CliqueClack TV

Heroes – I don’t think I was supposed to be laughing


Alright, I have to apologize if you liked this episode of Heroes, but for me it was an hour of stupid decisions and sappy sentimentality, with each scene a little more ridiculous than the next.

I know that we, as a fan base, have been clamoring for a major death for a couple of years now, but is this really what we were asking for? I, for one, wasn’t expecting the cheesiest, most overwritten death scene in the history of television. My eyes rolled so many times I got dizzy.

Was I the only one laughing through Nathan’s speech as he was hanging by his wrist from the building? I don’t think it’s possible. Maybe it’s just my cold, cold heart, but I thought the entire scene was over-sentimental and brimming with just about every cliche in the book. For crying out loud, Nathan told Peter to “keep fighting the good fight.”

Meanwhile, Claire and Peter took the opportunity to compete for world’s stupidest super-powered person (Mohinder is ineligible because he only got superpowers recently). What did Peter think was actually going to happen? Did he really believe that he could get Nathan back? I suppose he did, or was just wracked with grief, but there is no excuse for letting Nathan fall, only to see Sylar walk away good as new. How many times is Peter going to have the opportunity to finish off Sylar and blow it? Way to waste Nathan’s death, Pete.

I will be a little more merciful towards Claire. After all, Samuel is pretty silver-tongued and Claire has always wanted to fit in, but running away to join the carnival is just silly. She may be more gullible and trusting than stupid. All it took was a group of cute kids wanting to hear a story and a vendor giving a toy to a little girl to convince her that the carnival was the right place for her? How was seeing the Puppetman a moment of comfort and nostalgia for Claire? Didn’t he kidnap and torture her? Now she sees him and she wants to give him a hug and have a little chat? I hope she pays for this stupid decision. At this point, she deserves it.

Alright, I think I’m done with my incredulous questions, but there was very little about this episode that didn’t make me shake my head or roll my eyes. What did you think? Do you agree that it was completely ridiculous, or was I just in the wrong frame of mind?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “Heroes – I don’t think I was supposed to be laughing”

November 30, 2009 at 9:47 PM

For having to watch this garbage I think you should get a raise. lol

December 1, 2009 at 8:43 AM

I think you’re being quite fair to the episode, although I’d assign equal blame to Claire as to Peter. I just hope that Claire “paying for it” doesn’t require her father’s coin.

I was wondering how Nathan thought a drop of a few stories was going to kill Sylar? Why didn’t he ask Peter to let him fly into a volcano or an incinerator and test that regen power?

The one completely enjoyable part of the episode was HRG and Lauren teaming up against Samuel’s new right-hand man. They were both matter-of-fact and in perfect sync in their response. In fact, Lauren’s so smart that there’s no way she’ll survive the end of the season.

December 1, 2009 at 10:34 AM

Seriously, I would watch a spin-off about the two of them running around and catching supers. Noah is pretty much the only character who has remained fresh and interesting.

December 1, 2009 at 9:12 AM

thanks for the analysis!!
i planned to watch it tonight…. maybe i’ll watch the news instead.
my 2 cents… my initial love for this show has been in steady decline, especially recently – as it becomes more cheesy every episode — and what is their purpose?
where is this all going??
how and why can claire’s dad be so adept at catching super-power folks???
i mean, ok, sure he’s got a gun and all…. but c’mon!?!

thanks for the post Bob!

December 1, 2009 at 10:27 AM

Ok, I must have missed some things in the last two weeks, but did anyone catch, in the final montage, Mohinder/Ando/Hiro running around? When did those three get hooked up?

December 1, 2009 at 10:33 AM

They didn’t show anything leading up to that. Last we saw of Ando, he was still in Japan, Mohinder was in the crazy house (where I assume the 3 were running away from), and Hiro got his brain wiped at the carnival and disappeared.

Hopefully the show will fill us in, but it was definitely an odd choice to include in the montage.

December 24, 2009 at 1:16 AM

Maybe I missed it…but how did Peter absorb the Haitian’s powers if the Haitian’s power is to block others powers???

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