CliqueClack TV

Should I keep watching Syfy’s Alice?

Syfy's Alice

Syfy debuted the first two hours of their latest original movies/mini-series, Alice, this past Sunday night, then the rest of it Monday night. First of all, in the interest of full disclosure, I’m still sore over not having received the screener for it. I’ve had a really good relationship with the Syfy folks for years, so I’m not sure why the snubbed me this time. What up, Syfy? Maybe it was because I kept claiming the idea for Syfy to cover Alice in Wonderland was mine? Oh come on, it can’t be … that would be cool, though….

In any case, I hear the screeners had very unfinished special effects and didn’t truly give one the experience of what the finished product would be like. Having seen the first hour of the show, I can see why unfinished effects might be an issue, because it really did look stunning.

I didn’t get to that first hour of Alice until really late Monday night, and because I was sporting an awesome head cold at the time, I couldn’t stay up to catch the rest. So, now I’m a few hours behind, and I need to ask you this: do I keep watching or delete those precious gigabytes of data from my already cramped DVR? Vote away!

Photo Credit: Syfy

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9 Responses to “Should I keep watching Syfy’s Alice?”

December 9, 2009 at 3:19 PM

I enjoyed it well enough. Good to see Andrew Lee Potts outside of his “Primeval” character. Also good to see Teryl Rothery and Matt Frewer.

(I was beginning to think that nobody On CC or TVS was going to mention it at all.)

December 9, 2009 at 5:27 PM

I was thinking about how seeing Andrew Lee Potts made me angry over the cancellation of Primeval after the final season ended on a gigantic cliffhanger!

December 9, 2009 at 8:06 PM

Um, I guess you missed the news that Primeval was “un-cancelled” and is expected to be back for another 13 episodes.

December 9, 2009 at 4:25 PM

I watched the first part and was wondering the same thing myself!

December 9, 2009 at 4:33 PM

I haven’t watched either part yet and was wondering whether I should bother. I take it that the first half wasn’t very interesting?

December 9, 2009 at 6:38 PM

The first 30-60 minutes was a little show and I wasn’t sure where the show was going, but I kept watching. So glad that I finished watching it. The second night was better than the first night, mostly because I understood the ‘world’ that the story took place in. And, the end…made it all the more better.

Going in to the show, I thought it was a re-telling of Alice in Wonderland. It is not. It is Wonderland 150 years after Alice in Wonderland. I don’t really remember the story of Alice in Wonderland that well. I’m not sure if that allowed me to enjoy it more or less from missing some references.

Overall, I loved it.

December 9, 2009 at 7:40 PM

OT but…

Lenny, I’ve read that someone has come up with the money so a new season of “Primeval” will be done, with the current cast returning.

December 10, 2009 at 7:24 AM

Watched Part 1 off the DVR, and found it much better than I was expecting, certainly more so than Tin Man. I really like how Scorsone is playing Alice, and that her character has seemed both smart and remarkably adaptable thus far. And I immediately took to Lee-Potts in this, even though I hated the idiotic Connor in Primeval. We’ll see if that holds up for Part 2, but after that opening, I say you’d be foolish not to finish watching it.

And it’s always good to see Rothery, Juliani, Meaney and Frewer again.

December 10, 2009 at 2:16 PM

It is a mess don’t waste your time.

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