve it based on this year’s half brilliant/half ugly performance.

Rich – Mad Men or House: Mad Men is such a fan and critical success that it should win. However, if FOX sent the season six premiere episode of House for review, then House could definitely win.

Jason – Mad Men: I give a lot of credit to the premiere of House, but that’s just one episode. Over the course of the season, it hasn’t sustained itself nearly as well as Mad Men. This season saw everything change, and it was all handled so masterfully. The scene with January Jones and Jon Hamm where she confronted him on his true identity was enough, but there was so much more. The writing on this show is at another level.

Brett – True Blood: For the simple reason that it’s the one show the bunch where I actually watched all of the episodes live, which has to count for something. And this notion of “I hear it’s good, so give that one the award” is the same kind of backwards thinking that makes the Golden Globes a farce in the first place. If you only saw one show, vote for it. Do you really think all the people behind these awards saw everything? And if you are actively not watching a show, then it’s not a good show in your little TV world. (Also, Supernatural is better than all of these shows.)

Photo Credit: AMC

5 Responses to “Golden Globe nominations, CliqueClack style – Best Drama”

December 19, 2009 at 11:34 AM

Even if Dexter gets edged out in this category, John Lithgow should definitely get the Best Supporting.

December 19, 2009 at 12:53 PM

Mad Men is a notch above every other show nominated. The finale itself was epic television.

and keith and deb, i find it hard to believe that you write a TV blog and don’t watch mad men. get on that! ;-) what’s next? no “the wire”? the best tv shows of the decade have been mad men and the wire. only the sopranos can compete for depth, entertainment and quality.

December 19, 2009 at 1:39 PM

Ganesh: Just because we write, doesn’t mean we have to like what everyone else does. I don’t watch Mad Men, nor did I watch the Wire (Though I do plan on picking that back up at some point).

December 20, 2009 at 10:32 AM

I think that Sons of Anarchy deserves “honorable mention”. I am always very impressed by the performances and the writing. A really well put together show.

December 22, 2009 at 9:34 PM

I agree with brett, SUPERNATURAL WAS ROBBED!!

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