CliqueClack TV

Christmas brings old crushes, bad hair, and new religions to 30 Rock

- Season 4, Episode 8 - "secret santa"

30 Rock

3o Rock has set the bar for Christmas episodes pretty high with stellar outings in each of the past few seasons. If you recall previous Christmas installments have seen a visit from Liz’s family, who were promptly destroyed by Jack’s mother, and an episode dedicated completely to Jack’s always awesome mom. My expectations going into this episode were pretty high.

Did this episode join the pantheon of great 30 Rock Christmas episodes? Not really, but it was still a very good episode of the show.

Man, Jack sure goes through a lot of girlfriends, doesn’t he? This week Julianne Moore provided the company as Nancy, Jack’s old friend from high school. As a native of Massachusetts, it’s always hard watching someone try to do a Boston accent. Julianne Moore’s wasn’t the worst I’ve heard, but there are so few who can actually nail it. Perhaps it will get better as her time on the show continues, as it seems like she is going to stick around for a little while. I liked Jack and Nancy together, but what I would really love to see is some more Isabella Rossellini as Jack’s ex-wife Bianca.

The rest of this episode didn’t quite seem to gel as well as some of the earlier episodes of the season. Jenna was her normal crazy self, so afraid of sharing the spotlight with Danny that she had a “rage stroke,” Kenneth was trying to spread some Christmas cheer which the writers avoided by creating their own religion, and Tracy was barely in the episode. I do have to give credit to Tina Fey for keeping the awful hair from last week’s episode. That’s dedication.

Here are my favorite quotes of the night:

“…and then the person with the highest number gives the smallest gift to the tallest person. If they want to switch, they cannot, unless they do. Then everyone puts their head down except the murderer, oh wait that’s not right.” – Kenneth, going over the rules of his gift swap

“Weird in a good way… like going to the gym drunk.” – Jack

“O.M.F.G.” – Jack

Jack: Can’t I just enjoy this while it lasts?
Liz: That’s what I said when that hot dog vendor passed out, but you made me go get help.

Nancy: You know how hard it is to get teenagers out of bed in the morning.
Jack: Yes, but not in the way you’re talking about.

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “Christmas brings old crushes, bad hair, and new religions to 30 Rock”

December 12, 2009 at 9:14 AM

I think my favorite bit was Kenneth’s joy at seeing “God” (actually Liz) punish the wicked, including smiting Lutz with a stun gun.

And you didn’t mention Danny’s awesome, and subsequently awful, singing voice. Or his education in sarcasm.

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