CliqueClack TV

FlashForward – Mark Benford is a moron, and some other theories


It seems like most detractors of FlashForward tend to point toward Mark Benford, or his portrayer Joseph Fiennes, for hating the show. I can’t say that I share the same feelings, but he certainly is a frustrating character. I hate impulsively stupid people, and I think Benford is just that. He is so obsessed with the blackout and changing the future that he is willing to risk just about anything … which is really annoying. At this point, I am dubbing him a big, huge moron. Even bigger than Lloyd, who clearly thought that it was a good idea to tell the entire world that he was responsible for the blackout even though he’s not sure.

I have to say that I was really annoyed with Zoey’s realization that her vision of the future was Demetri’s memorial service and not their wedding. It’s not that it was a turn of plot that I didn’t like or that it was a bad moment. No, it’s because I totally realized it about ten minutes before she did when I typed this into my post draft:

“Is Zoey’s vision of her ‘wedding,’ really a vision of Demetri’s memorial service? It would explain why everyone is gathered on the beach, dressed nicely, with Zoey carrying a single rose. Perhaps it is a scattering of his ashes over the ocean at the spot where they were supposed to be married?”

Doesn’t seem like such a brilliant theory at this point does it? Man, the one week the show decides to move fast on something!

In terms of other theories, I’m still toying with the idea that Demetri is somehow tied into the shady organization behind the blackout. With the revelation that Mark is the person who will murder Demetri, it seems even more likely now. Of course, Nhadra is anything but a reliable source of information considering that she is harboring D. Gibbons.

Did anyone else stick around to watch the preview for the remaining episodes of the season that are coming in March? Did you notice that there was a BV written in the sand at Demetri’s funeral? It was right after the narrator mentioned that someone was going to die. Does that stand for Bryce Varley? Was it a little hint that Bryce is going to be dying? Frankly, it would be pretty cheesy if that were the case. Hopefully, it was just a red herring.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “FlashForward – Mark Benford is a moron, and some other theories”

December 3, 2009 at 11:15 PM

I thought it looked like written in the sand was “By”, as if she was writing “Bye” in the sand to Demitri.
It was so fast though I would have to go back and see if I got it on my DVR.

December 4, 2009 at 2:28 AM

I actually was glad that the whole memorial service thing was finally out. From the first time we saw her flash back, that is what I assumed it was a memorial service not a wedding. In fact, it seemed a little dragged out for me. But, the way it was revealed, I enjoyed. I also liked how they brought his parents into the story and that they had a change of heart about the engagement. Something good came out of the flash forward.

Loved the episode! One of my favorites so far. Moved the story forward well. I am disappointed that this is another show that is taking a long hiatus.

December 4, 2009 at 10:57 AM

I thought this was easily the best episode since the Pilot.

CJ: Its just the way it is in an Olympics year :)

December 5, 2009 at 6:40 AM

The whole show has become pretty moronic. I’ll keep watching because I’ve watched “Defying Gravity” til the end and am still watching “Dollhouse” but man isn’t it a real slap in your face when your beloved genre is doing this crappy? Add “Heroes” to the mix and you have to be embarrassed you’re a Sci-Fi fan…

I’m so glad “SG:U” has turned out to be this great.

December 5, 2009 at 12:13 PM

Congratulations ABC, you have probably killed both Flash Forward and V with your scheduling. At oleast they will have LOST to fall back on…oh wait…

December 7, 2009 at 11:56 AM

I saw the BV and figured it was short for “Bon Voyage.”

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