CliqueClack TV

The Good Wife – Could you share a bed with a hooker enthusiast?

- Season 1, Episode 8 - "Unprepared"

The Good Wife s01e08 - Unprepared

Now this made for an interesting turn of events, didn’t it? Or at least some food for thought. Out of nowhere, we, and Alicia, were hit over the head with the possibility that Peter was on his way home on bail. Thus the episode’s title, “Unprepared.”

I’ll tell you something, folks: I feel a little bit of anger towards Alicia for being so compliant in this entire situation. I’m not saying that, ultimately, she should have acted any differently than she did. But doesn’t it surprise you too to constantly find her just going along, without voicing what she’s thinking or feeling? I feel like a ridiculously tough backbone is sitting right there beneath her surface … for the life of me, I can’t figure out why she doesn’t use it.

I suppose it’s reasonable that she chooses not to discuss the matter with her kids. Although, I think they’re old enough to have strong opinions, one way or the other, about the situation at hand. And clearly they do. Grace seemed hesitant to allow Peter back into the house; I wasn’t sure if that was because she’s trying to protect Alicia, or herself. Zach, on the other hand, has suddenly become gung-ho about dad. I know he believes that everything’s a set-up, but am I mistaken in remembering that, not too long ago, he was pissed at him for what he did?

Actually, to digress for a moment, whereas last week I was onboard with Zach’s investigation of all of the mysterious things that keep on popping up on the Florrick’s doorstep, I’m no longer of that mind. Beside the fact that, technology aside, he’s very limited in what he can do, I also think he’s crossed that line into “crazy” territory. Let’s assume for a moment that the allegations of corruption are indeed someone’s grand scheme to do something to Peter … he admitted to the drugs and sex. Even if a picture here or there has been doctored, he admitted to it! Love him, enjoy your visits with him once he’s out of prison, but don’t pretend that he hasn’t violated the sanctity of his marriage and his family by enthusiastically suggesting that he should return home if freed on bail. And keeping Alicia in the dark isn’t just dangerous, it’s a violation as well.

But back to our topic of conversation. Why is it that Alicia never once said last night, in private, to her husband, “I’m happy that the appeal is moving forward, and that you may be able to get out of prison on bail. However, considering the situation, I think it would be best if you didn’t return home while we sorted things out.”? I just don’t get it. On the stand she could be as supportive as Peter needs — and by the way, Your Honor, whether they plan to share a bed goes directly to the question of bail here — but in private? Be the strong person that is at the center of this entire series!

And besides, Alicia seems completely distrustful of everything involving Peter. How can she not question the validity of their marital vows, and the bonds that tie them? She is being the “good wife,” but is that the right move for herself and her children? Was Silda Wall Spitzer right and Dina Matos McGreevey wrong (not that she had much of a choice, but still)?

I guess it all depends on your interpretation of the title of this series. I see it as summarizing the tale of a woman who must continue on after her life has fallen apart. But maybe it’s more about sticking with the life that’s fallen apart, and trying to rebuild it.

But, to be honest, I doubt that that’s the case. If it were, why would they cast a powerhouse like Julianna Margulies in this role? Something’s definitely coming, and soon, and maybe this episode was exactly what Alicia needed to propel her into telling Peter exactly what she’s thinking. Then we’ll really see the good wife soar.

Photo Credit: CBS

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