CliqueClack TV

Lost in Lost – Will the final season include Libby answers?


There’s been a lot of talk and speculation about the upcoming final season of Lost. The official posters that I talked about a couple weeks ago sparked a bunch of it, as they feature just about every character on the show, including the dead ones. If you’ve checked out any of the casting rumors as we head into the new season, you are aware that some of those people are confirmed to be appearing in the final season.

There is one deceased character in particular that I would like to see again. There were so many unresolved questions swirling around this person before she left the show in a shocking manner. We’ve seen her since her death, but I’m really hoping that we get some closure on the stories of Libby before Lost comes to a close.

I’m sure that you recall that in the tail end of the second season Libby got plugged in the gut with a few bullets courtesy of Michael, who was doing the bidding of the Others. It was a shocking moment, and a surprising death. She was just beginning a relationship with Hurley and there were a lot of open questions with the characters.

The first major question came in one of Hurley’s flashbacks. It came during the time was he was in the mental institution. At the very end of the episode we learned that Libby was also a patient in the same hospital. To date we have yet to learn why she was institutionalized, whether she was truly sick or just spying on Hurley, and whether she even remembered him from the institution. I was hoping to get more answers regarding this when I heard that Cynthia Watros was going to be reappearing in season four, but that cameo was barely even noticeable.

The mental hospital wasn’t the only place where Libby unexpectedly popped up, however. In the season two finale we saw that she was responsible for giving Desmond the boat that brought him to the island. At that point she seemed anything but crazy. She seemed to have everything together and appeared to be doing pretty well for herself.

My guess is that she was working for Charles Widmore. We know that Widmore was connected to the island and most likely sent Desmond there hoping to keep him away from Penny. It was probably no accident, then, that Libby just happened to meet him and have a boat for him to enter the sailing competition. I don’t even know if the boat was actually hers. It’s also not unrealistic to believe that she was in the mental hospital in order to keep tabs on Hurley. We saw that Widmore employed spies long before flight 815 crashed as we saw with Locke and Matthew Abaddon.

No matter what the answer is, I just hope we get one before the show ends.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | Columns | General | Lost | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Lost in Lost – Will the final season include Libby answers?”

December 8, 2009 at 5:37 AM

I sure hope we get some closure for Libby’s story. I still think Cynthia Watros was totally screwed over by the writers in service of the plot, and the one actress that I definitely want to see starring in more projects.

December 8, 2009 at 11:03 AM

The show runners in interviews always act like the Libby storyline is over with. It would be a nice twist to find out they are just lying so they can shock us with the revelation that Libby works for Jacob or Widmore.

December 8, 2009 at 11:53 AM

During the conversations with Desmond…Libby talked about how she was sad because her husband had died. It was his boat, she didn’t need it anymore, so she gave it to Desmond. This is before the mental institution in the timeline.

Libby then appears at the institution along with Hurley and fake Dave. We all know that Hurley sees dead people and gets “advice” from them. Then Libby and Hurley end up on the island together…Hurley starts seeing Dave again and only finally gets rid of him when he decides to live life fully and pursue something with Libby.

I’ve always kinda wondered if Dave was Libby’s dead husband (although she was way too hot for him) and that the whole Libby storyline was more of a love story for Hurley than part of the strange conspiracy. Either way, I’d love to find out what the intent with all that was by the end of the series.

December 8, 2009 at 11:54 AM

I read somewhere an interview that stated definitively that Libby was in the mental institution due to a breakdown after her husband died. The same husband who’s boat she gave to desmond. i was desperate for this storyline too but it seems that that has satisfied me.

Just thought i’d throw that out there as there is no chance she comes back as her schedule is conflicting.

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