CliqueClack TV

Sanctuary – Did Helen Magnus shoot Bigfoot?

- Season 2, Episode 7 - "Veritas"

Dr. Helen Magnus of the Sanctuary points a gun during a tense moment.

When Will finds out someone has been shot, did you have any doubt that it was Bigfoot? From reading the episode’s description, I was worried that this was going to be one of those trial stories, where the hero is accused of a crime but there is never any doubt that his friends will find a piece of evidence at the last moment to prove him innocent. But as I got sucked into the episode, I began to think, This is the episode I’ve been waiting for! Bigfoot is dead, and Magnus is slowly losing her mind over the death of Ashley.

Don’t laugh. I really believed it. Sanctuary always gets my hopes up and falls short of them, though it surprises and entertains in other ways.

“Veritas” escaped the “trial show” cliche thanks to a couple twists. 1) Magnus really did shoot Bigfoot. 2) Will and Henry never manage to find any exonerating evidence. 3) The whole thing was a sting.

Towards the beginning of the episode, before Magnus really starts to go bonkers, I thought maybe she could be losing it now because of grief over the death of her daughter. Slight insanity would have been an interesting dimension to add to the character. When she starts shouting and going over the top, I knew the situation would have to be resolved by the end of the hour. At that point, I only hoped that Bigfoot was really, truly dead.

Of course, he was not. Why do the writers insist on having Bigfoot around? If the goal is to keep Christopher Heyerdahl employed, they could write more of John Druitt into the show.

What did you think of the telepathic abnormals? The actress who played Emma was pretty but not very compelling. Do you think she was the obvious choice for the villain? Somehow I think no matter who turned out to be the bad guy, it would feel obvious — unless it was one of our main characters.

Any idea as to why Magnus sent her misspelled email to Kate (who probably hasn’t won any spelling bees) and not to Will? I’m still pondering that.

I’ve been pointing out the negatives, but I thought “Veritas” was a good episode (not great like the second half of “End of Nights”). So far, that’s how I think of Sanctuary as a whole — a show that entertains but hasn’t pushed any boundaries. Yet.

What did you think of “Veritas”? Leave a comment and share your thoughts.

Photo Credit: Syfy

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Sanctuary | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Sanctuary – Did Helen Magnus shoot Bigfoot?”

November 21, 2009 at 12:51 PM

I liked this episode until the end when it was found out that it was a sting. It felt like one of those “we backed ourselves into a corner and lets take the easy way out” type endings.

I think that Magnus slowly losing her mind would be an interesting storyline. She has been alive for many, many years and she has been through deaths, life and everything in between. It has to cause some issues.

I also like the “not everyone in the Sanctuary is a good guy” angle. It could make for some intrigue if someone is trying to take over from the inside.

As for the misspelling in the email, it was a cover for the actual informaion regarding the Big Bertha abnormal. When Will changed the spelling the map and such came up right away.

I have to say, I like the Bigfoot character. I find it amusing that he is a jack of all trades. He is a surgeon and he will clean your floors. :)

November 21, 2009 at 1:10 PM

Re the misspelling, I was wondering why she didn’t send the email directly to Will instead of sending it to Kate.

November 23, 2009 at 10:41 AM

Kate was never supposed to notice the misspelling. The thinking was probably that Will would have decoded the email immediately, before Helen had a chance to put her plan into action. Once Helen was under suspicion of the murder, Will went running around looking for evidence to clear her and spoke to all the staff, including Kate.

Sadly, given the current state of genre television, being competent and not annoying puts Sanctuary well ahead of most of the pack.

November 21, 2009 at 3:07 PM

“The actress who played Emma was pretty but not very compelling”

Don’t be dumping on Erica Cerra … she can’t be in Eureka all the time.

November 21, 2009 at 10:21 PM

Is this where all the Eureka characters go on the off season? What is it, three weeks in a row we have Eureka actors guesting. Not complaining since they’re get more screen time than normal.

November 22, 2009 at 2:03 PM

All the Vancouver based Sci-Fi actors and actresses show up on all the Vancouver-based shows … be they characters from Battlestar Galactica, Andromeda, Eureka, Warehouse 13, StarGate, SGA, etc …

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