CliqueClack TV

Heroes – Mohinder!!!


Well, it’s been a long time coming, but Mohinder finally returned to the action on Heroes this week. I have to say that it was slightly anticlimactic, but we did end up learning a lot more about Samuel, his powers, and his motivations through Dr. Suresh’s reappearance. This season is finally starting to take shape. The November sweeps are working their magic and the steam engine of a plot is finally starting to get rolling.

I guess all that talk I threw out a few weeks back about Samuel being a Magneto-like leader was all bunk. I thought that he was a slightly twisted yet magnanimous figure who just wanted to live peacefully with other super-powered individuals. As we learned in this episode, his quest to gather more supers to the carnival is just an attempt to boost his own power. Sure, he may still actually believe all the things he says about living together with “brothers and sisters,” but I’m guessing at the end of the day, those really aren’t his motivations.

I was really happy to get some direction. The question now becomes motive. What does he plan on doing with his increased powers if he is successful in gathering enough super-powered folks around him. Is he just mad and power hungry, or does he have some devious, building-destroying plan? I’m happy to say that I’m actually looking forward to finding out.

Mohinder seems to have some interesting stories ahead of him as well. As much as many viewers (including myself) didn’t really miss the good doctor during his prolonged absence, it looks like he’s back to stay. Being locked up in an asylum, however, I’m not exactly sure what the future holds for him. Maybe he’ll become more interesting? Superpowers didn’t do it last season….

How are you feeling about the season? Do you think it’s picking up? Are you looking forward to more Mohinder? What about Sylar/Nathan?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Heroes – Mohinder!!!”

November 17, 2009 at 8:55 AM

Firstly, I hate people that say what I am about to say but here goes:

If I hadn’t already invested 3 years into ths show, I would not watch it any longer. It has become something I think I have to do instead of want to do.

In the first season, they were all headed for a common goal: Save the Cheerleader, Save the World. Now it seems they all going in hodge podge directions.

I have to say that I did not know how much I didn’t miss Mohinder until he was on tonight. That Dr. has some serious daddy issues.

Right now, the stories could be scaled back to Sylar and Samuel stories for me. They are the only stories I find even interesting. I mean, if I wanted to watch a find myself moment with 2 women, I would watch Lifetime. The Patrelli’s are getting old with the co-dependancy thing they have going on and Matt, who I thought would have a great storyline with Sylar is back whinnig to his wife.

I hope the whole carnival story blows up so there is something interesting to keep people coming back.

November 17, 2009 at 9:08 AM

Believe me, I know the feeling.

I’m really hoping that everything ties together, but they have a long way to go. I mean, how is Emma going to play a role in all of this? I can’t see how she fits in. Maybe she’s just supposed to be a love interest for Peter…

November 23, 2009 at 9:42 AM

Magneto was pretty power-hungry and autocratic himself. Don’t be so quick to discount the similarity.

My thought was that Emma’s power is also magnified by being around other supers. She sure seemed surprised when her cello(?)-playing cracked her apartment wall, so I don’t think that had happened before she met Peter. I predict she’ll be the one to face off with Samuel in the end.

I like this season about as much as 2 and much more than 3, except for the convenience of the heroes never talking to each other because that would expose too many of Samuel’s lies.

November 23, 2009 at 10:46 AM

Very, very interesting observation about Emma. Sadly, it almost seems like too smart of an idea for this show. That would be a very cool twist, though. We’ll see.

December 21, 2009 at 7:15 AM

Mohinder! is back !!!

well the first thing i love about him is , his narration.
After the first season they cut his role.But this time I am expecting something bigger from his character.

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