CliqueClack TV

FlashForward – Bryce became a whole lot more interesting


Through the first eight episodes of FlashForward I found Bryce to be a pretty annoying character. Without knowing his motivation for wanting to commit suicide before the blackout, I had assumed (like many of you, I’m sure), that he was just a stressed-out doctor who couldn’t take the pressure. Because of that, I think I’ve dismissed him and his story line to date.

Based on the previews for this episode, it was obvious that Bryce was going to be the main focus of the show this week. I was expecting a terrible installment, and perhaps those lowered expectations helped me enjoy the episode, but I thought this week was a pleasant surprise.

It was nice to take a little breather from most of the blackout mysteries. With so many clues and suspects piling up, the big picture is beginning to get pretty clouded. This episode served as a bit of a break and a chance to reconnect with some of the characters.

I liked the reveal of Bryce’s cancer, finally giving his character some motivation. I can totally understand where he is coming from now, and even appreciate his overly optimistic sentimentality. I can accept just about anything if there is even the slightest logical motivation behind it. It seems like a lot of shows take for granted that the audience will connect with the characters, or they think they build suspense by hiding motivation. I can’t be the only one who gets frustrated at times with having to trust characters blindly, but I digress.

I fully expected to find the story of Bryce and his Japanese love interest to be cheesy and cliche, and while it is a bit cliche, I found myself willing to go along for the ride. I figure the story line could possibly get drawn out if there are a series of near misses. At the worst, it may turn out to be frustrating and boring, but in a best case scenario this could turn out to be a bright spot on the show, and one that doesn’t revolve around the increasingly murky picture of what caused the blackout.

What did you think of this week’s episode? Did you find it to be hokey, or did you enjoy it?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “FlashForward – Bryce became a whole lot more interesting”

November 20, 2009 at 10:25 AM

I think my biggest problem with the series is that Sonya Walger’s character is just so unlikeable. I’ve seen her get into unnecessary pissing contests with Bryce. I’ve seen her jump to conclusions when she was eavesdropping on her husband’s call to his sponsor.

Part of me thinks that her sleeping with the sick kid’s dad is what causes her husband Mark to start drinking again…. like the only point to her storyline is that ultimately it pushes Mark over the edge.

November 21, 2009 at 9:54 PM

just saw the eppy on, and my patience with the series is just about done.
Funny how someone would find Olivia unlikable when his husband pretty much forces everyone in his life to leave him!

I hate Mark Benford. I cannot stand him, and Joseph Fiennes is not doing any good. he’s a small and miserable character that just doesn’t work as a lead.

WTF was up with him going after the people in his life about Olivia’s mystery text message. Isn’t he working for FBI? tracking down some conspiracy theory about the cause of the blackout? so why didn’t he think of tracking back the number that sent the text? WTF was the writers thinking when they wrote such stupidity, do they think we’re all idiots?

Right now, the bright spot of this downer of a series really is Bryce and Keiko, and I’d take their cheesy happy ending over Mark Benford’s self-pity any day.

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