CliqueClack TV

V – See you in March

- Season 1, Episode 4 - "It's Only The Beginning"


Well those first four episodes certainly went by quickly, didn’t they? I thought that V showed a real improvement over the first month of installments. It’s a shame that ABC is absolutely destroying any momentum that the action might be seeing. Of course, it’s also stopping any more loss of viewers, as the ratings for the show continue to dwindle. I can only guess that ABC doesn’t have much faith in the success of the show (and hasn’t from the beginning).

In any case, it is what it is. As much as we would like to, we have no control over the programming schedules.

Well, the show certainly didn’t go out with a bang, did it? It wasn’t that this was a bad episode, but I was hoping for a bigger episode to leave us wanting more of this show for three months. Sure, there was the cliffhanger with Jack, but does anyone believe that he’s in any real peril? Also, there’s a huge fleet of Visitor ships coming! Shocking. Was that supposed to be news?

There was a lot to like in this episode, though. I think the best moment had to be the creepy dose of “bliss” that the fleet of Visitors received. I’m starting to understand why there would be a fairly strong resistance in the works amongst the alien invaders, and that’s starting to be the plot line interesting me the most. As magnanimous as Anna may seem, I’m thinking that she really is the evil mastermind that the rebels are painting her out to be.

I can’t help but draw comparisons between V and Battlestar Galactica. There are so many similarities: the hidden-among-us aliens (Cylons), they’re both remakes of campy sci fi shows, and they both have a healthy dose of political allegory. I have to wonder if the similarities are going to end up going deeper than that, however. With Tyler being “the one,” I’m guessing that they are planning on breeding him with Lisa to create a Visitor/Human hybrid. Of course, with Valerie also being knocked up back on Earth, I have to wonder if this hybrid is going to be some sort of “special” baby. Perhaps I’m reading too much into it, and looking for similarities where there are none.

What do you think? Anything to my theory? Will you be checking back in to V when it returns in the spring?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows | V |

9 Responses to “V – See you in March”

November 25, 2009 at 12:39 AM

I’m loving V so far, and I’ll definitely watch when it returns in the spring. You’re right about it having a BSG vibe to it, and that’s a good thing in my opinion. I think Stargate Universe was the show that was trying to be the next BSG, but this show looks to me like BSG’s true successor.

I was wondering the same thing about Valerie’s baby – is it going to be half lizard? Hmm.

November 25, 2009 at 8:15 AM

I liked tonight’s episode as well. Lots of reveals. I am really liking Ryan’s character and I think Georgie has lost it.

One thing that I learned is that if you pull out into the universe far enough, you are going to find something that surprises you. Either you are closer to earth that you thought or there is an invasion on its way. :)

Leave it to ABC (but wait they are not the only network) in its infinite wisdom to pull a show after 4 episodes only to show the rest four months later. Have they ever heard of the “Out of sight, Out of mind” saying? I hope this does not blow up in their faces and they lose a show that has great potential.

November 25, 2009 at 1:19 PM

I think the reasons ABC is holding off are good. Its not like FOX holding off the second half of the first season of Prison Break for programming reasons (At least, not that I remember).

In this case, they shut down production because, creatively, there were problems. Changing things up, make sure that the ratings bare out bringing the show back, and go from there.

November 25, 2009 at 2:18 PM

Loved the big cliffhanger reveal at the end and makes me want more! Just hate having to wait four months! Curse you, ABC!

November 25, 2009 at 3:54 PM

the four months wait isn’t as long as most people would think. most shows are taking long hiatus this year, from two months holiday break to four months mid-season break (like they do on cable shows, and fox and cw are doing it too) so abc isn’t exactly doing something too out of ordinary.

Anna’s cheesy spoof on new-age “inspirational” video was so unintentionally(?) funny that i wonder if the writers meant for it to be taken lighthearted or not.

November 27, 2009 at 7:02 PM

Liked the episode. I hope the numbers are there when the show returns. I do wonder about the V heirarchy system. Is Anna the Queen Lizard and the rest are just worker drones, kept in line by the whiff of promised Bliss?

Tyler, Tyler, Tyler, biting your own lip when kissing a girl is the lamest move ever. If I have to see that again I will sell my television. Hopefully they won’t be going for the hybrid baby with that little love match.

What if Tyler’s dad is John Mays? And Tyler is a hybrid himself?

It’s sort of hard to believe that so many people are so accepting of the V’s. “We are of peace always” is usually super easy code for “We will be fattening you up so that we may use your bodies for fuel and food”.

November 27, 2009 at 9:41 PM

Yeah, at this point, you’d think if anyone would hear the phrase “We Come in Peace” that they’d high tail it the frak out of there….

November 28, 2009 at 8:18 AM

The invasion fleet did underscore Ryan’s point that revealing the true face of the Visitors would be foolish, as the retaliation would be massive and total. They’ll have to resist laterally.

If anything, I would think that the special hybrid baby would be cribbed from the first V, and have nothing at all to do with BSG.

I’m looking forward to the return of the series, but it almost feels like the network programmed it to fail.

November 28, 2009 at 7:07 PM

I found this on airlockalpha:

“V” seems to be in good shape to at least complete its season, and Airlock Alpha is starting to hear rumbling that ABC and Warner Bros. Television are looking forward to the second season already with an announcement coming possibly by the end of the month on some future plans.

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