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Glee’s Mark Salling wants you to know that yes, he’s adorable

glee mark_sallingAs Puck on Glee, Mark Salling often plays the bad guy. He’s the mohawked jerk who sleeps with his best friend’s girlfriend, and dumps slushies on those less popular than he. He sexts with Santana while he’s babysitting with the future mother of his child, and raises money by making pot cupcakes. There is a lot to dislike about Puck.

However, over the first half of the season, we have seen the softer side of Puck. He genuinely does want to be with Quinn and raise their baby, even if he doesn’t exactly know how to go about doing it. His rendition of “Sweet Caroline” was positively dreamy, and he has actually managed to have some sweet scenes with Rachel.

Now Mark Salling wants you to know that he’s the type of guy that will wash the slushie out of your hair instead of throwing it on you, and to prove it, he’s made the most adorable video I’ve seen all week. It’s an original song about how much he just loves being part of the Glee family. Granted, I don’t think it’s going to usurp “Don’t Stop Believin'” as iTunes’ most-downloaded song any time soon, but in terms of pure adorable? It gets a 10 out of 10.

Photo Credit: FOX

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3 Responses to “Glee’s Mark Salling wants you to know that yes, he’s adorable”

December 16, 2009 at 1:19 PM

When Julia and I met the Glee cast earlier this year, Mark was there. Whether he was just shy or felt too much out of the spotlight to be bothered with, he seemed to want nothing to do with us and came off a little dickish … and that’s not coming from me — a few people there commented on it.

Just sayin’.

December 17, 2009 at 9:38 PM

I’ve got to vote for shy, b/c this was really, really adorable!

December 19, 2009 at 3:24 PM

That was cute… but I love his guns!

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