CliqueClack TV

Saturday Night Live: Taylor Lautner/Bon Jovi

- Season 35, Episode 9 - "Taylor Lautner/Bon Jovi"

SNL Taylor Lautner
I have to admit, I had no interest at all in checking out this episode of SNL, given that there’s just too much Twilight flying around these days as it is, so why succumb to more of it? It turned out to be an OK episode, though completely unremarkable.

Cold Open: C-SPAN — Wow, they managed to keep things political in the cold open while still keeping it about Tiger Woods. The Tiger Woods segment last week was better than this. Much better.

Monologue: Taylor Lautner — When he made the joke about how old he was when SNL premiered, I thought it was way too similar to the one Taylor Swift made … and then I realized he’s her boyfriend. Didn’t they share notes? Maybe too much. Anyway, he did a decent job and had a pretty impressive martial arts show, even if he missed Kanye’s head twice with roundhouses.

Rose Bowl Player Videos –Definitely a funny concept that worked out well. I still feel like something could have made it laugh-out-loud funny, but I can’t complain. Probably the funniest sketch of the night.

So Frickin’ Excited — This one was OK, but I’m kinda-sorta getting sick of Wiig being typecast as the crazy aunt or mother during the holidays.

PGA Tour Announcements — Pretty funny, but really, these could have just been a quick Weekend Update skits. Man, it is so true that the excitement of golf could be in deep doo-doo without Tiger present on the tour.

Sparkle Players Show Choir — Goddamn, Andy Samberg plays a funny-as-hell high school bully. He definitely made this skit. Taylor Lautner also did a decent job in this one, but what’s with him having to wear the wigs?

Musical Guest: Bon Jovi — Anyone else think this was kinda an odd choice to match with tweeny heartthrob Taylor Lautner? Maybe if this was twenty years ago. I was surprised Jon Bon Jovi didn’t appear in any of the segments, nor did “Jon Bovi.” And did anyone else think he looked nervous and/or pissy while waiting to go on? Maybe he’s sore about Jon Bovi….

Weekend Update — The Native American segment went on way too long. Best quote: “As new reports of his alleged extramarital affairs continue to surface, Gatorade announced this week that it’s dropping its Tiger Woods-themed sports drink, while Bird’s Eye is going forward with its like of Tiger Woods Side Dishes.”

Team Jacob vs. Team Edward — This skit was funny in how Taylor Lautner participated in making fun of crazed Twilight fans, but it was also sad because, well, there really are crazy Twilight fans like that, and they’re probably a lot older. Gross.

Love Connection at the Mall — I used to not like Kenan in skits at all, and he’s quickly becoming one of my favorites. This was a simple sketch but seeing Kenan get dragged around on a wheeled … board? … was pretty damn funny, especially when he’d get pulled away too fast or fall right the hell off it.

Doorbells and More — I’m so tired and bored at this point that I don’t even know what to say about this one. It was one ding dong too much. I was more excited to see the ending goodbyes at this point.

Photo Credit: NBC

10 Responses to “Saturday Night Live: Taylor Lautner/Bon Jovi”

December 13, 2009 at 4:08 AM

Sorry, but I love seeing Kristin Wiig go nuts. “Did Sue just climb UP the chimney?” made me laugh out loud. I hope she brings out the Target lady for a holiday shopping sketch next week!

December 13, 2009 at 5:34 AM

The poll only seems to allow one vote, not two. I think this is true for everyone, according to the totals.

December 13, 2009 at 8:46 AM

Sorry about that! Fixed.

December 13, 2009 at 8:04 AM

Terrible episode. I’ll admit I skipped the first few sketches, I just couldn’t get through them. I agree with Keenan getting better over the last few years, the writers seem to have a better idea of the range he can play more recently. Also enjoyed the lady featured players in this episode. I like how they each had a chance to perform in this episode. Nasim Perdad makes funny voices, Jenny Slate showed some diversity with her characters in the twilight sketch and doorbell sketch, and Abby Elliot just has a natural comedic charm.
I’m glad that they have James Franco hosting next week, as he is someone I actually respect and has comedy cred. I understand SNL’s need for young people ratings and their stunt casting of hosts who will appeal to those young people, but they could mix it up some more.
Also SNL, when you come back in the new year how about some more indie music acts. I enjoyed Vampire Weekend, Arcade Fire, Fleet Foxes when they were musical guests. This season has been pretty much adult contemporary, pop, and R&B.

December 13, 2009 at 11:39 AM

Ding-dong. Worst episode ever. Wha?

December 13, 2009 at 12:48 PM

Definitely one of the worst episodes I’ve ever seen.

Kristin Wig used to be funny, and they used to make good use of her. Now, what she basically ends up doing is saying something stupid and/or annoying, and following it up with a funny face. Neither funny nor interesting.

Make use of her talent as a great impressionist, or get rid of her.

December 13, 2009 at 2:40 PM

Jon Bovi with Bon JOvi would have been a guaranteed “Best of SNL” highlight for years to come. The fact that the singer is way-too-uptight with his image and perfect hair says a lot about him, his audience, his career, etc. You can have the greatest talent in the world, but if you stick to sticky, patriotic, boring ballads and don’t challenge yourself, well, you could become Jon Bon Jovi. Opportunity missed for SNL and the great BJ.

December 13, 2009 at 4:10 PM

I love Keenan since back in the “All That” days. I like that they brought back Reba. & the Love skit was hilarious.

I thought tonight was a good ep.

December 13, 2009 at 4:38 PM

The monologue would of been better if after all the martial arts stuff Taylor lost to the mannequin.

Wiig annoys me to no end now on this show. In movies she can be funny, on SNL she gives me a headache.

I would of hated everything about the show if it wasn’t for Andy’s bully and Keenan in the love skit. Bon Jovi has been stinking as of late and Taylor Lautner can’t do comedy. I think his acting is limited to taking his shirt off.

December 13, 2009 at 11:40 PM

Watching paint dry is more entertaining than watching SNL. The show is years and years past its prime. But desperately bored people do need something to do on Saturday nights.

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